
kònɡ bái piào jù
  • blank bill;empty bill
  1. 二是持票人行使部分空白票据补充权,并将空白票据交付下手。

    The other is the holder deliver blank bill to next bearer after partial exercise the complimentary rights .

  2. 完善我国空白票据制度之关键&安全性问题研究

    Research on the Security Problems & The Key to the Perfection of the System of Blank Bill of Our Country

  3. 在本章第三节着重分析空白票据构成要件中授权行为的性质。

    In section 3 the author analyses the nature of authorization behavior .

  4. 论空白票据丧失的救济途径

    The Research on the Remedies for the Forfeiture of the Blank Note

  5. 第三章,空白票据的补充权及其行使。

    Chapter Three - Blank instrument complementary rights and exercise .

  6. 补充权是空白票据生命力之所在。

    Complimentary rights are the vitality of blank instruments .

  7. 第二章,空白票据的构成。

    Chapter Two - The formation of blank instruments .

  8. 关于空白票据几个法律问题的探讨

    On Some Legal Problems Involving Blank Negotiable Instruments

  9. 论空白票据的法律效力

    On the Legal Effects of Blank Negotiable Instruments

  10. 第四章,空白票据的法律效力。

    Chapter Four - Blank instruments legal effect .

  11. 试析空白票据的法律效力

    On the legal effect of incomplete instrument

  12. 论空白票据的空白补充权

    On Additional Right of Bill Blank Space

  13. 关于空白票据的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts on Blank Commercial Instrument

  14. 空白票据之研究

    Research on the Blank Instruments

  15. 空白票据是票据法中的一个重大理论问题,也票据实践中的一个难点。

    Blank commercial instrument remains an important theoretical issue in commercial instrument laws and a difficult point in practice .

  16. 第五章,结论&暨对我国空白票据法律规定的评述及立法建议。

    Chapter Five - An appraisal of the PRC 's blank instrument laws and regulations up to the present day .

  17. 笔者认为空白票据补充权的性质为空白票据行为生效的条件。

    I think that the nature of blank instrument complementary rights is a condition of blank bill behavior coming into effect .

  18. 一旦票据权利的安全性问题得以解决,空白票据便可以被法律所接受。

    Once we solve the security problems of the note right , the blank bill can be accepted by the law .

  19. 从流通转让来说,空白票据的必要记载事项欠缺仍能够进入流通领域,参与交易活动。

    Negotiable necessary to inadequate recording of blank bills are still able to enter the circulation , to participate in trading activities .

  20. 因此,空白票据理论的研究对于票据法理论的完善和司法实践都具有重要意义。

    At the same time , there is of great significance in perfecting theory of commercial instrument law and in our judicial practice .

  21. 空白票据授权行为是与空白票据补充权密切关联的一类关系,围绕其性质存在五种不同学说。

    The authorization behavior of blank invoice is a kind of relationship closely related to supplement right and there are five kinds of different theories .

  22. 空白票据指票据行为人仅在票据上签名,而将票据上其他应记载事项,全部或一部分授权他人完成的票据。

    Blank bill refers to the bill which remitter only signs but leaves other items blank and remitter authorizes other people to finish the bill .

  23. 研究空白票据的一般法理可为空白票据法律制度的建立提供理论基础。

    Research on the general legal principles of the blank cheques can provide the theoretical basis for setting up the blank cheque 's law system .

  24. 空白票据遗失救济问题研究有利于保护持票人的票据权利、维护交易的安全和稳定性。

    The study of the redress of the lost blank bill helps to protect the bearer 's note right , security and stability of the trade .

  25. 本文在分析目前我国空白票据立法现状的基础上,结合英、美等发达国家的立法经验,对如何完善我国的空白票据制度提出了一系列建议。

    In addition , based on using the successful legislative experience of developed countries , the author puts forward some legislation proposals on incomplete instrument system .

  26. 本文第一章首先界定了空白票据的概念和种类,并辨析了空白票据与其他几个相近的概念的区别;

    Chapter one in this article is the definition and classification of blank negotiable instrument and distinction between blank negotiable instrument and other several similar concepts .

  27. 第一部分:空白票据是发票人有意空缺若干必要记载事项并授权相对人补记齐全而签发的票据,各国对空白票据的称呼不尽雷同;

    In Part I , a blank bill is issued under the conditions that a drawer intentionally makes several necessary items vacant and authorizes the counterpart to complete them .

  28. 在立法模式上,笔者认为可以借鉴《日内瓦统一汇票、本票法》中空白票据的立法模式。

    In regard to the legislative style the author deems it acceptable to refer to the legislative style adopted in the Geneva Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note law .

  29. 空白票据补充权合理行使后,有两种情形:一是空白票据被补充完全,成为了完全票据。

    After the reasonable exercise of complimentary rights , it will result in two kinds of consequence : the one is the blank bills were added completely that become completely bill .

  30. 接着本文对两大法系关于空白票据立法规定进行比较分析,结论是两大法系各主要国家都认可空白票据的法律效力。

    It then continues with a comparative analysis of the legislative rules of two major judicial systems vis-a-vis blank instruments , and concludes that both judicial systems recognize blank instruments legal efficacy .