
  • 网络Ability Motivation;competence motivation
  1. 尤其在涉及学习者个体差异方面,EllisRod(2000:73-78)认为语言能力、动机和学习策略对于学习者的学习效果影响巨大,是主要因素。

    Ellis Rod ( 2000:73-78 ) argues that language aptitude , motivation and learning strategy are the major factors which have great influence on the performance of the language learners .

  2. 个人人力资源是个人能力、动机与工作有关的态度的函数;

    Individual human resources are individual ability , the motive and the work-related manner function ;

  3. 但是,很少有关于网络计算机辅助教学环境下对自主学习能力与动机的关系的研究。

    Yet , few are found to investigate the relationship between autonomous learning capacity and motivation in Chinese web-based CALL context .

  4. 研究人员指出,对环境消耗和利用环境资源行为的认断受文化的影响,也受个人能力和动机的影响。

    Decisions about environmental consumption and behaviors that use environmental resources are influenced by culture as well as an individual 's abilities and motivations , the researchers noted .

  5. 从高绩效工作系统的实践内容入手,构建了以员工能力、动机和参与机会为要素的高绩效工作系统作用机制。

    Starting from the practice of high-performance work systems , it builds a high-performance work system with staff capacity , motivation and opportunity to participate in as elements .

  6. 要提高学生的元认知水平需从提高教师的认知水平以及学生的认知能力、动机水平、迁移策略与认知策略等方面入手。

    In order to raise students ' standard of metacognition , we must first raise teachers ' cognitive standard and students ' cognitive ability , motivation level , transfer strategy and metacognition strategy , etc.

  7. 其中主管因素包括品德、能力、动机、行为;员工因素包括信任倾向和个人关系;组织环境因素包括制度规范和信息沟通。

    Supervisor factors include : morality , capacity , motivation , behavior ; Employee factors include : the intention of trust and personal relations ; Organizational environment factors include : the norms and information communication .

  8. 首先少数民族学生应该树立三类可能提高其英语阅读水平的动机(个人发展,内在兴趣和能力水平动机)的意识。

    Firstly , ethnic students should hold the three top motivations ( reading for development , intrinsic interest in English reading and levels of English reading ability ), which can promote their English reading achievement .

  9. 为此,需要优化监事会运行的内部机制与外部环境,以确保监督者与被监督者的相互独立性、监督者享有充分的监督资源、监督者本身具备监督的能力与动机。

    So the internal mechanism and outside environment should be optimized to ensure the independence of supervisors and who are supervised and ensure the supervisors have sufficient supervising resource and supervisors themselves are competent and motivated .

  10. 本文以Gardner的二语习得的社会教育模式为框架,采用问卷的方法对影响非英语专业大学生英语口语能力的主要动机因素进行研究分析。

    This paper explores the influence of motivation elements on non-English major college students ' oral English learning based on Gardner 's Socio-Educational Model in Second Language Acquisition . The research method is questionnaire .

  11. 英语专业自考生英语语用能力与学习动机相关性研究

    SEMs ' Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation : A Correlation Analysis

  12. 学习能力与学习动机历来是教育心理学专家和教育教学工作者关注的课题。

    The learning capability and study motive are the topics among educational psychologists and teachers .

  13. 抵押贷款银行家协会出手了,他们不仅有能力也有动机去欺骗联邦调查局。

    And the Mortgage Bankers Association set out , it had the audacity and the success to con the FBI .

  14. 结果还表明写作焦虑与写作态度,自评写作能力和写作动机有一定的负相关性。

    The results also show that writing anxiety has significant and negative relationships with writing attitudes , self-perceived writing proficiency and writing motivations .

  15. 教师除在客观上了解学习原理并谙熟教学方法外更须了解学生本身的两个主观条件:学习能力与学习动机。

    Besides the objective study principles and teaching method , two subjective conditions of students are worth considering : the learning capability and study motive .

  16. 教师除了在客观上要了解学习原理和教学方法外,更需要了解学生本身的学习能力与学习动机。

    The teacher , in addition to learning theory and teaching methods objectively , more need to know the students ' own learning ability and motivation .

  17. 另外写作焦虑与学习者因素的关系,如写作态度、自评写作能力和写作动机也很少有涉及。

    The relationships between writing anxiety and learner variables , including writing attitudes , self-perceived writing proficiency and writing motivations , are seldom explored , too .

  18. 本研究旨在了解不同教学模式在乐高课程对资优学童问题解决能力和学习动机的影响。

    The purpose of this study was to examine the role that ability-and effort-based praise can play in persistence and task performance among children identified as gifted .

  19. 在学生视角下首先对学生的学习能力和学习动机这两个影响高校学生有效学习的最重要因素进行了分析,然后分析了学习过程中的现实影响因素。

    Analyzed the most important factors , learning capacity and academic motivation , and the factors in learning process . The influence factors of effective teaching from instructor vision .

  20. 分析了我国家族企业内源融资的原因,从家族企业自身融资能力、融资动机和外界融资环境,提出了突破融资瓶颈的对策。

    This essay analyzes the cause of internal financing , and proposes the countermeasures in three aspects : financing capacity of family firms , intention of financing and financing circumstance .

  21. 不同性别在健康和乐趣方面存在显著差异,不同职业在健康、乐趣、能力、社交动机存在显著差异。

    Different genders are different in terms of health and entertainment ; the differences on health , entertainment , ability , social communication motivation because of different professions are easy to see .

  22. 高层管理者的胜任特征模型可进一步分成两个方面的内容,一是个人所具有的诸如责任感、沟通协商能力、权力动机和良好的心态等因素;

    The model on competency for senior managers can be divided into two parts , the first part involves factors like Conscientiousness , ability for communication and negotiation , power desire and balanced psychology ;

  23. 管理权力理论不再认为董事会完全受托于股东,认为高管有能力也有动机影响董事会,进而影响高管薪酬契约。

    Managerial power approach suggests that the board is no longer on behalf of shareholders completely , and executives have ability and motive to influence directors , and executives could affect the compensation contract .

  24. 另外价格的最终确定还要受收购双方谈判能力、交易动机、交易数量、交易时供求状况等因素的影响。

    In addition , the last price will be decided by the two parties ' negotiation ability , trade motivation , the quantity of the trade , and the situation of supply and demand .

  25. 从个体角度来讲,低严谨性、低自尊、低能力和缺乏动机是主要因素,而任务厌恶和奖惩时限较长是影响拖延的情境因素。

    From the individual perspective , low conscientiousness , low self-esteem , low ability and lack of intrinsic motivation are the main factors , while task aversion and long time of reward and punishment are situational factors .

  26. 审计选聘权、费用支付权的转移和社会资源的稀缺致使管理层有能力且有动机影响审计报告类型,审计独立性受到影响。

    The right to audit selection and the right to pay the cost transfer , and social resources are short , so the managers have capacity and motive to influence the type of audit reports and audit independence is affected .

  27. 这五种过程按照形成的前后顺序分别是计算过程、预测过程、能力判断过程、动机过程和转移过程(Doney,1997)。

    These five processes are in accordance with the before and after order is calculation process , forecasting process , the ability to determine process , the motivation process and the transfer process ( doney , 1997 ) .

  28. 个人因素包括家庭结构及家庭成员对教师工作的态度、教师个体的教育信念、知识结构、能力素养、从业动机与态度以及自我专业发展的意识与需要等。

    The individual factors mainly include family , educational belief , knowledge , teaching expertise , occupation motive and need on professional etc.

  29. 外语学习成功与否取决于很多因素,例如:语言能力倾向,学习动机,性格因素,学习风格等等。

    There are a number of factors which influence the success of foreign language learning - language aptitude , motivation , personality , learning styles , etc.

  30. 出现这种局面的原因在于他们学习资源占有率低,拥有的学习时间极少,同时他们的自学能力低下,学习动机也不明确。

    The reasons for this are that they have less learning resources , less learning time , lower level of self-regulated learning ability and obscure learning motivation .