
  • 网络Word of mouth;word of mouth marketing;Word-of-mouth Marketing;wom;WOMMA
  1. 最早这样做的机构包括口碑营销协会(thewordofmouthmarketingassociation),这是一个病毒式口碑营销的行业组织。

    Among the first to do so was the word of mouth marketing association , an organisation for the viral and buzz marketing industry .

  2. Web2.0时代带来技术与理念的变化发展,传统的口碑营销在Web2.0时代得到新的升华,网络的交互性及公开性等特征对商品品牌的建立带来了新兴方式。

    The era of Web 2.0 has brought changes to technology and concept . Traditional word of mouth marketing has been upgraded in the Web 2.0 era . Thanks to the interactivity and openness of the Internet , a new way of establishing product brand has emerged .

  3. 在2006年,美国联邦贸易委员会(usfederaltradecommission)颁布条例,规定口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

    And in 2006 , the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

  4. 随着Google、星巴克等因为进行口碑营销而获得成功的企业,人们又意识到了口碑的重要,尤其是信息化的今天。

    Accompany with the success by using word-of-mouth marketing in Google , Starbucks and so forth , people are aware of the importance of word-of-mouth marketing today .

  5. 专门从事此类营销方式的咨询公司正如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现,而且据业内人士称,英国可能不久就会成立一个行业协会,类似美国在2005年成立的“口碑营销协会”(wordofmouthmarketingassociation)。

    Consultancies specialising in such marketing methods are springing up and , say industry insiders , a UK equivalent of the word of mouth marketing association , established in the US in 2005 , is likely to emerge soon .

  6. 作为新品种猫粮发布战略的一部分,这家英国宠物食品制造商去年引入了伦敦口碑营销专业公司wildfire设计的战略。

    As part of its launch strategy for a new variety of catfood , UK petfood maker masterfoods last year adopted a strategy designed by the London-based word-of-mouth specialists wildfire .

  7. 通用磨坊和卡夫均发起了全新的网络口碑营销。

    General Mills and Kraft have both launched new WOM networks .

  8. 口碑营销&造就产品品牌的另类方法

    The Another Way of Creating the Brand of Product-Marketing through Public Praise

  9. 但考虑涉足口碑营销方式的公司应谨慎行事。

    But companies thinking of dabbling in word-of-mouth methods should be wary .

  10. 基于口碑营销的在线培训网站营销模式研究

    Research on the On-line Training Websites Marketing Model Base on Word-of-Mouth Marketing

  11. 乡村休闲旅游口碑营销研究

    A Study on Word-of-mouth Marketing to Rural Recreational Tourism

  12. 在中国市场开展口碑营销策略研究

    How to Develop Marketing of Public Praise in China

  13. 第三,重视网络口碑营销。

    Third , attach importance to the network of word of mouth marketing .

  14. 企业口碑营销专题研究

    A Special Research on Enterprise 's Word-of-mouth Marketing

  15. 口碑营销:传媒舆论经济生成的一种诠释

    Word of mouth marketing : one sample of media economic based on public opinion

  16. 口碑营销帮助峨眉山风景区把更多的注意力放在了游客服务上面。

    Word-of-mouth marketing helps Mount Emei 's Scenic Area pay more attention to its services .

  17. 房地产口碑营销策略

    Oral Marketing Tactics of Real Estate

  18. 口碑营销传播研究

    Research on Word of Mouth

  19. 了解网络环境下旅游者的信息搜寻行为是展开口碑营销研究的前提。

    Tourists ' behavior of online information search is the premise of electronic word of mouth marketing .

  20. 在电子商务环境下,信息传播速度越快,口碑营销就显得越为重要。

    Under e-business environment , the speed of the information spreading more quickly , Word-of-mouth marketing becomes more important .

  21. 随着买方市场的出现,口碑营销的发展潜力越来越大。

    When the market of customer-centered is coming , the enterprises rely more and more on marketing of public praise .

  22. 这些代理人常常依赖于社交媒体这样的口碑营销工具,来扩大公司知名度和并宣传该公司的各种营销活动。

    These representatives often rely on word-of-mouth tools like social media to publicize the company and any promotional events they host .

  23. 口碑营销中,营销管理者开始采用奖励计划激励现有消费者进行口碑推荐。

    In buzz marketing programs , managers began to provide rewards for existing customers to encourage their recommendation for the products .

  24. 口碑营销是一种有效的营销方式,中国市场比较适合口碑营销的开展。

    The marketing of the public praise is an effective marketing way and it is easier to develop it in China market .

  25. 随着中国社会化媒体发展与普及,以及对网络口碑营销手段的运用,国内团购网得以迅速发展。

    With the development and popularization of Chinese social media and the use of Internet word-of-mouth ( IWOM ), group-buying websites have quickly developed .

  26. 强化消费者认知,了解消费目的;重视消费者情感需求和口头传播效应,强化口碑营销;二是建立信任机制,以信取胜。

    Pay attention to the emotional needs of consumers , and strengthen the mouth-to-mouth marketing . Secondly , build trust mechanism towin the letter .

  27. 并在这个基础上,构建了包含目标层、运作层、数据层三个层次的企业口碑营销运营系统框架。

    Based that we have constructed the operating system of Word-of-mouth Marketing , which has three levels ( target level , execution level , database level ) .

  28. 以此结论为基础,本文对营销实践者提出针对大学生消费者群,应重视广告以及口碑营销等营销手段,并对未来相关研究提出建议。

    Based on the conclusion , we recommended that the marketing practitioner should consider the advertisement and word-of-mouth marketing in marketing and gave suggestions for future research .

  29. 并且贯穿整个口碑营销传播过程,来讨论负面口碑传播效应。

    What is more , we relate to the whole process about the word of mouth marketing communication , to discuss the effect of negative word of mouth .

  30. 本文可能的创新点在于:目前大多数文献中对快餐连锁企业实施口碑营销策略的分析很少,本文对此进行深入研究,针对目前我国快餐连锁企业存在的问题提出了相对应的口碑营销策略。

    Possible creative view is that this paper make deeper research in word-of-mouth marketing method and provide marketing strategy for the problems in our fast food chain market .