
gōng fǎ
  • public law;law of state;jus publicum
公法 [gōng fǎ]
  • (1) [law of state]∶国家的法令

  • (2) [public law]∶资产阶级法学中指与国家利益有关的法律,如宪法、行政法等。区别于私法

公法[gōng fǎ]
  1. Praetor的实与名:从正名开始的罗马公法研究

    Nature and Name of Praetor : A Study of Roman Public Law by Justifying the Name

  2. 笔者认为ISPS规则是公法内容,但对私法即海上货物运输关系方的权利、义务、责任以及保险人和被保险人都会产生影响,从而影响海上货物运输业和保险业。

    The auther believes that ISPS Codes belongs to public law but it will affect the rights , obligations , duties of the parties who perform international contract of carriage of goods by sea and affect sea transportation trade and insurance .

  3. 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉。国际公法一直被视为是调整主权国关系的一套原则和规则。

    One of the most flagrant of infringement . Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states .

  4. 公法线长度最佳跨越齿数K的计算

    Calculation of optimum teeth across number K for length of normal line

  5. 第一部分是从宏观角度论述WTO法的国际公法性质。

    The first part mainly demonstrates the nature of WTO law from a macro & perspective .

  6. WTO基本规则作为国际公法,对各成员国的政府管理有着明确的要求和普遍的约束力。

    As the international public laws , the basic rules of WTO have clear demand and common sanction to the government administration of each member country .

  7. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  8. 本文导出了任意齿廓的斜齿轮公法线长度W关于切齿深ξ的变化率的一个关系式。

    In this paper the author derived the equation for the rate of change in common normal length W with dent depth ξ, available for any helical gear tooth profiles .

  9. 另有一些学者认为,WTO规则属于国际贸易法或国际公法的性质,但是国际贸易法或国际经济法与国际公法是建立在不同基础之上的不同制度体系,所以,WTO法也不是国际公法。

    Other scholars believe that WTO law is of the nature of international trade law or international economic law . But they also think that international trade law or international economic law is different from international public law because of the different legal basis .

  10. 作者认为,首先,WTO法是国际公法的一部分,因此,《国际法院规约》第38条中规定的国际法的法律渊源对确定WTO法的法律渊源有重要参考价值。

    The author believes that , first of all , WTO law is part of international law so that sources of international law speculated in Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice are of important reference value in determining sources of WTO law .

  11. GPA协定救济机制作为平衡公共利益、善意中标人的既得权利以及其他竞标人利益的制度设计,采取了将前契约阶段和契约阶段相分离并主要针对前契约阶段的公法救济模式;

    GPA remedy system is designed as a system of balance of public benefit and the right of all bidder . It adopts a model of public remedy which separates the phase of previous & contract from the phase of contract ;

  12. 公法学与经济学视野下的政府职能研究

    A Study On Government 's Function Under Public Law And Economics

  13. 关于齿轮公法线长度公式的讨论

    Discussion on the Formula of the Length of Gear Common Normal

  14. 试论诚实信用原则在公法域的适用

    On Application of Principle of Honesty and Credit to Public Law

  15. 唐才常公法交涉思想述评

    A Review on Tang Cai-chang 's Idea of Public Law Negotiation

  16. 修正公法107-153以修改某特定日期的法案。

    A bill to amend public law107-153to modify a certain date .

  17. 接着文章就展开人格权在公法层面的分析,讨论了公法中人格权的确认。

    Then the article analyzes the personal right on public law .

  18. 五是证券交易所是私法人还是公法人。

    Are stock exchanges private legal persons or public legal persons ?

  19. 拖拉机渐开线外啮合圆柱齿轮公法线偏差的确定

    Determination of Base Tangent Length Deviation of Tractor Involute Spur Gear

  20. 论加强公法整体研究的现实意义

    The Immediate Significance of Strengthening the General Study of Public Law

  21. 因开放、反思而合法&探索中国公法变迁的规范性基础

    Open-Reflexive Legitimacy in the Change of China 's Public Law

  22. 税务部门在征收税款的过程中主要依赖国家的强制力即公法上的行政强制制度来保障税款的实现。

    Tax department impose on the power of the country .

  23. 笔者从公法限制与私法限制两个方面展开讨论。

    The author discusses restrictions from both Public law and private law .

  24. 论公立高等学校的公法人化趋势

    On the Trend of the Public Higher Educational Institutions Public Legal Person

  25. 公法一般包括影响公众的法律。

    Public law includes laws that affect the public generally .

  26. 现代公法中的程序发挥着多方面的功能。

    And the modern public law procedure has functions in many aspects .

  27. 公法上比例原则研究

    Research on the Principle of Proportionality in Public Law

  28. 它是将公法规范引入用益物权中的管道。

    It is a pipe which introduce public regulation into the usufructuary right .

  29. 刑法历来被认为是国家公权力的象征,是国家的公法。

    Criminal law is always regarded as the symbol of a power country .

  30. 中国传统法律文化有着浓厚的公法化特点。

    There are strong public law characteristics in China 's traditional legal culture .