
  • 网络Organizational Management;management organization;organizational theory
  1. 行政组织管理学。

    The management science on administration organization ii .

  2. 现代组织管理学是一个非常成熟的学科,相关理论研究和研究成果丰富。

    The modern organization management is a very mature disciplines with a lot of theories and research results .

  3. 组织学习管理学视角下的多元理论

    Organizational Learning : the Multiplex Theory from the Perspective of Management Science

  4. 企业组织管理理学硕士专注于医疗服务管理。

    Business organizational management with concentration in health services management M.S.

  5. 建设学习型组织是现代管理学的一个崭新理论。

    It is a novel theory to set up learning organizations in the field of modern management .

  6. 公司文化,国家文化,组织文化,管理学视角,战略选择,可持续竞争优势,等等。

    National culture , Organizational culture , frameworks in stragety literature , constraints , strategic choice , sustained competitive advantage , etc.

  7. 在研究商业模式问题时往往会与战略、营销、计划、组织等传统管理学理念混在一起。

    Specifically , business model appears to be mixed with the traditional management concepts such as strategy , marketing , plan , and organization .

  8. 从管理学研究的现状和问题,进而论证系统(而不是组织)作为管理学逻辑起点所具有的重要意义和理论价值,并进一步探讨系统作为管理学逻辑起点的要素和特征等问题。

    From the present situation and the questions on the management research , we try to find the vital significance and the theory value of the system ( not the organization ) as the logical start , and then further discuss the system 's essential factor and characteristic .

  9. 关于承诺的研究一直是心理学、组织行为学及管理学研究中的一个很重要的课题。

    The research about commitment is a very important topic for psychology , organizational behavior and management science .

  10. 职业倦怠已成为当代组织行为学和管理学、心理学研究的热点。

    Nowadays , job burnout has become hot issue of research in organizational behavior , management science and psychology .

  11. 该组织为发展中国家的管理学教育提供支持。扎赫迪表示,最近几十年,在新兴市场的大学中,女性或者实现了与男性对等,或者占到了多数。

    In recent decades , women have eitherachieved parity with men or are the majority in universities in emergingmarkets , says Ms Zahidi .

  12. 文章通过融合组织经济学和战略管理学理论,研究环境动态性对我国上市公司资本结构及公司绩效的关系。

    By integrating theories of organizational economics and those of strategic management , the paper aims at studying the relation between environmental dynamism and c.

  13. 本文立足目前汽车品牌4S店销售部门现状,运用组织行为学、管理学、人力资源管理等专业相关知识理论,参考学习相关理论研究成果、文献资料。

    This thesis is based on the current status of automobile 4S dealers , using knowledge of Organizational Behavior , Management , Human Resource Management and other professional theories .

  14. 基于环境动态性从组织经济学和战略管理学角度研究资本结构、股权结构与公司绩效的关系是本文逻辑上的创新之处。

    Based on environmental dynamism , it studies the relationship between capital structure , ownership structure and performance from the point of organizational economics and strategic management , which is a logic innovation of this dissertation .

  15. 对管理组织理论可以从管理学、社会学、政治学等不同的向度切入并进行研究,可以说目前的管理组织理论研究成果大都是如此。

    Nowadays , the research of the management and organization theory only focuses on the perspectives such as managerial science , sociology and politics , and so do the present researching achievements of the management and organization theory .

  16. 本文综合运用产业组织学、战略管理学、信息经济学、市场营销学、模糊数学等相关学科知识,对企业非相关多元化经营的风险进行了分析和评估。

    This thesis is aimed to analyze and evaluate the potential risk of the unrelated diversification by synthesizing relative knowledge , such as Industrial Organization , Corporation Strategy , Information Economics , Marketing Management , Fuzzy Theory , etc.

  17. 学习型组织理论是当今管理学最前沿的管理理论之一,用学习型组织理论和方法来引导和推进我国税收征管改革和征管实践,实现税收信息化,是税收理论和实践工作者的历史性任务。

    Organizational theory by learning is one of the latest management theories at present . It is a historic task for the workers to guide and promote our reform of tax collection and practice and to realize tax information with the method of organizational theory by learning .

  18. 为了切实提高农村公民教育的效果,作者结合近代农村公民教育组织的发展及管理学中的组织管理理论和期望理论等相关知识,提出新农村建设中公民教育组织化的命题。

    In order to improve the effectiveness of the rural citizenship education , the author combines the development of recent rural citizenship education with the related knowledge of management , and puts forward the proposition of the organization of the rural citizenship education in the construction of socialist new countryside .

  19. 积极组织学术研究&当代组织管理学中的新运动

    Positive Organizational Scholarship : A New Movement in Organizational Science

  20. 组织结构始终是企业组织研究及管理学研究的重点,是组织理论家和实际管理者研究与考虑的基本对象。

    The enterprise organizational structure is the point that the business enterprise organization research and managements learns the research always .

  21. 企业组织结构历来是企业组织研究及管理学研究中的重点。

    The enterprise organizational structure has been reorganized as the keystone in the research fields of organization theory and management theory all through the ages .

  22. 有鉴于此,通过导入新制度主义的制度环境、合法性和组织同构化的理论,并就其理论性质及其对组织和管理学研究的理论贡献,以及战略管理的理论局限展开了讨论。

    In the paper , we introduces the concepts of ' institutional environment ' , 'legitimacy ' and ' organizational isomorphism ' from New Institutionalism and makes the discussion about its nature and theoretical contributions to Organizational Study and Management as well as the theoretical limitations on Strategic Management Research .

  23. 产业组织演化研究是一个前沿课题。需要跨学科的理论支撑,包括主流经济学、组织管理学、复杂系统理论、演化经济学、进化生物学等。

    The study on the evolution of industrial organization is a rather new and advanced topic , the theoretical supports of which include mainstream economics , organizational management science , evolutionary economics , complex system theory , mathematics and evolutionary biology .