
  • 网络Oral;oral communication
  1. 其沟通形式有书面沟通和口头沟通两种。

    There are two forms : written communication and oral communication .

  2. 这门课程强调口头沟通的重要性。

    The course lays great stress on the importance of oral communication .

  3. 出色的书面和口头沟通技巧。

    Excellent written and verbal communication .

  4. 他还发现高级管理者花费四分之三的时间用在与人的口头沟通上。

    He also found that senior managers spent more than three-quarters of their time in oral communication .

  5. 较强的领导能力,项目管理能力,书面和口头沟通能力,及财务预算能力。

    Demonstrated Leadership skills , project management , ability to manage multiple priorities , effective written and oral communication skills , presentation skills and budget and management skills .

  6. “传播”领域覆盖范围颇广,包括口头沟通、书面沟通,以及语言之外的表达。

    This degree isn 't just for pageant contestants anymore . " Communication " is a very diverse field and includes spoken , written , and non-verbal cues .

  7. 非口头的沟通交流很重要。

    Non-verbal communication is very important .

  8. 良好的中英文书面或口头交流与沟通能力。

    The ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in writing .

  9. 英语口头与书面沟通能力良好;

    Good English communication skills , both oral and written ;

  10. 能够进行有效的口头和书面沟通。

    Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing .

  11. 我们通常是口头上的沟通。

    B ︰ We usually use verbal communication .

  12. 与经理,不同部门的同事,操作监督以及其他有关人员的口头与书面沟通。

    Manager , different departmental colleagues , shift supervisor and others both verbally and written .

  13. 准主审查员应具有书面和口头的有效沟通能力。

    The prospective Lead Auditor shall have the capability to communicate effectively , both in writing and orally .

  14. 进行有效的口头和书面沟通的能力。前头有条通向河道的水沟。

    Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing . Ahead there was a ditch running into the river .

  15. 具备较强的口头及书面沟通能力和商务洽谈能力;

    It is oral and link up ability and commercial affair and negotiate ability in writing to possess the stronger one ;

  16. 提高组织绩效沟通有效性的策略分析进行有效的口头和书面沟通的能力。

    A Strategic Analysis of How to Improve the Validity of Communication about Performance Among Organizations Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing .