
zǔ zhī mù biāo
  • Organizational goals;organizational target
  1. 而不能忽视的是,在任何一个组织目标得以顺利实现的过程中,管理都在其中发挥着十分关键的作用。

    The most importance is that organization plays the important role in the course of organizational target comes ture .

  2. 在满足其物质需求的基础上增加精神激励,通过有价值的个人目标和组织目标的有机结合,促进其成长,使其认同企业文化,逐渐把企业的发展等同于自己的事业。

    Reinforce their spiritual encouragement base on satisfying their material requirement , boost their development through an organic combination of valuable personal target and organizational target , get them recognize enterprise 's culture , gradually align their own career with enterprise 's development .

  3. 用最有效力和效率达到组织目标的方法来构建系统。

    Understanding the interdependencies between the processes of the system .

  4. 组织目标逐级向下分解,一直落实到每个员工。

    The organization target is break down to each employee .

  5. 完成工作任务、实现组织目标,有赖于各个团体之间的协调。

    Fulfilling the tasks and realizing the organizations ' goal depend on intergroup harmonization .

  6. 自我管理的动力来源是个人对自我目标与组织目标的理性追求。

    The motivation of self-mangement comes in rational pursuit of self-aim and organizational aim .

  7. 班级是有着明确组织目标、严格组织规范和健全机构的组织。

    Class is an organization with clear organizational goals , strict organizational rules and perfect institution .

  8. 优秀的下属能独立思考问题,为实现组织目标而努力奋斗。

    The outstanding subordinate can the independent thinking question , butdiligently struggle for the realization organization goal .

  9. 组织目标是一个目的或一种事态。

    An organizational goal is an end or a state of affairs the organization seeks to reach .

  10. 在公共部门中,人力资源管理是实现组织目标的重要手段。

    In the public sector , human resource management is an important means to achieve organizational goals .

  11. 如何强化团队绩效的管理,从而有效实现企业战略和组织目标?

    How to strengthen team performance management so as to realize the aims and strategies of the company ?

  12. 由此可见培训的组织目标和个人目标既相互联系、相互渗透,又相互排斥。

    Thus the training organizational goals and individual goals are mutual connection , mutual penetration and mutual exclusion .

  13. 但在其发展中未将组织目标层层分解,即缺乏个人目标。

    However , during the development , it did not take the organizational goals down to every level .

  14. 其次,学校组织目标越来越趋于多元化,呈现出坚守单一的主要问题。

    Secondly , the objective of school organization is becoming more and more pluralistic with the problem of singleness .

  15. 第一步是保证每个业务单位的目标与组织目标保持一致。

    The first step is to make sure individual business units ' goals are aligned with the organization 's goals .

  16. 高校资源投入不足也迫使高校将效率作为高校的组织目标之。

    College of insufficient resources also forced universities to efficiency as one of the organizational goals of colleges and universities .

  17. 它把治理定义为确定人员和解决方案如何协作以实现组织目标并加以执行的方法。

    It defines governance to be a means establishing and enforcing how people and solutions work together to achieve organizational objectives .

  18. 平衡计分卡薪酬体系体现了组织目标和个体目标的实现及其统一性。平衡计分卡将公司战略目标分解下达过程中使激励机制与业绩评价指标体系建立起联系。

    Balanced Scorecard makes the connection between stimulation mechanism and the performance evaluation in the process of analyzing the company goal .

  19. 加强内部会计控制,提高管理水平、向管理要效益已成为企业的主要组织目标。

    Strengthening internal accounting control , improving management level and getting benefit from management become main goals for enterprises ' organization .

  20. 基本卫生保健是实现“人人健康”这一世界卫生组织目标的策略,其核心价值观是公平、以人为本、社区参与和自主决策。

    This paper mainly researches into the relation and the differences between the basic health care system and primary health care .

  21. 内部审计不同于外部审计和管理咨询,内部审计能实施风险管理,为实现组织目标服务。

    The internal audit is different from external audit and management consult , it can implement risk management to achieve organizational goals .

  22. 公司员工培训体系不完善,不能适应公司组织目标和战略目标的要求等。

    The employee training system is imperfect and cannot adapt the request of the company organizational and strategic target and so on .

  23. 管理者是这样的人,他同别人一起工作或通过协调其他人的活动的方式实现组织目标。

    Manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals .

  24. 激励是指激发员工的积极性和创造性,使员工在实现组织目标的同时实现自身的需要。

    It means inspiring motivation , energies and creativity of workers , and make staff achieve themselves need by achieve organization goal .

  25. 绩效管理通过设定科学合理的组织目标、部门目标和个人目标,为企业员工指明了努力方向。

    Performance management points out the direction for enterprise employees by setting up scientific and reasonable organizational objectives , goals and personal goals .

  26. 外部力量对管理者的行动产生直接而快速的影响并与实现组织目标直接相关。

    The external forces have a direct and immediate impact on managers'decisions and actions are directly relevant to the achievement of the organizations'goal .

  27. 明确的、公认的组织目标,可以增加公司的新业务,提高公司的凝聚力和员工对公司的荣誉感,以及可以为公司提供更多机会。

    Explicit shared organizational purpose and goals to increase capacity for new business and provide teamwork , pride among employees and more opportunities .

  28. 本章认为,章程的具体条款之中蕴涵着利益均衡、经济安全和实现发展的理念,在精神上指导公司组织目标的实现。

    The author thinks that the items of memorandum indicate the ideas of equilibrium of benefit and economic safety as well as development .

  29. 企业激励的环境变量包括激励因素、去激励因素、反面激励因素、领导的工作方式、分配制度、组织目标、企业文化等。

    Circumstance variable of enterprises include motivation factors , de-motivation factors , leading style , share system , tissue aim , enterprise culture .

  30. 提出了兰州供电公司人力资源管理提升的战略目标、组织目标、岗位目标、运行目标;

    Lanzhou , a human resources management to enhance the power company 's strategic goals , organizational goals , goal posts and operational goals ;