
  • 网络Psychological development;psychology development;Mental Development
  1. 多元智能理论是美国哈佛大学心理发展学和教育学家霍华德·加德纳(HowaGardner)在1983年提出的。

    The Theory of Multiple Intelligences psychological development of the United States at Harvard University and educators ? Howard Gardner ( Howa Gardner ) made in 1983 .

  2. 师范生心理发展与素质培养研究

    Study on Teachers-College Students ' Psychological Development and Their Quality Training

  3. 幼儿事件相关电位(ERP)对研究儿童心理发展有重要意义,因试验难度大,国内外至今未见报道。

    Abstract Event-related potential ( ERP ) is important in the study on the psychophysiological development in children . However the report concerned is scanty because of its difficulty .

  4. 20世纪80年代后期,戈尔曼博士采访了年已八旬的埃里克松及其妻子琼(Joan)。最初,埃里克松的人生社会心理发展理论包括从幼年直至老年的八个阶段。

    Dr. Goleman interviewed Erikson , along with his wife , Joan , in the late 1980s , when both were in their 80s . Erikson 's theory of human development had initially included eight stages , from infancy to old age .

  5. 儿童的心理发展与钢琴教学

    On the Growing Process of Children 's Psychology and Piano Teaching

  6. 大学生心理发展阶段特点及对策

    The Features of Psychological Development Stage of College Students and Strategies

  7. 论互联网对大学生性心理发展的负面影响

    Negative Influence of the Internet on College Students ' Psychosexual Development

  8. 关于网络对青少年心理发展正面影响的研究

    The Study of Networks Positive Influence to Teenagers ' Psychological Development

  9. 马克思主义关于儿童心理发展的理论

    The theory of child mental development in the light of Marxism

  10. 少年儿童音乐心理发展的特征及教学原则

    The features of children 's music psychological development and music teaching principle

  11. 自信心是儿童自我意识不断成熟和发展的标志,是儿童心理发展的动力。

    Self-confidence is the symbol of children 's self-awareness development .

  12. 超常儿童心理发展追踪研究五年

    A five-year study of the mental development of supernormal children

  13. 这些习俗在汉字本身有明确的反映,从一个侧面体现了汉民族的心理发展历程。

    All of these reflected the history of civilization of Han nationality .

  14. 试论儿童心理发展的内外因问题

    On the External and Internal Causes of the Mental Development of Children

  15. 当代弱势群体大学生心理发展的特点

    Characteristics of the psychological development of contemporary vulnerable college students

  16. 本文试图从儿童心理发展的角度,对这个年龄阶段幼儿的家长提出一些粗浅的建议。

    This paper , from the viewpoint of psychological development in children .

  17. 她对孩子的心理发展感兴趣。

    She is interested in a child 's psychological development .

  18. 职业学校学生心理发展特点及教育策略

    Vocational School Student Psychology Development Characteristic and Education Strategy

  19. 大量研究发现,各种家庭因素都会影响个体的心理发展。

    Many studies found that various family factors can affect individual psychological development .

  20. 高中生音乐心理发展与教学研究

    Senior Students ' Music Psychology Development and Teaching Research

  21. 高校学生心理发展的影响因素及健康教育措施

    The effective factors and specific measures of the mental development of college students

  22. 语文美育与学生心理发展

    Aesthetics in Chinese Teaching and Students Growth in Mentality

  23. 儿童与青少年选择参照对象的心理发展

    Psychological Development in Reference Choices by Children and Adolescence

  24. 高师学生的心理发展特点及其教育对策探讨

    The Mental Development Character of Contemporary High Normal University Student and Inquiring Education Countermeasures

  25. 婴儿心理发展与家庭环境的相关性研究

    Relationship Between Infant Mental Development and Home Environment

  26. 国内外关于亲子关系及其对儿童心理发展影响的研究

    Study of Parents-Child Relationship and It 's Influence On Child Development At Home and Abroad

  27. 这是违背学生心理发展规律和作文教学规律的。

    This is a violation of the psychological development of students and the teaching structure .

  28. 多媒体教学与学生心理发展

    Multi-media Teaching and Psychological Development of Students

  29. 合肥、北京、香港大学新生生活与心理发展状况调查

    Survey on Life and Psychological States of Freshmen in Hefei , Beijing and Hong Kong

  30. 论俄罗斯主体心理学的心理发展观

    Thoughts on Development in Russian Subjective Psychology