
xīn lǐ tè zhēnɡ
  • psychology;psychological feature;mental profile
  1. 学习困难青少年的心理特征及其相关因素分析

    Mental profile of teenagers with learning disorder and the influencing factors

  2. 住院肝癌患者112例心理特征及相关因素调查

    Mental profile and related factors in 112 inpatients with hepatocarcinoma

  3. 其实,人们对于内向和隐秘自恋型心理特征的理解有些惊人地相似。

    As it turns out , there are some striking similarities between the popular understanding of introversion and a psychological characteristic called covert narcissism .

  4. 目的:探讨应激障碍(SD)患者的病理心理特征及MMPI-PK量表的评估效果。

    Objective : To investigate psychopathology and diagnostic efficiency with MMPI - PK scale for patients with stress disorder ( SD ) .

  5. 目的:采用MMPI-2评估应激障碍(SD)患者的病理心理特征,并探讨其辅助诊断的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate psychopathology and diagnostic efficiency with MMPI-2 in patients with stress disorder ( SD ) .

  6. 通过Logistic多因素分析,学习成绩好为保护性因素,而负性心理特征、自杀意念、上网时间≥4h/d、男性为危险因素。

    Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that the good school achievements were the protecting factors and male , using internet more than 4 hours per day , negative psychological characteristics and suicidal ideation were the risk factors of IAD . 3 .

  7. 方法:以2005级795名全体医学本科学生为研究对象,采用症状自测量表(SCL&90)进行测试和评定,运用EPQ进行心理特征的测试和评定,并与全国常模进行比较。

    Methods : To evaluate the mental health conditions of 795 undergraduate students in our college with SCL-90 and EPQ , and then compare the results with Chinese norm .

  8. 《贝姆性别角色问卷》(BSRI)是美国心理学家Sandra·Bem编制的,用于测量个体性别心理特征从而区分不同类型性别角色的问卷。

    BSRI is a type of questionnaire which is worked out by American psychologist Bem for measuring individual sex psychological characteristics to distinguish different types of sex roles .

  9. 提示SF-36量表可以用于老年人运动健身过程中对生存质量的评价,但是,建议根据我国的文化背景,结合老年人的心理特征和思维方式对社会功能维度进行适当的修改。

    It suggests that SF-36 scale can evaluate the living quality of elder people during physical activity , but should make proper modification combining with the mental character and thinking way of elder people based on our culture background .

  10. 成人学习者的心理特征与成教管理的有效性

    Psychological Features of Adult Learners and Management Efficiency of Adult Education

  11. 牙病患儿治疗时的心理特征及护理干预

    Psychological Character and Nursing Intervention Daring Treating Children 's Dental Diseases

  12. 特定的社会氛围造成特定的社会心理特征。

    Specific social atmosphere results in specific features of social psychology .

  13. 基本体操训练对幼儿某些心理特征的影响

    Effects of Basic Gymnastic Exercises on Some Psychological Characteristics of Children

  14. 酒依赖患者心理特征对照分析

    The comparative analysis on the mental characteristic of alcohol dependence patients

  15. 成人学习心理特征与成人教学改革

    Psychological Characteristics of Adult Learners and Teaching Reforms of Adult Education

  16. 重症肝炎患者心理特征的前瞻性调查及护理干预

    Prospective Survey and Nursing Intervention for Psychologic Characteristic of Grave Hepatitis

  17. 民航飞行员的个性心理特征研究

    A study of personality characteristics in pilots in the civil aviation

  18. 从个性心理特征论高校科技管理人员的选拔

    The Selection of Administrative Personnel of Science and Technology in Universities

  19. 优秀运动员职业心理特征现状研究

    Research on Present Condition of the Occupational Mental Characteristic Of Excellent Athlete

  20. 射箭运动员心理特征和心理训练探讨

    Discussion on Mental Feature and Mental Training of Archery Athletes

  21. 抑郁症患者个性心理特征的研究

    Characteristics of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in Patients with Depression

  22. 急诊科病人心理特征及处理对策

    Psychological features of patients for emergency service department and policies to them

  23. 中国羽毛球运动健将思维心理特征的测试研究

    Testing Study on the Thinking Characteristics of the Chinese Elite Badminton Players

  24. 非典时期民众社会心理特征研究

    A Study of People 's Social Psychological Characteristics During the Sars Period

  25. 消费者心理特征对新产品购买的影响作用研究

    Studies on Effects of Consumer Psychology on New Product Purchasing

  26. 少数民族文化及心理特征对英语学习的迁移

    On the Transfer of Li Minority Culture and Psychology to English Learning

  27. 试析摔跤运动员的认知心理特征

    Analysis about the Psychological Character of Recognization of Wrestling Athlete

  28. 青少年唇腭裂患者自我意识心理特征的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Self-concept Psychological Feature of Cleft Lip and Palate Adolescents

  29. 儿童胃镜检查的心理特征及护理干预

    Nursing Intervention and Psychological Character of Children with Gastroscope Checking

  30. 高效数学学习的学生心理特征模型

    Students ' Psychological Characters Model of High Effective Mathematics Study