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  • psychologist
  1. 戴着小圆眼镜、抽着雪茄的心理医生看上去更有洞察力吗?

    Is the psychologist wearing little round glasses and smoking a cigar more insightful ?

  2. 后来,她通过自己的心理医生联系到了国际刑警组织,做了DNA测试去认了自己的身份。

    She then contacted Interpol through her psychologist and DNA tests confirmed who she truly was .

  3. 5月22日,国家卫健委向两省派出由外科医生、重症护理专家以及心理医生等组成的医疗卫生组。

    The National Health Commission on Saturday dispatched medical teams , consisting of surgeons , critical-care experts , and psychologists , to the two regions .

  4. 《科学美国人MIND》杂志特邀编辑,心理医生罗伯特·爱普斯坦认为事实并非如此。

    Not so , says psychologist Robert Epstein , a contributing editor for Scientific American MIND magazine .

  5. 伦敦心理医生尼古拉斯·罗斯(NicholasRose)补充说,规则需要不断加以修订。

    Nicholas Rose , a psychotherapist based in London , adds that rules continually need to be revised .

  6. 临床心理医生LuandaYoung表示,就算只是一次性事件,但是这件事对男孩的影响是很深远的。

    Despite it being a one-off , clinical psychologist Luanda Young said it would have a definite impact on the boy .

  7. 然而,伦敦的心理医生尼古拉斯罗斯(nicholasrose)则表示,如果这种方法失败,你总是可以试着避开你厌恶的那个人。

    However , if that fails , says Nicholas rose , a London therapist , you could always try avoiding the person you hate .

  8. 贝勒医学院(BaylorCollegeofMedicine)的心理医生及教授格伦·O·加巴德(GlenO.Gabbard)博士称,向患者公开病历,可能会让医生不愿表达看法。

    Dr. Glen O. Gabbard , a psychiatrist and professor at Baylor College of Medicine , said that opening notes to patients might have a chilling effect on doctors .

  9. 儿科心理医生梅丽特•詹森(MerrittJensen)与费城儿童医院泌尿科合作。

    Merritt Jensen , a pediatric psychologist , works with the division of urology at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia .

  10. 甚至被攻击和性侵我的心理医生还曾告诉我:“Eleanor,你若是得癌症还比较好”

    and physical and sexual assault , and I 'd been told by my psychiatrist , " Eleanor , you 'd be better off with cancer ,

  11. 如果您在训练过程中进行过禅宗练习,您就能够应对这种情绪高涨,她是心理学博士,Freehold,NewJersey的临床心理医生。

    You can deal with this surge of emotions if you 've practiced going to a Zen place during your training , says Lucinda Seares-Monica , Psy . D. , a clinical psychologist in Freehold , New Jersey .

  12. 我开除她后,接到她心理医生的电话,Flanennen大夫,Flanen大夫,Flan大夫。

    See , after I let her go , err , I got a call from her psychiatrist , Dr. Flanennen , Dr. Flanen , Dr. Flan .

  13. 你这么说只是要让我去看心理医生。

    You 're just saying that so I 'll seethe psychiatrist .

  14. 我觉得你或许该跟我的心理医生谈谈。

    You know , maybe you should speak to my shrink .

  15. 假释后要去见心理医生。

    You 'll be on probation , see a court-ordered shrink .

  16. 不过别担心我在看心理医生

    but don 't worry , I 'm seeing a therapist .

  17. 人们嘲笑他,心理医生分析他。

    And people laughed at him . And shrinks analyzed him .

  18. 经心理医生的治疗97%以上的患儿得以康复。

    Over 97 % of the patients recovered after psychiatrists treatment .

  19. 我知道,就像心理医生的大众点评

    I know it . It 's like yelp for therapists .

  20. 亲爱的,但愿你是去看心理医生。

    I hope you 're gonna see a shrink , honey .

  21. 是那个心理医生告诉我的。

    That 's what the shrink told me , you know .

  22. 好的心理医生,应该可以看出他是一个骗子。

    A good psychiatrist would have known he was a charlatan .

  23. 也许你该考虑去和心理医生吐苦水。

    But maybe you should think about whining to a shrink .

  24. 这条消息足以让全世界的男人都去找心理医生。

    It 's enough to send men worldwide rushing for counseling .

  25. 你看心理医生多久了

    Huh . How long have you been seeing a psychiatrist ?

  26. 就我那价格不菲的哈利街心理医生告诉我的那样:编个瞎话。

    As my expensive Harley Street psychiatrist tole me , lie .

  27. 她最好去咨询中心见见心理医生。

    She 'd better see a psychiatrist at the consoling center .

  28. 航空转包生产测试结果由神经心理医生进行测评、分析。

    Aeronautical Subcontract Production And the data were analyzed by neuropsychology physicians .

  29. 这位心理医生对人性有很深的了解。

    The psychologist had a deep knowledge of human nature .

  30. 你可以告诉监狱的心理医生。

    You can tell the prison psychiatrist all about it .