
  1. 资产规模为150亿美元的GAMUnconstrainedBondStrategy去年上涨了0.5%左右,部分原因是该基金利用美国国债期货和互换建立了少量空头头寸。

    The $ 15 billion GAM Unconstrained Bond Strategy was up about 0.5 % for the year , in part thanks to a small short position using Treasury futures and swaps .

  2. 根据上海期货交易所的数据,上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)旗下的混沌天成期货(ChaosTernaryFutures),加大了交易量最大的5月份到期铜期货合同的空头头寸,在周一增加了1242手。

    Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .

  3. 这名投资者是约翰伯德(JohnBird),他对自己的空头头寸尤其直言不讳。

    That investor was John Bird , who has been especially vocal about his short positions .

  4. 类似地,多/空股票(long/shortequity,或称为股票对冲)基金本应同时持有股票多头头寸和股票或期权的空头头寸。

    Similarly , long / short equity ( or equity hedge ) funds are supposed to combine long holdings of equities with short sales of stocks or options .

  5. Record去年12月推出了一只新兴市场货币基金(EMCurrencyFund),试图从上述趋势中获利。该基金持有13种新兴货币的多头头寸,以及4个发达国家货币的空头头寸。

    Record launched an EM Currency Fund , which holds long positions in 13 emerging currencies and shorts in four developed world ones , in December to benefit from this trend .

  6. 上周五,英国金融服务管理局(financialservicesauthority)发布了一项出人意料的公告:对于正在配股的股票,如果空头头寸超过全部已发行股的0.25%,卖空者必须做出披露。

    On Friday the financial services authority made a surprise announcement that short sellers would have to disclose short positions in stocks undergoing rights issues if they amounted to more than 0.25 per cent of the total shares outstanding .

  7. 按照周一新修改的规则,对冲基金仍需要向SEC披露空头头寸,不过SEC会在两周后才将这些交易公诸于世。

    Monday 's rules : Hedge funds still must disclose their positions to the SEC , but the SEC will not make the trades public until two weeks later .

  8. 所有这些反向ETF的结构都围绕着一个非常简单的想法:它们在股市中使用期货,而非空头头寸。

    All these inverse ETFs are structured around a very simple idea : they use futures instead of short positions in stocks .

  9. 作为衡量对冲基金活动的一个常用指标,芝加哥商业交易所(CME)的空头头寸在10月份达到创纪录水平。

    Short positions on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , hit record levels in October .

  10. 这发生在第二位发言人GreenlightCapital的戴维•埃因霍恩讲话之后,GreenlightCapital以持有大量空头头寸而知名。

    That happened after the next speaker , David Einhorn of greenlight capital , a hedge fund famous for taking very large short positions , said grundlach was flat wrong .

  11. 接下来的三个季度里,当雷曼和花旗集团(citigroup)等银行在抵押贷款资产上的押注成倍增加时,高盛已经在抵押贷款市场上积累了小额空头头寸。

    Over the next three quarters , as banks such as Lehman and Citigroup doubled up on their mortgage bets , Goldman accumulated a small short position on the mortgage market .

  12. 在一个极端,高盛(goldmansachs)表现卓越发布的收益数据节节攀升,抵押贷款空头头寸的巨额利润抵消了次级抵押贷款市场投资损失。

    At one end of the spectrum Goldman Sachs sails sublimely on , churning out ever-improving earnings figures while offsetting losses on its exposure to the subprime market with vast profits on short positions in mortgages .

  13. 来自芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的持仓数据显示,在此次就业报告公布前夕,押注美元下跌的空头头寸数量,处于2008年6月以来的最高水平。

    Bets on further dollar weakness short dollar positions were at their highest level since June 2008 , according to positioning data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , going into the jobs report .

  14. 方案中提出,遏制CDS投机的一种方法,是禁止所谓的无实体CDS,而另一种方法则要求大型市场参与者向监管机构披露自己的空头头寸,并遵守有关头寸的限制。

    It suggests that one way to curb speculation in CDSs would be to ban so-called naked swaps . An alternative would require big market participants to reveal their short positions to their regulator and make them subject to position limits .

  15. 摩根大通本星期初亦推荐做空EUR/CHF,有一家对冲基金亦很“聪明”地做空并设立大幅度止赢头寸。但现在有一家更大的瑞士外汇交易商却建议减少空头头寸。

    JP Morgan also recommended a short EUR / CHF technical trade earlier this week but one of the'cleverer'hedge funds had been short EUR / CHF and booked a very nice profit .

  16. 芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的数据显示,在截至2月2日的一周内,投资者持有的欧元空头头寸增至创纪录水平。该交易所的数据经常被作为衡量对冲基金活动的指标。

    Figures from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , which are often used as a proxy of hedge fund activity , showed investors had increased their positions against the euro to record levels in the week to February 2 .

  17. 芝加哥商业交易所(CME)上周末发布的数据显示,在本次就业数据公布前,美元空头头寸达到2008年3月以来的最高水平。有鉴于此,分析师们表示,就业数据促使投资者反思了自己的头寸。

    Analysts said the figures caused investors to rethink their positions , given that data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange released over the weekend revealed short positions in the dollar ahead of the data were at their highest levels since March 2008 .

  18. 这次做空无疑是有备而来:根据Markit的数据,针对奥兰公司的空头头寸规模增长到今年早些时候的两倍,总计占了奥兰公司超过13%的股份,这差不多包括了可以拆借的所有股票。

    The shorts are certainly primed : short positions in Olam are double their levels earlier this year and represent almost all the stock that can be borrowed , according to Markit , or more than 13 per cent of the shares in total .

  19. 她还表示,美元空头头寸看上去本已极为勉强。

    She also said that dollar short positions had begun to look extremely stretched .

  20. 不是只有对冲基金在削减自己的美元空头头寸。

    It is not just hedge funds that have been trimming their bets against the dollar .

  21. 此外,投资者正解除空头头寸,意味着他们需要回购早先卖出的股票。

    They are also unwinding short positions , which means buying back stock they sold earlier .

  22. 此规定意味着,这些银行如今也能持有外汇空头头寸了。

    And that means these banks are now also able to hold short positions in foreign currencies .

  23. 在存在问题的信用评级基础上,美国国际集团在账外建立了大量抵押不足的空头头寸。

    AIG invisibly built up huge under-collateralised sell positions on the back of a faulty credit rating .

  24. 当大盘下跌时,手中没有头寸是件好事,但持有空头头寸则更好。

    Not holding assets when the price falls is good , but a short position is better .

  25. 多头持有少量空头头寸,因此无论市场涨跌都能获利。

    " Longs " take out small short positions so they can profit whichever way the market goes .

  26. 由于担心对冲基金持续多头平仓和增加原油空头头寸,隔夜盘交易期价下跌。

    Overnight prices traded lower on fears that Hedge funds would continue to liquidate long grain and short Crude oil positions .

  27. 押注欧元区危机可能加剧的投机者越来越多,欧元空头头寸增至创纪录水平。

    Speculators are increasingly betting that the eurozone crisis could escalate as short positions against the euro rose to a fresh record .

  28. 交易所其它会员公司承接了卖盘,使瑞穗证券建立了巨大的空头头寸,需要花费巨资才能平仓。

    Other member firms picked up the offer , leaving Mizuho with a large short position that it had to unwind at great expense .

  29. 若市场波动水平突然增大,对冲基金能够迅速地对日元空头头寸进行平仓,然而家庭投资者则倾向于采取观望态度。

    If markets suddenly become more volatile , hedge funds can very quickly unwind their short yen positions , whereas households are more likely to sit .

  30. 交易员们称,昨日上午对冲基金在买入美元,并构建了针对兰特、卢布和土耳其里拉等新兴市场货币的空头头寸。

    Traders reported dollar buying by hedge funds taking short positions against emerging market currencies yesterday morning , including the rand , the rupee and the lira .