
  1. 江苏口岸检验检疫部门艾滋病防治SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of the prevention and control of AIDS by Jiangsu inspection and quarantine departments

  2. 加强口岸检验检疫人员安全防护势在必行

    Necessity to strengthen the safe protection of inspection and quarantine personnel

  3. 质检总局称,各口岸检验检疫部门已就此通报美方,并要求美方加强对输华玉米的检测。

    The agency said its quarantine bureaus have notified U.S. authorities and urged the U.S. to ' improve its inspection procedures . '

  4. 口岸检验检疫有限人力面对不断增长的业务量,口岸通关环节出现了瓶颈。

    Port inspection and quarantine limited human face of the growing volume of business , customs clearance part of a " bottleneck " .

  5. 口岸检验检疫机构具备实施进境水产品检验检疫的必要专业技术人员和设施。

    The inspection and quarantine body of the port has the necessary professionals and facilities for carrying out inspection and quarantine of entry aquatic products .

  6. 我国的口岸检验检疫机关从来自美国和日本的木质包装中多次截获到松材线虫。

    Our country 's port inspection and quarantine services intercepted pinewood nematode in wood packing materials from the U. S. and Japan for many times .

  7. 结论口岸检验检疫机构应该依法检疫,严防外来有害生物等通过废物原料集装箱传入中国。

    Conclusion The inspection and quarantine authority should do strict check according to the law , prevent the harmful organism and substance invasion in our country through containers .

  8. 该方法解决了橘小实蝇幼虫和蛹等未成熟虫态的快速检疫难题,大大缩短了检测周期,值得口岸检验检疫借鉴应用。

    This method solved the difficult problem of rapid identification of immature larvae and pupae of B.dorsalis and should be useful for practical application in port of entry quarantine .

  9. 未明确使用地的由入境口岸检验检疫机构负责检验。

    If the place of use is not specified , the inspection and quarantine administration at the port of entry of such products will take charge of the inspection .

  10. [结论]口岸检验检疫机关应加强口岸地区中央空调冷凝水及冷却水军团菌的监测工作,并采取有效控制措施,防止军团菌病在口岸地区发生。

    Conclusion The Institute of Port Inspection and Quarantine should enhance the legionella surveillance of CACs ' condensate and cooling water , and prevent the Legionellosis in port district .

  11. 根据外来危险性线虫的截获结果,口岸检验检疫部门要加强进境木质包装、花卉种苗、旅客携带物的外来危险性线虫的检疫工作。

    According to the situation of exotic nematode pests from imported wooden packages , flower seedlings and the materials of passengers , the quarantine must be strengthened in China .

  12. 货主需要对外索赔的,可以向进境口岸检验检疫机构申请签发相关证书。

    If the consignor needs to claim compensation against others , it may apply for issuance of the relevant certificates with the inspection and quarantine body of the entry port .

  13. 入境口岸检验检疫机构应当将备案证明文件的正本复印件、其他报检资料复印件存档备查。

    The entry inspection and quarantine administration at the port should have the photocopies of the originals of the record-keeping certification documents and other inspection application documents filed for the record .

  14. 口岸检验检疫机构应当在进口旧机电备案证明文件正本附页和有效清单上办理核销。

    The port inspection and quarantine administrations should process the writing-off formalities on the attached pages of the original and the effective lists of the certification documents for the import of used mechanical and electrical products .

  15. 数据挖掘在口岸卫生检验检疫中的应用分析

    Analyze the application of data mining in fields of port inspection and quarantine

  16. 本文阐述了数据的主要任务、方法、步骤和挖掘工具,对在口岸卫生检验检疫管理中的数据挖掘应用进行了研究和探讨。

    The main task , methods , procedures and tools of the data research were described in this paper , also some probing were done on its usage in port inspection and quarantine .

  17. 加强国家口岸管理和检验检疫工作。

    We will strengthen management , inspection and quarantine work at foreign trade ports .

  18. 结果通过进境集装箱空箱协检新模式的建立,可以充分提高口岸进境空箱检验检疫工作的质量和效率。

    Results A joint action model of quarantine supervision to entry empty container is effective to improve work quality and efficiency .

  19. 经查验合格的,由口岸出入境检验检疫机构签发货物通关单。

    If the commodity has passed checking and inspection , the entry exit inspection and quarantine organ at the port shall issue the customs clearance form of goods .

  20. 运用电子口岸与集装箱检验检疫业务信息网络系统、风险分析理论和分类管理理论,提高集装箱检验检疫效能。

    Exploit electronic port and container inspection and quarantine business information network system , risk analysis theory and classification management to improve the efficiency of container inspection and quarantine ;