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  • 网络dian kingdom
  1. 牛头青铜器是古代滇国的重要祭祀用品。

    The bronze ox heads are the important sacrificial offerings of the ancient Dian Kingdom .

  2. 每种形态的滇国青铜扣饰都包含着自身独特的子形态。

    Each form of Dian Kingdom bronze ornament includes all decorated with their unique form .

  3. 滇国的国王问汉朝的使者:“汉朝和滇国,哪一个大?”

    The King of Dian asked the emissary from the Han Dynasty : " The Han Dynasty and the State of Dian , which is bigger ? "

  4. 一次,汉朝派遣使者出使滇国(今云南)和夜郎国(今贵州)。

    Once , the Han Dynasty dispatched1 an emissary to the State of Dian ( now Yunnan Province ) and the State of Yelang ( now Guizhou Province ) .

  5. 先秦时期以白族为主体建立的滇国

    A Majorly Bai-Populated Dian Kingdom Established in Pre-Qin Period

  6. 从一定程度讲,哀牢国的社会地位及影响比滇国大得多。

    The former was far more influential than the latter , to some extent .

  7. 古代滇国境内生活着许多民族,既有属于百越族群的居民,也有濮人、僰人等族。

    There were many ethnic groups such as Baiyue race , Pu people and Bo people living in the ancient Dian kingdom .

  8. 古滇国的先民们在这片水草丰茂的土地上,凭着自己的聪明才智开始种植水稻,驯养牲畜。

    Gudian country 's inhabitants were in this Fengmao water plants on the land , with their wisdom and talent began planting rice , domesticated livestock .

  9. 哀牢国与滇国在云南古代史上占有很高的历史地位,研究哀牢国同样与滇国一样重要。

    It is of great importance to make a study of Ailao society as well as Dian state because of their influential position in Yunnan ancient history .

  10. 作为云南民族舞蹈史上的第一个集大成时代,对古滇国青铜器上的舞蹈图像进行系统研究具有重要意义。

    There is a significance of studying those dancing images , as the Dian Kingdom is the first era of a great achievement in dancing in Yunnan minority dancing history .

  11. 滇国青铜扣饰的形状往往通过特定元素作为桥梁组合而成,成为滇国青铜扣饰边饰的一大特征。

    Dian Kingdom bronze ornament decorated with the shape often indirect , through a combination of sub-patterns , It become bronze ornament edging decorated with one of the major features .

  12. 通过对这些基本特征和现代设计特点的分析,可以得知滇国青铜扣饰造型艺术精神可供现代设计借鉴的几个地方。

    Through these basic features of modern design features and analysis , be able to tell Dian Kingdom bronze ornament decorated with the plastic arts for the spirit of modern design from several places .

  13. 自然形滇国青铜扣饰运用的组合方法更为多样化,根据自然形态的特点来进行语言媒介的组合。

    Dian Kingdom bronze ornament natural shape decorated with a combination of the use of a diversified range of methods , to stamp out the natural characteristics of the form to a combination of language media .

  14. 几何形滇国青铜扣饰对语言媒介的组合多遵从同心性、序列性,从而达到具有秩序,又有生命力的形式情感。

    Dian Kingdom bronze ornament geometric-shaped ornaments on a combination of multi-media language to comply with one mind , sequence , so as to achieve with the order , in the form of vitality and emotion .

  15. 青铜扣饰是滇国青铜文化中最为重要的装饰品,对于青铜扣饰造型的研究是滇国青铜艺术领域的一个重要方面。

    It is the most important ornaments of Dian Kingdom bronze culture researching . Bronze ornament decorated with the design of the study is the country Dian Kingdom bronze in the field of art is an important aspect .

  16. 其实,滇国和夜郎国的疆土,只有汉朝的一个州那么大,可是他们闭关自守,闭目塞听,不了解外界的情况。

    As a matter of fact , the territories of the State of Dian and the State of Yelang were only as big as a prefecture of the Han Dynasty , but they closed their states to the external contact , shut their eyes and stopped their ears , and didn 't understand the conditions of the outside world .

  17. 川滇地区为我国大陆最显著的强震活动区域,地震活动频繁。

    Sichuan-Yunnan region is prone to strong and high frequent earthquakes .

  18. 首先,笔者指出滇青铜文化发展的滞后性与技术的先进性之间存在矛盾,这种矛盾是由于滇国特殊的历史地理因素造成的。

    First , The author pointed out a contradiction that exist between the Bronze cultural development of backward and advanced Production technology of the Bronze .