
kǒu tóu xínɡ shì
  • oral form;verbal form;spoken form;parol form
  1. 他们认为考试通常是以书面或口头形式进行而不是以实践的形式。

    They think tests are usually done on paper or in oral form instead of being done in practice .

  2. 分析了谚语如何从开始的大众口头形式而后与书面小说和散文相结合的演进过程。

    , then analyzes the evolution of proverbs from their origin as a popular oral form , later incorporated into written literature in fiction and essays .

  3. 许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。

    Many , if not most , scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings

  4. 事实上,通过口头形式已经在我们的开发团队内部传播了SelfCheck的用法,因为目标是现实的,团队自己的,且可实现的。

    In fact , use of the Self Check has spread internally among our development teams by word of mouth , because the goals are realistic , team-owned , and achievable .

  5. 协议或者决定包括书面形式和口头形式。

    A monopolistic agreement can be either written or oral .

  6. 结果多种形式教育效果优于单一口头形式的教育;

    Results Multiform education excelled single verbal education .

  7. 我们将以口头形式做这个练习。

    We 'll do the exercise orally .

  8. 第五十六条民事法律行为可以采取书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。

    Article 56 A civil juristic act may be in written , oral or other form .

  9. 第六十五条民事法律行为的委托代理,可以用书面形式,也可以用口头形式。

    Article 65 A civil juristic act may be entrusted to an agent in writing or orally .

  10. 这些活动多以国际会议、贸易交流以及商务谈判等口头形式出现,所以商贸口译在促进双方的经济交流中起着重要的作用。

    , which are mainly conducted in the form of international conferences , trading exchanges and business negotiations .

  11. 这些都是集中的市场,任何出现的失败都会通过口头形式快速地传遍整个行业。

    These are both concentrated markets where any failure to perform would quickly be spread by word-of-mouth throughout the industry .

  12. 合同诈骗罪合同的外延包括大部分存在于市场活动中的民事合同、劳动合同,口头形式等非书面形式合同也可以成为合同诈骗罪的合同;

    The extension of this kind of contract involves the majority of the civil contract and employment contract existing in the market .

  13. 雇佣合同可以以口头形式或书面形式订立,没有订立雇佣合同但事实存在的雇佣关系亦应受到保护。

    Oral means and written means are permitted when biding employment contracts . It should also be protected if existed employment relationship .

  14. 当事人订立合同,有书面形式、口头形式和其他形式。

    A contract may be made in a writing , in an oral conversation , as well as in any other form .

  15. 无论是以书面形式出现,还是以口头形式流传,幽默在不同民族的语言与文化中均占有无可替代的地位。

    Humor , whether written or spoken , is popular among all nations and holds an important place in their languages and cultures .

  16. 其他协同行为是指经营者虽未明确订立书面或者口头形式的协议或者决定,但实质上存在协调一致的行为。

    Other concerted action means that business operators have concerted actions in practice , though there isn 't any written or oral agreement or decision .

  17. 多媒体辅助英语说课是指教师以英语为语言工具,在多媒体技术支持下,面向同行、教研人员等,以口头形式系统阐述某课的教学设计及其理论依据的行为。

    Multimedia-assisted English lesson plan presentation refers to the presentation of English lesson plan and its theoretical basis in English with the help of multimedia facilities .

  18. 口译,作为翻译的一种重要形式,涉及一个以口头形式对原语信息进行解码,在目的语中重新编码和用目的语进行表达的过程。

    Interpreting , as we know , involves a whole process of decoding information in source language , recoding information in target language and expressing in target language .

  19. 任何一方都不得以书面或口头形式宣称,自己是对方的代理、合伙人或合资人。

    Neither Party shall at any time make any representation , either in writing or orally , that it is an agent , partner or joint venturer with the other .

  20. 理论界关于合同的形式存在争议,有学者认为该罪的合同形式应当包含口头形式,但也有相反观点,笔者认为应当包含口头形式。

    Some scholars think that the crime should include oral form of contract , but another do not think so . The author think that contract swindle should contains oral form .

  21. 民俗可以是以口头形式传播的,就像我们在朋友那儿听到的都市传奇故事,叙事者会向我们保证那确实是发生在他们亲人或者朋友身上的真事;

    Folklore may be passed along in verbal form , like the urban legend that we hear about from friends who assure us that it really happened to a friend of their cousin .

  22. 前者使文学具有原初的口头形式与民间特性;后者在印刷书籍普及的情况下,使文学具有了一种被阅读的可能性。

    The former makes the literature with original features of the oral form and private property . The latter with the popularity of printed books make the literature of a possibility being read .

  23. 试用期的形式不应仅局限于书面形式,应有选择地承认口头形式约定试用期的法律效力。

    In the form of a probationary period should not be limited to written form , should have the option to recognize an oral form of the legal effect of the agreed probationary period .

  24. 不论订购方是以口头形式还是电子或书面形式订购,订购方所做的订购具有法律约束效力,据此须订立与所订购信息相关的许可证协议。

    The order placed by the orderer is a binding offer to conclude a licence agreement relating to the information ordered , irrespective of whether the order is communicated orally , electronically or in writing .

  25. 工程师应以书面形式发出指示,若工程师认为由于某种原因有必要以口头形式发出任何此类指示,承包商应遵守该指示。

    1 instructions given by the Engineer shall be in writing , provided that if for any reason the Engineer consider it necessary to give any such instruction orally , the Contractor shall comply with such instruction .

  26. 所以在具体设计任务时,我们必须综合考虑话题、课型这些因素,因为一些话题可能本身就不适合任务型教学,在听力课和阅读上,我们就要尽量少使用口头形式的任务。

    So , we should take topics and types of lesson into consideration while designing tasks . Because some topics are not fit for this teaching method , and in the listening and reading classes , we should use fewer oral tasks .

  27. 原告撤诉应以书面申请为原则,以口头形式为例外,法院仅对撤诉申请作形式上的审查,且须在适当时间内作出裁定。

    The plaintiff to apply for withdrawal of the principle should be in writing and orally in the form of an exception , the court only for the formal application for review of withdrawal and shall make a ruling at the appropriate time .

  28. 综合我国基本权利谱系、基本权利条款间的关系及立法意图,既不宜对言论作字面解释,将其含义限定为口头形式,同时也不宜作过分的扩充解释。

    Considering the system of basic rights , the relationship among the basic rights and the intention of legislator in China , the article 35 of the Constitution should be interpreted neither with the literal rule , nor by an excessively extensive method .

  29. 悬赏广告发布形式是指一切能够达到让不特定多数人知晓悬赏内容的广告发布形式,除一般常见的广告形式外,还应包括口头形式、新闻报道形式等。

    The forms of release should be defined as all the forms which can make the majority of people know the reward advertisement , in addition to the common forms of advertising , oral forms and the forms of news report should be included .

  30. 古歌&黔东南苗族习惯法的一种口头传承形式

    Ancient Song & An Oral Hand-Down of Habit of Miao People in Southeast Guizhou