
  • 网络word of mouth;word-of-mouth;Reputation effect;WOM
  1. 在赛事收尾阶段可以通过口碑效应提高城市品牌的忠诚度。

    In the last stage of termination , sport mega-event can improve the loyalty degree of the host city brand by the effect of word of mouth .

  2. 其次,针对旅游危机事件发展,应该危机前建立预警机制,危机中要加强信息沟通与披露,危机后应该注重形象传播,形成口碑效应。

    Second , as for the development of tourism crisis , we should establish early warning mechanism before crisis , strengthen information communication and disclosure in the crisis , focus on the image transmission after the crisis to formate the word of mouth .

  3. 其次,建立了基于口碑效应的CLV改进模型。

    Secondly , an expanded CLV model is presented based on the word-of-mouth .

  4. 虽然OE配套市场表现不佳,但是米其林在中国售后替换市场取得越来越好的成绩,其口碑效应异常明显,保证了米其林拥有较高的利润。

    Although Michelin didn 't perform well in the OE market , it delivered an increasingly better performance in China 's after-sale replacement market , and got high profit for its outstanding reputation .

  5. 另外,随着社交网络AngelList等事物的出现,口碑效应放大,行业透明度提高,光靠名声响已经不够,除非有真实、有影响力的各种活动支撑。

    Plus , with more transparency in the industry through things like angellist and viral / social ways of amplifying word-of-mouth , reputation alone no longer suffices unless it is backed and substantiated by real and impactful activities .

  6. 基于小世界网络的口碑效应研究

    Study of Word-of-Mouth Effects Based on Small-World Network

  7. 创造无形价值的可能性,如口碑效应,钱包份额,推荐价值等。

    The possibility of creating the intangible value such as public praise effectiveness , wallet-sharing , recommend value .

  8. 从手机媒介消费的外在刺激来看,人际传播中的口碑效应发挥着重要作用。

    From the perspective of external stimulation of the consuming , word-of-mouth in interpersonal communication plays a big role .

  9. 营销领域的口碑效应现象和病毒式营销推广方式提出了如何在人群中寻找影响力最大的用户的问题。

    " Word-of-mouth " and " viral marketing " effects in marketing have raised the problem of how to find the influential members of people .

  10. 由于满意程度为可以接受的患者带来效益的正负尚不可知,我们认为其带来的效益为零。结论:不同满意度患者会带来不同的口碑效应。

    Because the economic benefit from the patients of acceptable is unknown now , it is considered as 0.Conclusion : patients have various word-of-mouth comment effectiveness .

  11. 因此,证券分析师对股市的影响效果往往是立竿见影的,形成市场口碑效应也是非常直接的。

    As a result , securities analysts on the impact of the stock market effect is often immediate , effects of the formation of word-of-mouth market is also very direct .

  12. 文章在剖析前人客户终身价值模型的基础上,建立了基于口碑效应的客户终身价值改进模型,更客观地反映了客户消费行为,提高了客户终身价值模型预测的准确性。

    Based on the analysis of CLV model , the author set up an improved CLV model which will reflect the customer 's consumption behaviors more objectively , and will provide more accurate expectations .

  13. 借助对网络媒体特点、网络口碑效应和媒体传播纵深度的分析,证明网络媒体是快速消费品行业品牌发展的优化平台。

    With the analysis of the network media characteristics , the word-of-mouth network effect of the Internet and the comprehensive communication of media , it proves that the network media is the most optimized platform of the FMCG brand .

  14. 在此背景下,品牌已成为优秀企业区隔于其它企业的无形附加资产,在为其带来口碑效应的同时,创造更高的市场占有率及利润率。

    In this context , the brand has become a intangible additional asset which shows the excellent enterprises differentiate from others . In bringing reputation effect , at the same time , it creates a higher market share and profit margin .

  15. 另外,我们还将我们的模型拓展到包括了口碑效应,以及重复购买对定价的影响。其次,参考价格效应对完全垄断企业的动态定价策略的影响已经广泛的被过去文献所研究了。

    In addition , the basic model is extended to examine the influences of the word-of-mouth ( WOM ) effect and repeat purchase on pricing strategies . Second , the impact of reference-price effects on the dynamic pricing policy of a monopolist has been widely studied in the literature .

  16. 这可以解释为,顾客满意可能产生了免费的口碑广告效应,并节省了随后的营销费用。

    This finding can be explained by the possibility that customer satisfaction generates free word-of-mouth advertising and saves subsequent marketing costs .

  17. 第三部分对网络口碑负面效应的影响因素进行了全方面的探究,并结合相关案例进行了说明。

    The third part is the negative effect of word of mouth network factors were all aspects of exploration , combined with relevant cases are described .

  18. 并且贯穿整个口碑营销传播过程,来讨论负面口碑传播效应。

    What is more , we relate to the whole process about the word of mouth marketing communication , to discuss the effect of negative word of mouth .

  19. 但是,口碑是一把双刃剑,既可以为企业带来口碑效应,也会因为负面口碑的传播带来不利影响。

    However , word of mouth is a double edged sword that can bring word of mouth business , also because of the spread of negative word of mouth has brought adverse effects .