
  1. 她从后场把球在空中拦截起来。

    She volleyed the ball from the back of the court .

  2. 不仅服役用于训练用途,JJ-7也可以被用来空中拦截和对地攻击任务。

    As well as serving for training purpose , the JJ-7 could also be used for air interception and ground attack roles .

  3. 强化学习及其在空中拦截中的应用

    Reinforcement Learning with Its Application in Air Interception

  4. 两们运动员都太注重发球的威力和空中拦截,往返击球的次数太少。

    Both the players emphasized the power game of serve and volley and rallies were too short .

  5. 在完成该使命后,飞船借助降落伞返回地球。按计划,一位好莱坞的特技飞行员将对返回舱实施空中拦截。

    Hollywood stunt pilot was supposed to snag the Genesis capsule as it floated toward Earth on a parachute at the end of its three-year mission to collect solar ions .

  6. 本文首先分析空中拦截的重要性及其研究方法的发展,并给出设计方案的依据及总体框架。

    At first the air interception 's essentiality and the development of the study method were analyzed . And the based element and collection frame of design case was ordered , too .

  7. 游隼能够达到这么快的速度也是出于生存需要,为了在空中拦截猎物,它必须以非常快的速度俯冲,再加上超薄的羽毛、尖锐的翅膀和符合空气动力学的身体,游隼的速度无可匹敌。

    The reason for this is simply necessity . To intercept its prey in the sky , the peregrine falcon must dive at remarkable speeds . A combination of its slim feathers , pointed wings , and aerodynamic body allows it to reach such speeds .

  8. 防空导弹火力单元对空中目标的拦截排序问题

    The Problem of Interception Order of Air Defence Missile Fire Unit against Air Targets

  9. 通视性分析的主要任务是找出使飞行器能够躲避给定的观察者,如雷达站、空中预警飞机和拦截飞机等区域。

    The main work of the visibility analysis is to find hidden area which is not visible to the observers , such as radar , air pre alarm aircraft , interceptor etc.

  10. 海洋警察厅将负责首尔汉江的守卫,空军将担任空中警戒,准备拦截峰会期间可能试图侵犯韩国领空的飞机。

    The Coast Guard will defend the Han River in Seoul . And the Air Force will be on the lookout for planes that may try to intrude into the airspace over the summit .