
  • Organizational culture construction;organization culture construction
  1. 江西省地税系统组织文化建设对策研究

    Countermeasures Research of Organization Culture Construction in Jiangxi Location Taxation System

  2. 构建图书馆工作创新机制的若干思考&试论图书馆的组织文化建设

    Some thoughts about establishing the innovation mechanism of library work-On the library organization culture construction

  3. 在这部分中,首先利用在X市地税局基层组织文化建设项目中搜集到的数据和资料,通过SPSS专业统计软件进行分析整理,找出该局职业荣誉感存在的问题。

    In this part , using the data and information collected in the cultural construction projects in X City Local Taxation Bureau of grassroots organizations , then depended on the professional statistical software SPSS for analysis to identify the problems of the council professional pride .

  4. 其次,本文展开了对合并后高校组织文化建设的现状分析。

    It also demonstrates the particularity of organizational culture of united universities .

  5. 三是基于价值观领导与组织文化建设密切相关。

    Third , value-based leadership relates closely to building of organization culture .

  6. 论图书馆组织文化建设

    A Discussion on the Organization Cultural Construction at Libraries

  7. 高校图书馆组织文化建设设计与构想

    The Building of Corporate Culture in University Library

  8. 三是加强组织文化建设。

    To enhance the construction of organization culture .

  9. 最后,本文对高校合并后组织文化建设的原则和在实际操作中的步骤措施进行了探讨。

    Finally , it explores the guiding principles and practical procedures for the build .

  10. 隐性知识管理下的组织文化建设

    Analysis of Organization Culture in Tacit Knowledge Management

  11. 论检察机关组织文化建设

    On Organizational Culture Construction of Procuratorial Organs

  12. 试论管理中的组织文化建设

    The Construction of Organization Culture in Management

  13. 学校组织文化建设过程研究

    The Research of School Culture Building Process

  14. 高校组织文化建设初探

    The Construction of Organizational Culture in Colleges

  15. 而组织文化建设对于医院集团的长远发展具有重要意义。

    Organizational and cultural building is of great significance to the long-term development of hospital groups .

  16. 论以知识为基础的企业组织文化建设

    On Constructing Knowledge-based Corporation Organization Culture

  17. 时间成本在管理创新与组织文化建设中的效用研究

    Efficiency of Time Cost in Innovation of Library Management and Construction of Institutional Culture : A Study

  18. 最后,分析了完善基层税务部门组织文化建设的具体路径。

    Finally , analyzed concrete ways to improve the construction of organizational culture of grassroots tax bureau .

  19. 其次,概述了湘潭市地方税务局组织文化建设的主要做法。

    Next , introduced the major measures of organizational culture of local tax bureau in XiangTan city .

  20. 道德建设和组织文化建设都是高校精神文明建设的重要内容。

    The construction of both morals and organization culture is important to the university culture and ideological progress .

  21. 对大学组织文化建设中人力资源配置效率进行分析有重要的理论及实践意义。

    Building on the University of organizational culture to analyze the efficiency of human resources is of great significance .

  22. 通过企业内部环境,组织文化建设,领导力建设,薪酬和绩效体系,员工敬业度因素,完善企业内部环境,预防人员流失。

    By building Culture , improve capability , consummate salary and performance system , raise engagement , companies reduce turnover .

  23. 在货币报酬激励和职务晋升报酬激励缺失的条件下,加强组织文化建设意义重大。

    In default of monetary incentives and promotion incentives , it 's very important to intensify the construction of organizational culture .

  24. 其次,阐述了基层税务部门组织文化建设存在的问题。

    Next , discussed there are some problems during the course of the construction of organizational culture of grassroots tax bureau .

  25. 第三部分,从知识管理的视角对税务组织文化建设存在问题的成因进行了详细的分析。

    The third part , analysis the reason of the problem in the tax organizational cultural in the view of knowledge management .

  26. 第五,阐述提高大学组织文化建设中人力资源配置效率的途径和措施。

    Chapter 5 describes the construction of organizational culture to improve the University of allocative efficiency in the way of human resources and measures .

  27. 分别从跨国公司的人力资源管理建设、信息系统建设、组织文化建设三个方面建立了跨国公司技术学习的内部保障体制。

    It builds the inside security system from the aspects of human resources management , the information system and the organizational culture of multinational corporation .

  28. 本文就是针对鼎城区地税局的这一现状而进行的组织文化建设研究。

    The organization culture is the most important factor of core competencies in a organization , so organization culture construction of our government is certainly nec .

  29. 但大多这类部门在组织文化建设中,有一个共同点就是只重物质、制度层面的建设,轻行为和精神层面的建设,在组织文化建设方面花费甚巨而收效甚微。

    Most of those organizational culture constructions , however , attached great importance solely to its material and institutional aspects and ignored its behavioral and mental aspects .

  30. 要通过加强高职院校的组织文化建设来改善高职院校的管理体制,进而使之在激烈的竞争中处于有利位置。

    This paper tries to improve management system of vocational colleges through strengthening organization culture construction so as to make them lay in good point during competition .