
  • 网络Group communication;Communication in Groups
  1. GDSS环境下群体沟通的研究

    On Group Communication under GDSS Environment

  2. 群体沟通意见模式涌现的因素影响分析

    Analysis on Opinion Emergence of Group Communication

  3. 群体沟通主要讲述群体冲突的特点以及解决的措施办法。

    The community communication mainly relates the characteristics of community conflict and the solvable way .

  4. 关于群体沟通的一点探索

    A research on the group communications

  5. 它帮助人们克服语言的障碍,成为不同文化不同语言群体间沟通的桥梁。

    It is a bridge between different languages and cultures , which helps people to overcome language barriers .

  6. 医疗保健企业和整个行业都需要以一种更加直接和公开的手段与其各自的目标群体进行沟通。

    Healthcare companies and the entire industry need to communicate with target groups in a more direct and public way .

  7. 第三部分,分析弱势群体的沟通困境,包括规模上的压力、现状特征、沟通困境的表现以及对我国社会的影响等内容;

    Third part : Analysis of the communicating corner of disadvantaged groups , including their pressure , characteristics , appearance of communicating corner , influence to our society and so on .

  8. 先秦两汉时期,巫祝的涵义大致有三种:掌管神职的官职;以沟通鬼神作为谋生手段的群体;沟通鬼神的方式。

    Qin and Han Dynasties period The Witch and The Zhu meaning that there are generally three types : the official in charge of the clergy ; to make a living as a means of communication between the spirits of the group ; way communication spirits .

  9. 公民有序政治参与是社会群体利益沟通协调的主要途径。有序政治参与有助于顺畅表达公民的诉求,协调社会不同群体的利益关系。

    Orderly political participation of citizen is the main way to resolve the Communication and coordination of the interests of social groups orderly political participation will help to express the aspirations of citizens Smoothly , and can coordinate the interests of the relationship between different groups in society .

  10. 以因特网为代表的信息、通讯技术消除了地理壁垒,使处于远距离的个体或群体之间的沟通成为可能,即信息技术消除了传统的地理空间巴尔干。

    By exterminating geographic barriers , communication and information technology enable remote individuals or groups to contact each other efficiently .

  11. 政府与诉求群体之间的沟通不畅,是政府不能及时有效的预防和应对群体性突发事件的重要原因。

    The poor communication between government and public , has become an important reason of government can not prevent timely and effective response to mass emergencies .

  12. 在论文中的第二部分详细介绍了组织内部沟通(个体与个体间的沟通、个体与群体间的沟通、群体与群体间的沟通)有效性。

    In the second part of this paper inter-organization communication is introduced particularly ( including communication between individuals , communication between individual and group , communication between groups ) .

  13. 无论从国家和平发展战略角度,还是从社会群体之间的沟通融合角度来看,台商都是一个集经济性、政治性和社会性于一体,具有特殊地位和作用的群体。

    No matter from the perspective of the national peaceful development strategy , or the communication and integration between social groups , Taiwanese investors are groups with special status and role and with economic , political and social nature .

  14. 结论下岗无业人员、低收入人员等弱势群体和不善于沟通的人群应是社区心理健康教育重点关注的对象;

    Conclusion Community mental health education should pay more attention to low-income group , unemployment groups and the ones lack of communication .

  15. 第一是发出一个表示不同意见的声音,第二是具有与群体其他成员私下沟通的能力。

    The first is a single dissenting voice , and the second is the ability to communicate privately with other members of the group

  16. 本文构建了一个我国群体性突发事件的信息沟通模型,并根据此模型提出了加强我国群体性突发事件沟通机制建设的几点建议。

    In the paper , the author builds an Information communication system model in mass emergencies , and puts forward suggestions to improve the communication in mass emergencies .

  17. 在这样的趋势下,EMBA学员的群体规模日趋壮大,因此衍生出对这一群体在信息、沟通等方面的服务需求。

    Under such a trend , group of EMBA trainee scale expands day by day , the aspect service such as therefore , deriving from out to this one group in information communicating with needs .