
  • 网络clinical pharmacy;ClinicalPharmacy
  1. PDCA在医院临床药学管理中的应用

    Application of PDCA in Clinical Pharmacy Management

  2. 临床药学服务(ClinicalPharmaceuticalcare)是药学人员利用药学专业知识和工具,向社会公众(包括医药护人员、病人及其家属、其他关心用药的群体等)提供与药物使用相关的各类服务。

    Clinical Pharmacy Services ( Pharmaceutical care ) is the use of pharmacy staff expertise and tools , to the public ( including medical care personnel , patients and their families , other groups concerned about drug use , etc. ) to provide various services related to drug use .

  3. 我院临床药学室除了开展治疗药物浓度监测(TDM)外,还在开展药品咨询方面进行了一些摸索和尝试。

    We undertake not only the work of TDM ( Therapy Drug Monitoring ), but also approach the drug consultation .

  4. PIVAS的建立可提高“以病人为中心”的药学服务质量,为医院临床药学的发展提供一个崭新的平台。

    The PIVAS s foundation can improve the quality of pharmacy care , and offer a field for clinical pharmacy development .

  5. 结果与结论HPIS内部以服务院内患者和药房管理内容应用为主,基于临床药学知识和管理综合信息的辅助决策系统为目标;

    RESULTS : The interior HPIS engineering primarily serves in the hospital patients and the pharmacy internal management application contents , its objective is to build an auxiliary decision system based on clinical pharmacy knowledge and management synthesis information .

  6. 结果表明,药物咨询服务极大地推动了医院临床药学工作的发展,医院药学工作是一块大有作为的天地。

    The result showed that this work pushed clinical medicine forward .

  7. 我院开展临床药学服务的实践及意义

    Practice and Significance of Developing Clinical Pharmaceutical Care in Our Hospital

  8. 试论开展中药临床药学的必要性

    On the Necessity of Developing Clinical Pharmacy of Chinese Materia Medica

  9. 前言:目的:推动临床药学健康发展。

    OBJECTIVE : To promote the sound development of clinical pharmacy .

  10. 顺应时代要求发展临床药学教育

    Developing the Education of clinical Pharmacy to Conform to the Trend

  11. 开展肿瘤内科临床药学工作的实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion of Developing Clinical Pharmacy in the Oncology Department

  12. 药品不良反应监察是临床药学工作的一个重要内容

    ADR Monitoring & One of the Important Contents of Clinical Pharmacy

  13. 药师从事感染性疾病临床药学会诊的体会

    Experience of pharmacists participating in clinical pharmaceutical consultation on infectious diseases

  14. 从美国临床药学的发展引起的思考

    The consideration caused by the development of clinical pharmacy in USA

  15. 开设临床药学专业,加强临床药师培养

    Set up Clinical Pharmacy Subject and Strengthen Clinical Pharmacist Cultivation

  16. 医疗机构医师对临床药学信息需求状况的调查

    Investigation on demand for information about clinical pharmacy by physicians in hospitals

  17. 大力发展临床药学是医院药学工作的重点

    Development of Clinical Pharmacy Being Focal Point of Hospital Pharmacy

  18. 临床药学信息管理系统软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Clinical Pharmacy Information Management System Software

  19. 55所医院开展临床药学工作现状调查

    An investigation into present clinical pharmacy work in 55 hospitals

  20. 结论临床药学的重要性须在实践中体现;

    CONCLUSION The importance of clinical pharmacy should be mirrored from practice ;

  21. 在我国设置临床药学专业学位的初探

    A Research of Setting Professional Degree of Clinical Pharmacy in Our Country

  22. 临床药学专业设置与药学保健

    The curriculum of the Clinical pharmacy speciality and pharmaceutical care

  23. 医院药事管理在临床药学服务中的作用

    The Functions of Pharmaceutical Affairs Management in Clinical Pharmaceutical Service in Hospital

  24. 七年制临床药学专业实验室课程体系建设的探讨

    Construction of the Laboratory Curriculum of Clinical Pharmacology Program with 7-year Schooling

  25. 论临床药学的卫生经济研究

    Study Clinical Materia Medica from the point of View of Health Economies

  26. 目的:开展面向患者的药物咨询工作,便于药学人员了解患者需求和收集病情资料,促进临床药学的发展。

    Objectives : In promote the development of clinical pharmacy .

  27. 利用医院信息系统推动临床药学发展

    Promoting the Development of Clinical Pharmacy with Hospital Information System

  28. 临床药学英语实践(21)&合理用药案例分析(21)

    Cases analysis of rational use of medicine ( 21 )

  29. 基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Clinical Pharmacy in Fundamental Medical Institution

  30. 以临床药学实践为核心培养药师的临床思维

    Developing Pharmacists ' Clinical Thinking with Clinical Pharmaceutical Practice as the Core