
  • 网络group size;population size;population
  1. 群体规模和玩具对猪福利和生产性能的影响

    Effects of Group Size and Toys on Growing Pigs ' Welfare and Performance

  2. ·是否存在着最佳的旅游群体规模?

    Is there an optimal group size to tourists ?

  3. 草案还指出,应努力扩大中等收入群体规模,以释放消费潜力。

    The draft plan also called for efforts to expand the middle-income group in order to unleash the consumption potential .

  4. 一种小群体规模的结构优化GA算法

    A Genetic Algorithm of Small Population Size for Structural Optimization

  5. 但同时也发现,DE需要相对较大的群体规模才能避免早熟收敛。

    However , it is also found that DE requires relatively large population size to avoid premature convergence .

  6. 算例分析表明DEEP具有如下优点:(1)可以有效克服DE需要相对较大的群体规模才能避免早熟的缺点,从而可以大大节省计算时间。

    Case studies show that DEEP has three advantages . First , it can effectively overcome the disadvantage of DE that requires relatively large population size to avoid premature convergence , which can greatly save the computational time .

  7. 本文首次报道了芥菜型油菜(BrassicaJuncea)花粉胚状体群体规模的芥酸变化的研究结果,并与种子的芥酸变化进行了对比研究。

    This paper reports the experimental results on the erucic acid ( EA ) content in the pollen-derived embryoid of Brassica juncea on a vast scale of population .

  8. 在这样的趋势下,EMBA学员的群体规模日趋壮大,因此衍生出对这一群体在信息、沟通等方面的服务需求。

    Under such a trend , group of EMBA trainee scale expands day by day , the aspect service such as therefore , deriving from out to this one group in information communicating with needs .

  9. 大豆纯系育种中群体规模的估计

    Estimates of population size in pure - line breeding of soybean

  10. 模糊控制空调器参数优化的变群体规模遗传算法

    Variable Population Genetics Algorithm for Parameter Optimization of Fuzzy Controlled Air Conditioner

  11. 可重复自然数编码遗传算法的最优群体规模

    Optimal Population Size for Genetic Algorithm Based on Repeated Natural Number Coding

  12. 近交与贴现对优化群体规模的影响

    Effects of inbreeding and discounting on the optimum population size

  13. 尽管这一新的资产拥有者群体规模庞大,但明面上却可能看不出来。

    Despite the size of this new property-owning class , it can appear invisible .

  14. 群体规模和地面空间占有量对猪的福利和生产性能的影响

    Effect of Group Size and Floor-space Allowance on Animal Welfare and Performance in Pigs

  15. 这可能与较小的群体规模、近交和远系繁殖、选择以及存在无效等位基因等因素有关。

    It may be related with minor population scale , inbreeding , outcrossing and invalid allele .

  16. 伴随网络经济的发展,网上商店的群体规模正在不断地发展壮大。

    With the development of Internet economy , the massive scale of online shops are growing continuously .

  17. 结果表明,圈养大熊猫群体规模小,漂变是导致遗传多样性丢失的主要因素。

    The result shows that genetic drift has a strong effect on the loss of genetic diversity .

  18. 这可为家鹑再野生化,恢复野生日本鸣鹑群体规模,保护该物种提供客观依据。

    It provided objective evidences for resuming the size of wild Japanese quail and protecting wild Japanese quails .

  19. 当群体规模超过50只后,成体的警戒频次也会上升(P<0.05)。

    The vigilance frequency of adults increased ( P < 0.05 ) when the size exceeded 50 individuals .

  20. 群体规模、团队荣誉对士兵身份重要性集体自尊的影响

    Influence of Group Size and Team Hornor to Implicit Collective Self-esteem of Soldiers on the Importance to Identity

  21. 当寻找到的较好的染色体数量达到群体规模时,停止寻找。

    If the number of better chromosome groups is up to their population , we stop looking for it .

  22. 本文旨在研究群体规模和玩具两种因素对生长猪福利和生产性能等方面的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of group size and toys on growing pigs'welfare and performance .

  23. 提出了一种适合于模糊控制空调器参数优化的变群体规模遗传算法&VPGA。

    A variable population genetics algorithm ( VPGA ) is developed for parameter optimization of fuzzy controlled air conditioner .

  24. 原本就处于劣势地位的社会弱势群体规模在扩大、程度在加深,成为这一过程中最大的受冲击者。

    The disadvantaged groups in society are growing in size and deepening in degree , becoming the most impacted groups .

  25. 采用动态遗传算子设计和群体规模控制方法,使进化更快速跳出局部最优。

    The means of dynamic genetic operators and population control were used to make the evolution escape from localization trap quickly .

  26. 随着高等教育规模的扩大和学生数量的快速增长,高校贫困生群体规模越来越大。

    With the expansion of higher education and the rapid growth of the number of students , poor university students increasingly large scale .

  27. 但必需指出的是,随着农民工群体规模不断扩大,农民工群体已经不再是一个具有高度同质性的群体。

    But necessary to point out that , with the expanding of peasant-workers , migrant workers groups is no longer a highly homogeneous group .

  28. 为作物育种中多性状遗传进度研究及群体规模估计提出了新的设想。

    A new idea served for study on genetic gains of multiple character and estimation of basic population size was represented in the paper .

  29. 首先将构造的小波库作为遗传规划算法的群体规模,并对遗传规划算法的控制参数进行优选。

    Firstly , take the wavelet library as the population size of genetic programming algorithm , and optimize the control parameters of genetic programming algorithm .

  30. 网民群体规模大,影响范围广,对网络舆情的影响比较大。

    Groups of users is large in scale with a great influence on the range and it affects the spreading of the network public opinion greatly .