
kōnɡ cānɡ
  • have sold all securities;short position
  1. 上述私募机构人士表示,至今他仍在空仓等待这一刻的到来。

    The above person said that so far he has been taking a short position to wait for that moment .

  2. 去年12月,他出现在CNBC,讨论他如何已经开始采取空仓,希望从中国崩溃中获利。

    In December , he appeared on CNBC to discuss how he had already begun taking short positions , hoping to profit from a China collapse .

  3. 对高14.76m,直径12m的螺旋卷边钢板筒仓在空仓风载工况下进行了有限元分析。

    Finite element analysis on a steel bin of 14.76m high with diameter of 12m . under wind load .

  4. 敌百虫空仓消毒烟剂是由敌百虫、助燃剂和燃质组成。

    Dipterex smoking formula consists of Dipterex , burning-rate accelerator and burning material .

  5. 有自动化喷药装置,可兼作空仓消毒使用。

    If equipped with a auto spraying device , it can be used for empty warehouse sterilization .

  6. 因此,即使经济基本因素有所改善,但港元空仓仍继续增加。

    And so , notwithstanding the improvements in the fundamentals , the short Hong Kong dollar position continued to build up .

  7. 事实证明,在昨天尾盘减仓或空仓是明智的选择。

    The facts prove that it 's a wise choice to reduce the ratio or in vacant position in yesterday 's closing .

  8. 利用有限元分析软件对所建的单仓和群仓模型在空仓和满仓工况下进行了地震作用模态分析。

    Using finite element software to build the model of single and group silos in empty and full conditions for earthquake modal analysis .

  9. 比如,目前在未平仓空仓额排行榜上位居前列的就有一家公司,其首席执行官喜欢将自己的打猎照片贴在网上。

    For example , high on a current short-interest list is a company with a CEO prone to posting photos of his hunting exploits .

  10. 这一现象说明卖空者失去希望,希望变成了绝望以至于他们跟进空仓或者买入。

    This meant that the shorts had lost hope and that hope had turned into despair and that they were covering shorts or buying .

  11. 午后,延续游资主力强势,不管游资主力如何表演,在休市前已经减仓或空仓。

    Afternoon , following small-cap forces strong condition , individual investors have reduced the position or in vacant position , no matter how forces perform .

  12. 如果GBP/USD主流趋势是往上,咱们不会因为价格跌破隧道下边而开新空仓。

    If the GBP / USD is in a strong price uptrend , we will not initiate new short positions on a break of the lower tunnel boundary .

  13. 已知空仓半衰期、粮食品种通过表格或曲线可以查出某装粮高度的理论实仓半衰期。

    Given the half-life of empty bin and grain variety , we can find out theoretical half-life of full bin at a certain grain pile height in the table or diagram .

  14. 分析单仓和群仓结构分别在空仓和满仓状态下的动力特性(自振周期、频率、振型),并分析筒仓结构在低频率和高频率时的运动形态。

    Dynamic characteristic and response ( the vibration period , frequency , modal ) of the single silo and group silos in empty and full conditions are analyzed . And analysis to movement patterns of silo structures at low frequency and high frequency is also performed . 3 .