
  1. 她坐着一边看杂志一边将曲奇饼在咖啡里蘸一下再吃。

    She sat reading a magazine , dunking cookies in her coffee .

  2. 然后在抽血时捐献者经常会看杂志或聊天来放松。

    Then the donors relax , often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn .

  3. 我躺在床上看杂志。

    I read a magazine in bed .

  4. 吃完午饭后,我们在通过Airbnb租来的公寓房间里连上了Wi-Fi,然后我花了一点时间在Zite上看杂志,Zite是一款像Flipboard一样的所谓“智能杂志”应用。

    After lunch , connected to Wi-Fi in the apartment we had rented on airbnb , I spent some time with zite , a so-called " intelligent magazine " a la Flipboard .

  5. 您想看报还是看杂志?

    Would you like to read a newspaper or a magazine ?

  6. 他偶尔也看书,但大多只看杂志。

    He reads the occasional book , but mostly just magazines .

  7. 乙:看报、看杂志或看书。

    B : reading newspapers , magazines , or a book .

  8. 不,她不在看杂志。

    No , she isn 't reading a magazine .

  9. 我一边看杂志,一边等。

    While ( I was ) waiting , I was reading some magazines .

  10. 比起报纸来,我更喜欢看杂志。

    I prefer to read magazines more than newspaper .

  11. 就像你看杂志那些吗?

    It 's likeyou see in the magazines andstuff ?

  12. 我就坐在这里看杂志。

    I 'll just sit here and read the magazine in the meantime .

  13. 树下那个在看杂志的那个人是谁?(指人,作为主语。)

    Who is the man that is reading a magazine under the tree ?

  14. 他常在阅览室看杂志。

    He often reads magazines in the reading room .

  15. 去网上的论坛或者看杂志以便得到最新的信息。

    Keep yourself updated by going to internet forums , or read magazine articles .

  16. 我可以坐在这儿边看杂志边等吗?

    Could I sit here reading some magazine ?

  17. 看杂志能消磨时光。

    Magazine reading helps pass away the time .

  18. 他坐在椅子上看杂志。

    He sat in a chair reading magazines .

  19. 我并不喜欢阅读,但我喜欢在床上看杂志。

    I don 't like reading , but I like to read magazines in bed .

  20. 在课桌旁坐好后,他开始看杂志。

    When he had seated himself at the desk , he began to read a magazine .

  21. 在我们班上,一些同学正在读英语书,另一些同学正在看杂志。

    In our class , some classmates are reading English , and others are reading magazines .

  22. 我在哪儿可以看杂志?

    Where can I read magazines ?

  23. 要是想要让我见识真正力量或是想看杂志了跟我说一声

    Well , let me know if " real power " wants a magazine or something .

  24. 专注意味着在你锻炼时不打手机,不看杂志也不看电视。

    That means no more cell phone , no more magazines and no more TV while you are working out .

  25. 每天在跑步机上边看杂志边步行30分钟不会给你带来任何希望的效果。

    Walking on the treadmill for30 minutes a day while reading a magazine isn 't going to get you what you want .

  26. 我刚才在看杂志上“30个帮你发现是否真的在恋爱”的测试题。

    I was looking at a quiz in a magazine titled " thirty questions to help you discover if you are really in love " .

  27. 报摊和书店的主人们同样遭受这些行为不端人们的困扰。他们将所看杂志封面撕碎而且只读不买。

    Newspaper stall and book shop proprietors also suffered from bad-mannered people who tore the wrappers off magazines and read the contents without buying them .

  28. 组织者还要求参与者要像平时一样自然坐着,在车上做平时会做的事,比如读报或看杂志。

    They were also instructed to sit in the car as they normally would , and to do'normal'things such as read a magazine or newspaper .

  29. 埃德娜:而且如果有人问你为什么你在看杂志浪费时间,你可以诚实地说你在做调研!

    Edna : and if anyone asks you why you are wasting time reading magazines , you can honestly say that you are doing some research !

  30. 他的尴尬一闪而过后,就怡然自得地坐在晾衣架旁的安乐椅上,喝啤酒,看杂志。

    His embarrassment quickly subsided though , and he retired in , to a lounge chair to read a magazine while sipping a can of beer .