
  • 网络energy audit
  1. CUSUM方法在企业能源审计中的应用

    Application of CUSUM Method in Enterprise Energy Audit

  2. 武汉市政府机构办公楼与公共建筑的能源审计

    Energy audit of government office buildings and public buildings in Wuhan

  3. 本文着重对能源审计基本理论进行研究。

    This paper focuses on the basic theory of energy audit .

  4. GB/T17166-1997企业能源审计技术通则

    General principle of energy audit on industrial and commercial enterprise

  5. 四川省省直机关政府办公建筑的能源审计

    Energy Audit of Government Office Buildings in Sichuan Province

  6. 长沙市政府办公建筑能源审计及节能分析研究

    A Study on the Energy Auditing and Saving of the Government Office Buildings of Changsha

  7. 找一个家能源审计。

    Get a home energy audit .

  8. 研究火力发电厂能源审计的技术与方法有重要的现实意义。

    Study of thermal power plant energy audit technology and method has an important practical significance .

  9. 本文就是在完成本溪钢铁(集团)有限责任公司能源审计项目的基础上形成的。

    This paper is based on the project of Benxi Iron and Steel Group energy audit .

  10. 以该商业大楼为例,详细介绍了建筑物能源审计的研究结果。

    Reports a detailed study of building energy audit through the case study on the commercial building .

  11. 能源审计不可忽视的作用

    Energy Audit Cannot Be Ignored

  12. 能源审计在煤炭企业推进节能降耗工作的实践与应用

    Energy audits in the coal enterprises to promote the practice of saving energy and reducing consumption and Application

  13. 企业能源审计是一种加强企业能源科学管理和节能减排的有效手段和途径。

    Enterprise Energy audit is an effective approach to strengthen energy management and energy saving for a company .

  14. 旨在对火电厂开展能源审计和节能减排工作提供借鉴。

    Aimed at the power plant to conduct energy audits and energy saving and emission reduction work of reference .

  15. 2006年4月30日,国家发改委决定在重点耗能行业开展千家企业节能行动,对重点耗能企业进行能源审计。

    National Development and Planning Commission decided to carry out energy-saving action on key energy consumption industry in 2006 .

  16. 详细阐述了能源审计的定义、类型、作用以及进行能源审计的基本方法和依据。

    Detailed energy audit definition , type , function as well as the energy audit of the basic method and basis .

  17. 实际工作中,必须把制定严格的能耗标准和能源审计相结合,从源头上解决能耗问题。

    In the real practice , it is wise to combine energy audit with rigid energy standard , resolving tough questions originally .

  18. 如果你愿意付出更先进的能源审计,你可能会看到这些小工具之一。

    If you 're willing to pay for a more advanced energy audit , you 'll probably see one of these gadgets .

  19. 在现有的理论研究中,很少有对能源审计方法进行深入分析和改进的研究,尤其是基于有效能的分析。

    In nowadays , few studies are on the energy audit and how to improve the audit method , especially the exergy analysis .

  20. 为普通公共建筑的能源审计提供了理论依据,也为建筑节能改造积累了一定的经验。

    Hope that it can provide a theoretical basis for energy audit , as well as accumulating some experience for building energy saving .

  21. 研究结果表明,把能源审计与能耗模拟相结合是一种有效的节能改造方法,值得在其他节能改造项目中推广。

    The result indicates that the method combining energy auditing and energy consumption simulation is efficient and worths popularizing for other energy-saving transformations .

  22. 他还去了解了一些家庭能源审计服务的价格并帮助几名客户做了家庭能源审计,不过他说目前为止还没有一名客户把钱投在价格更贵的太阳能转换设备上。

    He also has priced home-energy audits and helped several clients get them done , though he says none has invested yet in a pricier solar conversion .

  23. 文章从能源审计的角度出发,在产品结构、生产技术及能源管理三个方面对铁合金企业的节能潜力进行了分析。

    From the Angle of energy audit , the article analyses the energy-saving potential for a ferroalloy enterprise on product structure , production technology and energy management .

  24. 从经济和节能两方面综合考虑,使能源审计的评价体系更加完善。(4)对典型用能系统的能源利用进行(?)分析及优化。

    This standard will be more integrity as it considers both economic aspect and physical aspect . ( 4 ) The classical energy system was optimized based on the exergy analysis .

  25. 例如,澳大利亚的维多利亚州立法机构要求气体排放大户接受强制性能源审计,并根据其建议开展为期三年以下的整改。

    For example , regulators in the state of Victoria in Australia require all large emitters to have a compulsory energy audit and undertake any recommendations that have a three-year payback or less .

  26. 耗能行业现在主要通过能耗指标进行能源审计,对企业能耗水平做绝对评价。但不同生产部门和使用不同生产工艺的企业,能耗水平并不能体现出它的节能水平。

    Energy level can not reflect the level of its energy-saving in different production sectors and enterprises with different production processes . Currently , there is no industry standard evaluation system of energy saving .

  27. 本文通过建立建筑能耗的监测网络可以实时监测建筑的各分项能耗数据,为建筑的二级能源审计奠定数据基础。

    By establishing the monitoring network of buildings ' energy consumption in this thesis , the energy consumption data of buildings can be monitored separately at real-time , which lays the foundation of data to the secondary energy audit of the buildings .

  28. 在进行此问卷之前,你是否了解能源审核及碳审计不同之处?

    Do you know the difference between carbon audit and energy audit before doing this questionnaire ?

  29. 你有没有进行在进行能源审核及碳审计的经验,包括参加审核或为审核员等等?

    Do you have any experience on carbon audit and or energy audit in Hong Kong , including as a participator , auditor , etc ?

  30. 基于AutoCAD和能源网络图的能源审计软件

    Energy Audit Software Development Based on AutoCAD and Energy Network Diagram