
hù wài yùn dònɡ
  • outdoor sport;outdoor games/exercises
  1. 大多数户外运动衣服必须透气且防水。

    Breathable , waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sports .

  2. 如果你喜欢户外运动,这一旅行很适合你。

    If you enjoy outdoor activities , this is the trip for you

  3. 他非常喜欢户外运动,酷爱摄影和徒步旅行。

    He is a keen outdoors man with a great interest in photography and walking .

  4. 我喜爱户外运动。

    I 'm a lover of the outdoors

  5. 玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。

    Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports

  6. 她酷爱户外运动。

    She is an avid outdoors woman

  7. 我是那种特别喜欢户外运动的人。

    I was rather an outdoor type

  8. A:当然。我建议你在做作业之前先做个计划。先做最重要的事情,另外你最好做一些户外运动。

    A : Sure . I advise you to make a plan before doing your homework.First things first.And you 'd better do some outdoor sports .

  9. 天气很好,有利于户外运动。

    It is a fine weather for outdoor sports .

  10. 医生看了看病人的舌头,号了号脉。敲了敲他地胸部,说道:“还是老问题,朋友,运动量太小,不要否认这个事实。你需要大量的户外运动。走路。走路。”

    The doctor looked at his patient 's tongue , felt his pulse , knocked on his chest , and began : " Same old story , my friend . Too much confinement . Do not deny it . What you need is plenty of outdoor exercise . Walk , Walk . "

  11. 格林威治岬角(GreenwichPoint)是户外运动的集散地。

    Greenwich Point is the hub for outdoor activity .

  12. 第四部分,AA制户外运动事故责任具体分担。

    The fourth part is about the specific share of the accident liability in AA outdoor sport .

  13. 真人CS作为新兴的户外运动,恰恰符合了人们崇尚户外运动的心理。

    Honorable person CS takes the emerging sport , conformed to the people to advocate the sport exactly the psychology .

  14. 科罗拉多州威尔市(Vail,Colo.)退休人员鲍勃?林恩(BobLinn)与亚历克斯?林恩(AlexLinn)一年到头都在进行户外运动。

    Retirees Bob and Alex Linn of Vail , Colo. , exercise year-round outdoors .

  15. 主要对我国现阶段中有关AA制户外运动事故责任性质认定的有关观点进行介绍和评析,并在此基础上论证得出本文所认为的AA制户外运动事故责任的性质&侵权责任。

    It is mainly to introduce and analysis the viewpoint about defining the liability nature in AA outdoor sport accident in China .

  16. 2002年,日本汽车厂商本田汽车(Honda)推出了一款名叫“Element”的箱型SUV,希望能吸引二十来岁喜欢户外运动的年轻人。

    When Japanese carmaker Honda launched a boxy SUV called the element in 2002 , it hoped to draw outdoorsy twenty something buyers .

  17. ISIS成立于1998年,是一家集设计、生产和销售女性户外运动服装于一体的公司。

    ISIS , founded in1998 , designs , produces and sells dynamic women 's specific outdoor apparel .

  18. 美国铁人(USATriathlon)是世界上最大的多项户外运动组织者。该组织称,铁人三项比赛选手(包括参加较短距离比赛的选手)的平均收入为12.6万美元。

    USA Triathlon , the largest multisport organization in the world , says the average income for all triathletes , including those at shorter distances , is $ 126000 .

  19. 希望通过我们专业的媒体推广将REI的优秀产品真正的传递到户外运动爱好者的手中。

    We look forward to combining our media expertise with REI 's superior product offerings to really reach and engage outdoor enthusiasts .

  20. 目前高端羽绒服和户外运动面料市场基本被尼龙和涤纶面料所垄断,PTT面料是否能够在该领域取得应用拓展,关键看他有无特别的优性能,打价格战是没有出路的。

    Currently , the senior down and outdoor fabrics market is monopolized by the nylon and polyester fabrics . The Particular advantages of performance are the key point that PTT fabric can be applied and expanded in this field .

  21. 如果这两个趋势持续发展下去的话,越来越多的美国人将不会像NRA所期望的那样,把枪支和健康向上的户外运动联系在一起,而是认为枪支是导致致命性死亡的原因。

    If both trends continue , more and more Americans will come to associate guns not with healthy outdoorsmanship , as the NRA would like , but with swift and violent human death .

  22. 帕特·戴维森(PatDavidson),是一名运动心理学的博士。同时还是瑞典户外运动品牌PeakPerformance纽约市健身教育协调部主任。他表示不良的坐姿会使你的胯部突出,肩膀下垂,甚至会导致呼吸不顺畅。

    It causes you to jut your hips forward , slump your shoulders , and even breathe inefficiently , according to Pat Davidson , a trainer with a PhD in Exercise Physiology who is the Director of Training Methodology and Continuing Education Coordinator at Peak Performance in NYC .

  23. 据说,这两位36岁的女性都喜欢狗、网球和户外运动——凯特向她的新弟媳推荐了英国设计师EmiliaWickstead的服务。

    The two women , both 36 , are said to have bonded over their love of dogs , tennis and the great outdoors - with Kate recommending the services of British designer Emilia Wickstead to her new sister-in-law .

  24. 户外运动品牌Patagonia的创始人伊冯·乔伊纳德(YvonChouinard)说过这样一句名言:“没有意外,不算冒险。”卖掉房子你可能会损失一些钱。

    As the Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard famously said , " It 's not an adventure until something goes wrong . " Maybe you 'll lose some money in selling the house .

  25. 最近,他曾在Bushnell户外运动产品公司担任全国销售财务经理,负责Bushnell光学产品、配件及运动眼镜的销售。

    Most recently , he served as national account sales manager for Bushnell Outdoor Products in Overland Park , Kansas , managing sales of Bushnell sports optics , accessories and sports eyewear .

  26. 方法:在空气污染区选取经常参加户外运动的人群为实验组(EG),非运动人群为阳性对照组(CG1);在洁净区选取健康非运动人群为阴性对照组(CG2)。

    Method : the author Selected 24 workers from heavily polluted area as the experimental group ( EG ), with a non-exerciser group as the masculine control group ( CG1 ), and 12 healthy workers from clean area as the negative control group ( CG2 ) .

  27. 这种成长同样有益于中国户外运动用品的制造商。

    This major growth also benefits Chinese manufacturers of outdoor products .

  28. 射手座和水瓶座:喜欢刺激,热爱旅游和户外运动的你俩是再合适不过的一对了。

    You both love adventure , travel and the great outdoors .

  29. 因此对高校户外运动的研究就显得极其必要。

    So the University of outdoor sports it is extremely necessary .

  30. 对上海户外运动发展现状的调查研究

    The Current Situation of the Development of Outdoor Activities in Shanghai