
  • 网络Group image
  1. 浅论群体形象在话剧《思凡》中的运用

    Elementary analysis of application of Group Image in play Si Fan

  2. 其中,“书生”这一群体形象非常值得我们注意。

    Among them , the group image of " scholar " is worthy for us to pay attention to .

  3. 高校形象是社会组织群体形象的一部分。

    The image of universities is a part of the image of socially organic groups .

  4. 反思既是改善教师群体形象、提升教师地位的关键,又体现了教师个体自主成长、专业水平提高的发展趋势。

    Reflection is not only critical to improve teachers ' image and position , but also a trend of teacher 's self-development .

  5. 同时,交叉路口作为一个整体,建筑群体形象既要满足差异性,又要体现整体性特征。

    Meanwhile , the intersection as a whole , construction groups image should not only meet differences , but also embodying integrated features .

  6. 崭新的形象。少年英雄、新型商人、腐败官员、假革命等群体形象,以前所未有的面目出现在时代大潮中,从他们身上看到与传统的决裂。

    2 , a lot brand-new images have arisen such as juvenile heroes , new businessmen and rotten officials , all of them have the new characteristic of the times .

  7. 这种热辣性也是新时期关东话剧最与众不同的特性,主要体现在热辣的女性群体形象和热辣的悲喜精神两个方面。

    This happened is also a new period Kanto drama the out of the ordinary characteristics , mainly reflected in the hot women group image and hot feeling the spirit of the two aspects .

  8. 闻名遐迩的沂蒙红嫂是沂蒙山区广大妇女拥军支前的光辉形象,是革命战争年代沂蒙女性的群体形象。

    The famous " Yimeng Red Sisters " is the brilliant image of Yimeng women supporting the army and the front . It is the collective images of Yimeng women in the revolutionary period .

  9. 既在理论上丰富和拓展媒介社会群体形象研究范围,又在实践中为媒体大学生群体报道及其他社会群体形象建构提供有益借鉴。

    Both in theory enriches and develops the media social groups , and scope of image research in practice of university student group for media reports and other social groups offer beneficial reference image construction .

  10. 第二章着重研究了媒体塑造的弱势群体形象,并认为媒体没有呈现弱势群体的真实面貌。

    In Chapter Two , media images of vulnerable groups are paid adequate attention to , which introduces us to a conclusion that mass media have failed to present the TRUE images of the groups .

  11. 也正是这些伦理要求,才反映了法官职业最本质的特征,关系到法官职业群体形象,关系到国家的司法职能的正常发挥。

    It is the Judge ethics that reflects the most essential characteristic of judge 's profession , which concerns the colony image of judge occupation , and the successful implement of the nation 's judicial function .

  12. 社会性别理论视野中的女性农民工群体媒介形象再现研究

    Study on Media Image Representation on Female Peasant Immigrant Labour in Perspective of Gender Theory

  13. 本课题研究的重点就放在文化大繁荣大发展时期文学中的女性群体新形象及男作家中表现出来的进步的女性书写现象上。

    This research has focused on new image of female group in cultural development and prosperity period and phenomena of progressive female description by male writers .

  14. 该群体的媒体形象与真实形象的差异显示出其从内容上的受控。

    The difference between the media image and real image of this group show that it had been controlled from contents .

  15. 城市社会塑造的农村外出谋生群体的负面形象,已经影响到这个群体的就业、生活等各方面。

    The negative image of this group of people shaped by urban society has influenced the employment and life of them .

  16. 巴黎郊区变得“更加孤立”,并带有穆斯林群体集中的形象,用以抵制没有被贯彻的一体化承诺。

    The banlieues are becoming " more isolated ", and marked by an " intensification of Muslim identity " in reaction to unkept promises of integration .

  17. 在对单体建筑进行研究的基础上,论文进一步研究了多个单体建筑关联组合所形成的群体空间和群体形象。

    Monomer in the construction study on the basis of Papers further examined a number of monomer composition of the construction association formed by groups of space and groups image .

  18. 本文从背景、群体结构与组织形象内在关联的视角,系统地探讨了1920至1927年的湖南共青团的组织形象问题。

    This paper discusses the image of the Hunan CYL from 1920 to 1927 systematically with the perspective which associates the background , structure and organization of groups and image intrinsically .

  19. 因此,媒介如何报道这个群体,如何建构这个群体的媒介形象,也受到传播学者的关注。

    Therefore , how the Media report and construct the media images of this group are cared by many Communication scholars .

  20. 笔者选取广西贺州市ZY村为案例,以ZY村外出谋生群体为对象,从农村外出谋生群体形象的角度,来分析和研究这一群体。

    The author takes ZY village in Hezhou of Guangxi as an example , takes farmers who make a living outside their hometown as the research object and analyzes them from the perspective of image study .