
kàn zhǎng
  • be expected to rise;long;be bullish
看涨 [kàn zhǎng]
  • [be bullish] 指价格显示上升趋势

看涨[kàn zhǎng]
  1. 这促使该公司展开自营交易,看涨小麦和玉米。

    This put it in a position to make proprietary trades going long wheat and corn .

  2. 卖出期货合同和买进看涨期权的组合,叫做组合买入看跌期权。

    A combination of a short futures contract and a long call , called a synthetic long put .

  3. 股市开盘时行情看涨。

    The market opened in a bullish mood .

  4. 行情看涨。

    Market will be strong .

  5. 楼盘行情看涨。

    The real estate market is strong ( or bullish ) .

  6. 但现在就看涨AIM还太早。

    But it is too early to be bullish about Aim .

  7. 看涨者:海纳国际集团(SusquehannaFinancialGroup)高级分析师大卫•希尔德

    The bull : David hilder , senior analyst , Susquehanna financial group

  8. 一年前,鲜有投资者看涨Facebook。

    A year ago , few investors were bullish on Facebook ( FB ) .

  9. 而如果27岁地Facebook的创始人马克扎克伯格独挑大梁的话,投资者可能不这么看涨。

    Investors might be less bullish if the 27-year-old Mark Zuckerberg , the founder , were in sole charge .

  10. 即使美联储(fed)提前、而非推迟退出刺激措施,看涨美元的投资者也可以辩称,这将吸引短期资金流入美国。

    Even if the Federal Reserve exits sooner rather than later , the dollar bulls argue that would attract short-term funds to the US .

  11. 利用Fourier变换方法求得美式看涨期权的一个封闭解,并给出了有交易费用的美式期权定价公式。

    Using Fourier transform method , closed-form solutions of American call option claim , and the formula to American option pricing with transaction costs are given .

  12. 美国能源情报署(energyinformationadministration)一份看涨的报告推动了油价上涨,报告称“紧张的基本面因素”将继续推高油价。

    The price jump was helped by a bullish report from the energy information administration , the statistical arm of the US energy department , warning that " tight fundamentals " would continue to push up oil prices .

  13. 美联储(fed)一位高级官员的讲话提升了市场对美国下个月降息的希望,由此释放出的看涨情绪如潮般地横扫亚太地区。

    Comments by a senior Federal Reserve official raised hopes for a US interest rate cut next month , unleashing a wave of bullish sentiment which swept across the Pacific .

  14. 与此同时,苹果已被投资者持续看涨多年,而且在iPhone和iPad的推动下,它的盈利增长表现强劲。

    Apple , meanwhile , was riding a multi-year wave of bullishness and strong earnings growth that was driven by the iPhone and iPad .

  15. 本文研究股价服从指数广义双曲levy过程下的欧式期权定价理论,并以宝钢欧式看涨期权为例,通过技术方法实现定价。

    This paper deals with pricing theory and empirical study about European option pricing when stock prices obey exponential Generalized hyperbolic levy process .

  16. 这项考试爆炸式增长本身映射出了MBA学位一路看涨、蔚为壮观的受欢迎程度。MBA学位可以说是战后最成功的教育产品。

    The growth of the test itself mirrors the spectacular rise in popularity of the MBA degree , arguably the most successful educational product of the post-war period .

  17. 以实物期权的观点看,政府通过对BOT高速公路的双边保证,获得两个实物期权价值:看跌期权价值及看涨期权价值。

    From real options perspective , through the BOT highway bilateral guarantee the government access to two real options value : a put option value and a call option value .

  18. 投资者可选择行使期权,以每股50元之价格买进股票,或者卖掉LEAPS看涨期权获取利润。

    The investor may choose to exercise the calls and take delivery of the stock at a price of50 , or may sell the LEAPS calls for a profit .

  19. 英国住宅建造商crestnicholson将发起首次公开发行(ipo),考验一下这些看涨者是否愿意用现金来支持他们的信心。

    Crest Nicholson , a housebuilder , is about to test whether the bulls are willing to back their confidence with cash by launching an initial public offering .

  20. 这就为看涨金价的人带来一个问题:美国经济数据的逐步改善降低了出台qe3的可能性。

    That creates a problem for gold bulls : improving data on the US economy make qe3 look less likely .

  21. 作为香港西京投资管理公司(atlantisinvestmentmanagement)的董事长,刘央表示:“我对中国股票完全看涨,市场不会朝其它的方向发展,只可能上涨。”

    Ms Liu , chairman of Atlantis investment management , which has $ 2bn invested in Chinese stocks , says : " I am a complete bull on Chinese equities , there is nowhere for the market to go but up from here . "

  22. 一些看涨黄金的人士一直殷切期待中国推出黄金ETF,相信此举将引发一波新的需求。

    The launch of gold ETFs in China has been hotly anticipated by some gold bulls , who believe it could trigger a new wave of demand .

  23. 在此情况下,投资者可取得「看涨」eli的最高回报(为面值与购买价之差)。

    Under this circumstance , investors will receive the maximum return of bull eli , being the difference between the nominal value and the purchase price .

  24. OpenTable过去也曾面临高卖空额,但看涨者取得了胜利。

    OpenTable has faced a high short interest before , but the enthusiasm of its bullish investors always prevailed .

  25. 德意志银行(deutschebank)外汇策略师艾伦拉斯金(alanruskin)注意到,最近股市表现不佳时,市场对避险美元的需求,超过了股市看涨时,美元的抛售压力。

    Alan Ruskin , foreign exchange strategist at Deutsche Bank , notes that when equities have struggled recently the demand for the dollar as a haven has outweighed the selling pressure on the dollar when equities rise .

  26. 在投资与香港上市证券挂钩之「看涨」eli时,阁下同意购买证券及将承受较高的投资风险。

    By investing in Eli products linked to Hong Kong listed securities you are agreeing to purchase the securities and you will be financially exposed to higher investment risk .

  27. 根据美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)的数据,投资者看涨大宗商品价格的头寸,目前达到了2008年7月以来的最高水平。

    Investor bets on rising commodities prices are now at the highest since July 2008 , according to data from the US Commodities Futures Trading Commission .

  28. “相对于服装市场过去四年较为疲软的行情,奢侈品市场的需求行情似乎一路看涨,它就成了ipo的晴雨表,”瑞信分析师巴斯说。

    " The demand environment looks to be improving , relative to three or four years of fairly weak apparel trends . That stimulated activity has led to a window of IPO activity , " says Mr buss at Credit Suisse .

  29. 欧洲央行(ECB)本周有可能进一步采取刺激措施,这种前景帮助看涨股市的人忽略中国股市暴跌、油价和铜价再度下跌、以及即将举行的希腊选举的不确定性的影响。

    The prospect of further stimulus measures from the European Central Bank this week helped equity bulls brush aside steep falls for Chinese stocks , renewed weakness for oil and copper prices and uncertainties about the forthcoming Greek election .

  30. 而对于有分红的美式看涨期权而言,由于其具有提前执行的特性,无法像欧式期权一样得到封闭解,因此人们常采用格点法与蒙特卡罗模拟法(MonteCarloMethod)为其定价。

    In terms of the American call option with dividend , because of the property that it can be executed before expire , in very few special cases , closed form solutions can be found . More often , lattice method and Monte Carlo simulation method are necessary for pricing .