
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ yù shì
  • public bath;bathhouse
  1. 在那幢楼里有一个公共浴室。

    There is a public bath in that building .

  2. 我们通常在星期五晚上去那个公共浴室洗澡。

    We usually go to have a bath in that public bath on Friday evenings .

  3. 她指出,在SPA和公共浴室里没有传播HIV的风险。

    She pointed out there is no risk of transmissionof HIV in a spa or bathhouse setting .

  4. 北京(法新社)-星期一,联合国艾滋病机构谴责中国禁止HIV阳性者进入SPA和公共浴室的条例草案,表达了对这一提案的愤慨。

    Beijing ( AFP ) - The United Nations ' AIDS agencyMonday condemned a draft Chinese regulation to ban HIV-positive people fromspas and public bathhouses , as campaign groups expressed outrage over theproposal .

  5. 罗马的公众则很喜欢公共浴室附带的庭院花园。

    The Roman populace enjoyed gardens attached to the public baths .

  6. 公共浴室给水排水设计规程

    Specification for design of water supply and drainage in public bathroom

  7. 宝山区公共浴室卫生现状调查分析

    Current Hygienic Situation of Public Bathrooms in BaoShan District , Shanghai

  8. 公共浴室不在这些情境之一。

    A shared or public bathroom is not one of those settings .

  9. 公共浴室是用水浪费较为严重的场所之一。

    Public bathhouse is one of the most seriously waste water places .

  10. 淄博市公共浴室卫生状况调查

    Study on hygienic condition of public bathroom in Zibo city

  11. 志愿者小组在酒吧和公共浴室发放安全套。

    Volunteer group of public bathrooms in bars and condoms .

  12. 在那里你会发现不管是私人浴室还是公共浴室都有很好的装置。

    There you find both private and public baths extremely well equipped .

  13. 高校公共浴室废水余热回收间接换热分析

    Analysis of indirect heat exchange for waste heat recovery from bathhouse in college

  14. 目的了解邹城市公共浴室卫生状况。

    Objective Understands the Zoucheng public bathhouse hygiene condition .

  15. 在北京,温泉渡假胜地比公共浴室更有浪漫气息。

    Hot spring resorts are a much more romantic variation on Beijing 's bathhouses .

  16. 介绍一种公共浴室的联合供热系统。

    Introduces a combined heating and hot - water supply system of public bathhouse .

  17. 蚌埠市2001~2003年公共浴室卫生监测结果分析

    Analysis of Hygienical Monitoring results of public bathrooms in Bengbu city from 2001 to 2003

  18. 故事伊始,柯南、小兰和灰原哀一起去公共浴室洗澡。

    The story starts when Conan heads for a bathhouse with his friends Ran and Haibara .

  19. 在一个城市里发现了巨大、建得十分好的浴室,也许是一个公共浴室。

    Found at one city is an enormous well-built bath , which may have been a public bath .

  20. [结论]这是1起洗浴人员接触污染的免费公共浴室池水引起的细菌性痢疾暴发。

    [ Conclusion ] This outbreak of the germ dysentery was aroused by pollution of free public bathrooms .

  21. [目的]为规范对城区公共浴室的卫生监督管理工作,提高各浴室的卫生管理水平。

    [ Objective ] To standardize and improve the hygiene supervision and management on public bathrooms in urban areas .

  22. 峭壁的崩塌还摧毁了蕴藏在其中几百年之久的公共浴室和马赛克瓷砖。

    The collapse also ruined a bath house and mosaics that had been in the cliff for many hundreds of years .

  23. 你去过日本的公共浴室吗?我听说绝对是一种体验。

    Nate : Hey Phil : Have you ever been to a Japanese public bath ? I hear it 's quite an experience .

  24. 我拿起我的那袋浴室用品,去了那间公共浴室,洗去了这一天旅行下来的风尘。

    I took my bag of bathroom necessities and went to the communal bathroom to clean myself up after the day of travel .

  25. 结论公共浴室行业卫生状况不容乐观,卫生标准相对滞后于行业发展,建议适当修改相关标准。

    Conclusion The public bathhouse profession hygiene condition is unoptimistic , hygienic standard relative lag in profession development , suggested revises the related standard suitably .

  26. 浴室中还没有剧院和讲演厅,所以它不是一般的公共浴室,而更象是绅士俱乐部。

    There was a theater and lecture room along with the baths , so it was more of a gentlemen 's club than a public bath .

  27. 他说:“那种离校区老远、还只有单人床和公共浴室的宿舍已经满足不了如今的学生了。”

    He said : " Today 's modern-day student expects more than a single bed and shared bathroom in digs that are miles away from the university campus .

  28. 针对大型公共浴室,提出对连续大流量水流实施恒压、恒温控制的思路,实施方案。

    The thinking and scheme of control on constant temperature and pressure to a great deal of successive running water of big public bathing room were put forward .

  29. 为了吸引年轻顾客、重振日本垂死的公共浴室传统,东京一家澡堂决定提供主题从喜剧到游戏的课程。

    A Tokyo bathhouse is offering classes on topics ranging from comedy to gaming in hopes of luring younger bathers and reversing Japan 's dying tradition of communal baths .

  30. [结果]公共浴室实施量化分级管理后,在卫生设施经营过程、公共用具消毒等方面都有了很大改善,且与管理前相比,有显著性差异。

    [ Results ] There were great improvement on the sanitary instruments and the disinfection of public appliance after implement of hygiene supervision quantization and classifying management with remarkable differences .