
  • 网络groupthink;group think;Group Thinking;groupthinking
  1. 不是只有董事会才会形成群体思维;它也可能出现在整个行业中。

    It is not just boards that suffer from groupthink ; entire sectors do .

  2. 从气候委员会最新一系列事件中所吸取的教训就是,它的作者和组织都必须更加尽力地对抗群体思维——并且迅速实施新的利益冲突政策。

    The lesson of the latest IPCC row is that its authors and organisers must fight harder against groupthink - and speedily implement the new conflict-of-interest policy .

  3. 据说猪湾事件(TheBayofPigs)就是群体思维的后果,因为人们害怕表达对立的观点。

    The Bay of Pigs is said to be a result of group-think because people were afraid to express opposing views .

  4. 这就是群体思维(groupthink)的问题所在。

    This is the problem of groupthink .

  5. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的监督机构表示,对美英轻度金融监管的幼稚崇拜、以及某种群体思维心态,造成IMF严重失察了导致全球金融危机的各种风险。

    Naive admiration of light-touch US and UK financial regulation and a groupthink mentality led the International Monetary Fund badly to miss the risks that led to the global financial crisis , according to its watchdog .

  6. 象群体思维(groupthink)这样的群体行为常常会影响群体决策不能够按照正常的程序进行,而且会产生负面的影响,导致过程损失并最终使决策失效。

    Those behaviors such as groupthink will influence the regular group decision making process and lead to negative influence and process losses that will induce the final decision fiascoes .

  7. 因为isda的发展历程不仅是现代金融的一面镜子,也具有奇妙的引人警醒的教育意义,它向我们揭示了自负和群体思维的危险。

    For the story of ISDA is not just a mirror of modern finance ; it also provides a fascinating cautionary moral about the dangers of hubris and group think .

  8. 预计将于本周当选的亚历山大呼吁加强董事会多元化,认为这可以让群体思维(groupthink)寿终正寝,这种思维是造成最近这场金融灾难的部分原因。

    Ms Alexander , whose election is expected next week , has called for greater boardroom diversity , saying it could put an end to the groupthink that contributed to recent financial disasters .

  9. 对群体思维理论的发展过程进行了简要回顾。

    Prove on convergence of group thought under the given distribution ;

  10. 群体思维的危害及成因分析

    An Analysis of Causes of Harms of Group Thoughts

  11. 群体思维理论的发展及其实证研究综述

    Groupthink theory : Model development and empirical research review

  12. 专家群体思维收敛的研究

    Research on convergence of expert group thought

  13. 小组的思维特性,如群体内聚力、群体思维;

    The group 's thinking characteristics such as group internal cohesion and " group think ";

  14. 冷战后美国国会对华投票的群体思维分析

    The U.S. Congress ' Voting on China after the Cold War : A Groupthink Analysis

  15. 但是,在任何地方,董事、审计员和风险管理者都可能会屈服于群体思维,或者被监督对象所俘虏。

    But directors , auditors and risk managers can succumb to capture or groupthink anywhere .

  16. 正是法律职业的特殊性,使得这个群体思维有自己独特之处。

    The specificity of the legal profession cause the unique way of thinking of this group .

  17. 群体思维,整合和平庸。

    Groupthink , conformity and mediocrity .

  18. 现在时兴群体思维。

    Group intelligence is in vogue .

  19. 从挑战者号灾难看负性群体思维的危害及预防

    On Harm and Prevention of Negative Group Thinking From the Point of the " Challenger " Disaster

  20. 东北与东南沿海地区青年企业家群体思维方式、价值观念的差异比较

    Comparison between Young Entrepreneur Groups of the Northeast and Southeast Coastal Areas in Ways of Thinking and Values

  21. 最近,我在想“群体思维”这个概念是什么时候出现的。“群体思维”指的是一个小团队中的每个人都倾向于以同样的方式思考。

    I was looking recently at when the concept of'group think'first emerged & where everybody in a small group tends to think the same way .

  22. 财政委员会认为,银行董事会缺乏多样性,或许加重了危机期间的群体思维问题,阻碍了对决策有效的质疑与审核。

    The committee believes that the lack of diversity on bank boards may have heightened the problems of group-think during the crisis and prevented effective challenge and scrutiny of decisions .

  23. 经济学家们或许不承认这一点,但他们也都是人,容易犯群体思维这种人类常见的错误,而且容易高看自己的才能。

    Economists may not admit it , but they are all too human , and prone to the usual human frailties of groupthink and an aggrandised assessment of their own abilities .

  24. 文章通过对团队精神有关理论及其发展的研究,在阐述团队精神的内涵、作用的同时,认为团队精神与群体思维之间存在一定联系。

    Through studying on the theory of team spirit and its development , the thesis revealed that team spirit has a relevant relation with group thought concerning its connotation and effect .

  25. 书院网络的形成过程实际上也是东林学派的形成过程,是个人治学手段泛化为群体思维方式的过程。

    The formation of the whole network was , in fact , the shaping of Donglin school , and the process of Gu Xian-cheng 's philosophy being accepted by more and more scholars .

  26. 使用这两种语言进行思考时的最大的一个区别就是:当你用中文思考时,你是在一个语言融洽的情况下进行思考,就像其他人一样;有时候我们将其称为群体思维。

    One main difference in the two languages is that when you think in Mandarin , you are thinking in a language of harmony and thinking like everyone else , sometimes called group thinking .

  27. 菲利普斯称,正因为此,很多人为了适应环境会屈服于公司压力,他们的观点会被群体思维所吞噬。

    Because of this , Phillips argues , many succumb to corporate pressure to fit in , their ideas are swallowed up by groupthink , and they are less inclined to blow the whistle when they should .

  28. 该模型能有效避免群决策中的群体思维现象,扩大群决策方案的范围,提高群决策结果的可行性,算例说明了上述方法的实施过程。

    The method can avoid availably groupthink in group decision-making , enlarge the domain of group alternatives , and improve the feasibility of group decision results . An example is introduced to explain the process of the proposed method .

  29. 她向英国《金融时报》表示:很明显,多元化的团队不会形成群体思维。人们会从不同的角度考虑问题,企业必须将这些考虑在内。

    It is clear that teams that have diversity within them don 't result in groupthink . People come at things in a different way and organisations have to take those into account , she told the Financial Times .

  30. 编辑在创造性思维训练培养上,应注重个体思维与群体思维的结合、发散性思维与收敛性思维的结合、抽象思维与形象思维的结合。

    On the aspect of innovative thinking training , editor should pay attention to the combination of individual thinking and group thinking , the combination of divergent thinking and convergent thinking , the combination of abstract thinking and imagery thinking .