
qún tǐ ɡuī fàn
  • group norm
  1. 当群体规范以产品B、C为参照点时,吸引效应与折衷效应虽然均获得显著增加,但增加的原因却不一样。

    When the group norm takes product B and C as the reference point , the choice of the set effect significantly increases , but with different reasons .

  2. 另外,从被试的认知变化来看,攀比的群体规范也会抑制他们的购买欲望,这将有损于社会消费的可持续性。

    In addition , from the view of the cognitive change of the subjects , the group norm of the " competing " will also inhibit their desire to buy .

  3. 在建立起积极的群体规范以后,在管理中将小群体作为企业内部制度管理体系的一个基本单位,以部门职责取代个体的岗位说明书在人力资源管理体系中的基础性作用。

    After the establishment of positive group norms , small group should be considered as one basic unit of enterprise management system .

  4. 此外,认同融合受到文化意识形态及群体规范的影响,进而可能会影响融合的水平及其表现。

    In addition , identity fusion is influenced by cultural ideologies and group norms , which may affect the level of fusion and its manifestation further .

  5. 在管理中有意识地通过员工的工作和社交生活在员工之间建立起亲密的人际关系,建立有利于企业经营发展的积极的群体规范。

    To establish intimate human relationships consciously between the staff in the course of management both staff 's work and social life , and positive group norms .

  6. 因此,要实现全面建设小康社会的目标,就必须大力加强群体规范建设,努力增强群体凝聚力,积极优化群体价值观。

    Thus , to achieve the goal of building the over-all society , we must audaciously strengthen group construction , increase group coagulation force & actively to heighten highten group values .

  7. 最后在此基础上,本文探讨了各相关群体为规范我国会计信息披露应该采取的对策。

    Finally , based on the conclusion , this article discusses countermeasures taken by every relevant party .

  8. 即使个人希望发生变革,群体的规范和人们顺应的趋势可能是制约条件。

    Even if individuals want to change , the groupnorms and people 's tendencyto conform mayact as constraints .

  9. 三是共同的群体意识和规范。

    Another is the common group consciousness and regulars .

  10. 公共利益是人类群体生活的规范与目标,是政府公共行政存在的价值依据。

    Public interest is the regulation and goal of people 's group life .

  11. 多半情况下,谦卑是一种选择,而傲慢却是由于缺乏安全感或是顺从某一社会群体自觉行为规范的本能反应。

    More often than not , humility is a choice . Arrogance is a default position often based on insecurity , or on following perceived norms of behavior within a societal set .

  12. 一方面,应提高法官职业群体素质,规范法官的自由裁量权,使量刑中的人定因素更好地与法定因素结合起来。

    On one hand , improving the quality of judges and ruling discretionary action by strengthen professional education and promote right value of punishment to combine the law factor and the personal factor .

  13. 鉴于此,文章探讨了公民有序政治参与的实现机制:(1)确立社会利益群体有序、规范的组织机制,使公民在一定的组织架构下,有秩序、有领导的进行政治参与。

    From the above , the article discusses the realization of the order - political participation mechanisms : ( 1 ) The establishment of social interest groups orderly , standardized organizational mechanisms and it allow citizens to attend the political participation with the conduct of leadership in order .

  14. 群体安全与群体规范的知识。

    Knowledge on group safety and group norms .

  15. 对低科技准备性群体来说,主观规范、个性化定制、可获得性以及相容性对效用价值和娱乐价值皆具有积极的影响作用。

    To the low technology readiness group , subjective norm 、 personal customization 、 obtainable and compatibility have positive impacts on both utilitarian and hedonic value .

  16. 因此,群体自决形式的规范性限度能够溯源于在人性的普遍特征上非常有限或非常弱的假设;

    Normative limits on collective forms of self-determination , including sovereign statehood , can thus be derived from very limited or weak assumptions of universal features of human beings ;

  17. 首先宗教促成了群体内部的道德规范,加强了团队凝聚力,使得其中成员愿意为了群体牺牲自己,并冷酷无情的对待外来者。

    Above all , by promoting moral rules and cementing cohesion , in a way that makes people ready to sacrifice themselves for the group and to deal ruthlessly with outsiders .

  18. 但自始自终,心理学不像物理学和化学一样,有统一的学科框架,有共同的概念和术语,有基本的范畴和学科群体都接受的规范的范式。

    But from beginning to end , psychology , unlike physics and chemistry , a unified framework of disciplines , common concepts and terminology , basic scope and subject groups accepted norms paradigm .

  19. 在高校大学生这个特殊的社会群体中存在着一些约定俗成的群体规范,这是大学生从众心理的表现。

    In the particular social group of college students exist some common group norms , which is the performance of university students ' herd mentality .

  20. 提出了从树立良好的群体安全意识、建立良好的群体规范、提高群体内聚力、优化企业内部人际关系等六个方面着手,促进企业安全管理水平的提高。

    In order to promote the enterprise 's safe management level , it puts forward 6 aspects , that is , establishing the good safe consciousness , setting up colony norm , improving cohesive force , and optimizing the interpersonal relationships inside enterprises etc.

  21. 大学校园中的群体(包括正式群体与非正式群体)规范为校园精神影响与整合大学生诸素质的发展提供环境条件与途径。

    The norm of the group ( formal and informal ) on campus therefore has an impact on the campus spirit and the improvement of the competence level of college students .

  22. 而且,群体成员之间没有利益上的冲突,互动沟通容易进行。第二,趣缘群体有着属于自己的群体规范。

    Moreover , group members do not have conflicts of interest between , interactive communication easier . Second , interest groups , geographical groups has their own specifications .

  23. 高等职业教育发展及人才培养的群体活动,在宏观上体现出群体取向的特性、职业能力培养的终身性、人才培养的复合性、群体规范的必要性等整体规范。

    The development of higher vocational education and group activity of talented personnel reflects group tropism ' character from macro vision , life character of vocational ability training , compound character of talented personnel , and inevitable character of group standardization and so on .