
  • 网络The Invisible Hand
  1. 暗藏在网络之中的是神秘的看不见的手&一种没有权威存在的控制。

    Hidden in the net is the mystery of the invisible hand & control without authority .

  2. 9、我们深处着力,把改革开放作为发展的根本之策,放开市场这只“看不见的手”,用好政府这只“看得见的手”,促进经济稳定增长。

    we endeavored to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties , took reform and opening up as the fundamental way to advance evelopment , and gave full rein to both the invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of the government to promote steady economic growth .

  3. 相比之下,几乎所有亚洲各国政府都认为,市场那只看不见的手所具备的力量,必须受到良好治理(GoodGovernance)这只看得见的手的制衡。

    By contrast , virtually all Asian governments believe that the virtues of the invisible hand in the market have to be balanced by the visible hand of good governance .

  4. 这位18世纪的经济学家曾经说过,竞争这只“看不见的手”(invisiblehand)会把企业过高的利润降至正常水平。

    Smith was the 18th century economist who said the invisible hand of competition would reduce excess profits in business to normal levels .

  5. 套语(doxa)的意识形态内涵与文学解读一只看不见的手&论意识形态对翻译实践的操纵

    Ideological Connotations of Doxa and Literary Reading An Invisible Hand : Ideological Manipulation in the Practice of Translation

  6. 企业文化是只看不见的手,具有激励作用。

    Enterprise culture is invisible which has the function of motivation .

  7. 市场这只看不见的手正在逐渐发挥其优化资源配置的功能。

    The market is gradually playing its function of allocating the resource .

  8. 信仰是只看不见的手,引导着、支撑着学生的成长。

    " Belief " is invisible , which guides students ' growth .

  9. 看不见的手的效能必然要相应地降低。

    The virtues of the invisible hand must be that much discounted .

  10. 这种市场自动调节功能被称为“看不见的手。”

    The self-regulation function is called " invisible hand . "

  11. 亚当·斯密看不见的手的伦理得失

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Adam Smith 's " An Invisible Hand "

  12. “看不见的手”的伦理意义阐释

    Explanation of Ethic Meaning of " Invisible Hands "

  13. 看不见的手:城市设计导则对建筑形态的控制研究

    Invisible Hand : Urban Design Guidelines for Building form

  14. 看不见的手的否定分析&马克思实现的经济学革命之一

    Negative Analysis of the Invisible Hand : an Economic Revolution by Karl Marx

  15. 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供给与需求关系。

    Governed by supply and demand , prices are the invisible hand in economics .

  16. 市场中,“看不见的手”自发地调节市场,调节市场的资源配置和平衡。

    On the market , it regulates the balance and allocation of resources spontaneously .

  17. 好象受到一只看不见的手的影响,双胞胎开始放声大哭。

    As if cued by an invisible hand , both twins began crying lustily .

  18. 看不见的手干什么?

    What does the invisible hand do ?

  19. 键盘上的“看不见的手”

    The invisible hand on the keyboard

  20. 因此管理人员可以用看得见的手代替了市场看不见的手。

    Therefore the visible hand of the manager had replaced the invisible hand of the market .

  21. 看不见的手也不能确保公平地分配经济成果。

    The invisible hand is even less able to ensure that economic prosperity is distributed fairly .

  22. 看不见的手打败了多只看得见的手&对当前宏观调控及房地产调控的分析

    An Invisible Hand Defeats Visible Hands : Analysis of Current Macro Economic Readjustment and on Property Market

  23. 经济秩序的自发建构&看不见的手与市场经济的本质

    Spontaneous Construction of Economic Order

  24. 她被一双看不见的手迎进城堡,带到一间漂亮的卧室里。

    She was taken inside the castle by unseen hands , and let to a beautiful bedroom .

  25. 分销通路的形态如何并不能随心所欲,其间有一只看不见的手在操纵,即基本要素的组合机制。

    The channel form is manipulated by an invisible hand & the combination mechanism of the basic elements .

  26. 看不见的手市场与看得见的手管理是制造业国企走出困境的出路

    Market ( invisible hand ) and Management ( visible hand ) are the Way Out of Stateowned Manufacturing Enterprise

  27. 我感到似乎有一双看不见的手正在抓着我,而我则拼命地想挣脱束缚。

    I felt as if invisible hands were holding me , and I made frantic efforts to free myself .

  28. 有看不见的手,如懒懒的轻风,在我心上奏着潺潺的乐。

    Some unseen fingers , like an idle breeze , are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples .

  29. 看不见的手并没有保证每个人都有充足的食品,体面的衣服和充分的医疗保健。

    The invisible hand does not ensure that everyone has sufficient food , decent clothing , and adequate health care .

  30. 最终得出结论:只有房地产市场的激励竞争才能解决房价持续上涨的根本问题,所以在强化政府这只看得见的手的作用的同时,不要抑制了市场这只看不见的手的作用。

    So only the invisible hand of the market can solve the question of the real estate prices increasing continuously .