
tóu tòng
  • headache;head;cephalalgia;cephalea;be fed up with or feel awkward;encephalalgia
头痛 [tóu tòng]
  • (1) [headache]∶凡整个头部以及头的前、后、偏侧部的疼痛,总称头痛

  • (2) [be fed up with or feel awkward]∶比喻感到厌烦或为难

  • 这件事令人头痛

头痛[tóu tòng]
  1. 不用担心——只是有点儿头痛。

    It 's nothing to worry about ─ just a simple headache .

  2. 我醒来时有点头痛。

    I woke up with a slight headache .

  3. 她醒来后,感到头痛,口渴难忍。

    She woke up with a raging thirst and a headache .

  4. 这次铁路罢工有点头痛。

    The rail strike is a bit of a pain .

  5. 症状包括头痛、呕吐和打寒噤。

    Symptoms include headaches , vomiting and the shivers .

  6. 他患有头痛和食欲不振。

    He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite .

  7. 症状包括头痛和咽喉疼痛。

    Symptoms include a headache and sore throat .

  8. 通货膨胀是政府最头痛的问题。

    Inflation is the government 's main bugbear .

  9. 我的头痛逐渐减轻,后来变得微微抽痛。

    My headache faded to a dull throbbing .

  10. 我喝红酒会头痛。

    Red wine gives me a headache .

  11. 头痛服两片阿司匹林。

    Take two aspirin for a headache .

  12. 她经常头痛得厉害。

    She gets really bad headaches .

  13. 你还头痛吗?

    Has your headache gone yet ?

  14. 我头痛越来越厉害了。

    My headache is getting worse .

  15. 我头痛。

    I 've got a headache .

  16. 他成为英国戏剧界让人头痛的天才。

    He became known as the enfant terrible of British theater .

  17. 首先,必须将头痛分为几个类型。

    It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types

  18. 症状包括低烧、头痛和食欲不振。

    Symptoms are a slight fever , headache and loss of appetite .

  19. 拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。

    Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings .

  20. 姿势不当会导致颈部疼痛、头痛和呼吸困难。

    Poor posture can cause neck ache , headaches and breathing problems .

  21. 这类头痛多是血压升高的征兆。

    These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure .

  22. 尼克出现头痛时脾气就变得很差,甚至还会动粗。

    When his headaches developed Nick became bad-tempered and even violent

  23. 两天来我一直头痛得厉害。

    I have had a terrible headache for the last two days .

  24. 国王的立场必然会再次引发关于堕胎的令人头痛的辩论。

    The King 's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion

  25. 他主诉自己情绪低落,头痛且身体不适。

    He complained of depression , headaches and malaise .

  26. 他的太阳穴跳了一会,像是头痛要发作了。

    His temples pulsed a little , threatening a headache

  27. 令航空公司最头痛的事就是航空燃料价格的上涨。

    The airline 's biggest headache is the increase in the price of aviation fuel

  28. 症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。

    Symptoms are streaming eyes , a runny nose , headache and a cough .

  29. 咖啡因会引起心悸和头痛。

    Caffeine can cause palpitations and headaches .

  30. 她觉得恶心头痛。

    She is suffering a bilious attack .