
kàn chuān
  • see through;penetrate;rumble
看穿 [kàn chuān]
  • [see through] 对事或人看得透彻

看穿[kàn chuān]
  1. 我看穿了你那套把戏。

    I see through your little game .

  2. 但我开始意识到这并未真正奏效,因为它甚至帮助狮子看穿了牛棚。

    But I came to realize that that didn 't really help , because it was even helping the lions to see through the cowshed .

  3. 从一开始我就看穿了你的小计谋。

    I saw through your little ruse from the start .

  4. 她的目光似乎要把我的眼睛看穿。

    Her eyes seemed to bore a hole in mine .

  5. 他看穿了他们的企图。

    He penetrated their designs .

  6. 女孩一眼就看穿了他的诡计。

    The girl saw through his trick right off .

  7. 如果没有太多组织来散射光,它就可以被轻易看穿。

    Without much tissue to scatter light , it is easier to be see — through .

  8. Greferendum希腊公投这是又一个容易看穿的合成词,是“希腊公投”的缩写形式。

    Another handy portmanteau - short for " Greek referendum " .

  9. 如果你仔细观察,你就能看穿鲍勃的外表。

    If you look carefully , you can see through Bob 's facade .

  10. 很明显,x射线视觉来自于《超人》,他有看穿一切物质的魔力,铅除外。

    X-ray vision obviously comes from Superman . He just had the magic power to look right inside of anything , except for lead .

  11. 这部小说的激进分子之一约舒亚•蒙克(JoshuaMonk)看穿了这点。

    Joshua Monk , one of the novel 's Radicals , sees through it .

  12. 大气。CG图之所以一眼就被看穿的原因之一就是物体的颜色无论多远都是一样的。

    Atmosphere C One of the things that make CG images look very CG is that their color stays the same across vast distances .

  13. 她的这篇博客给她增添了不少人气,在Facebook上已有4000多次转发。她说,这些转发肯定是因为女士们都觉得被看穿了。

    The post has picked a lot of hits for Holly being shared almost 4000 times on Facebook and the model says that she believes this is because most women will be able to relate .

  14. 爱看穿了人生的奥秘。CARVER说:“任何一种东西,只要你爱它到足够的程度,它便会放弃它的秘密。”

    Love penetrates the mysteries of life ," Anything ," said George Washington Carver ," Will give up its secrets if you love it enough . "

  15. 遭受羞辱,Thrasymachus,has,been,shamed,他被迫,看穿自身辩论的逻辑,但那不同于被反驳。

    Thrasymachus he has been forced to see where the logic of his argument takes him , but that is not the same thing as being refuted .

  16. 在狄更斯1843年出版的《圣诞颂歌》(AChristmasCarol)中,马利(Marley)的鬼魂来到斯克鲁奇(Scrooge)面前,而斯克鲁奇能够“看穿”那个透明的躯体。这说明鬼魂显灵的方式——如何被看到与记忆——发生了转变。

    When the ghost of Marley appeared to Scrooge in Dickens 's " A Christmas Carol " ( 1843 ) , and Scrooge looked his transparent body " through and through , " he illustrated a shift in the ways ghosts became real to people , how ghosts were seen and remembered .

  17. 我很容易看穿他的鬼把戏。

    It is easy for me to see through his trick .

  18. 金钱衡量成功这一神话也一样容易被看穿。

    The myth that money measure success is just as transparent .

  19. 眼镜蛇却看穿了伪装。

    The coral snake , however , sees through the disguise .

  20. 她太了解汤姆了,看穿了他的把戏。

    She knew Tom well enough to see through his tricks .

  21. 凡人肉眼能看穿白云吗?

    Can one see beyond white clouds With the naked eye ?

  22. 我们都能看穿你的小把戏,亚当。

    We can all see through your little game , adam .

  23. 谢了儿子多谢你看穿了我的伪�

    Thanks , Son . Thanks for poking through the armor .

  24. 所以也许,她早就看穿了�

    so maybe ... she saw what 's in your heart .

  25. 你不觉得我们可以完全看穿你吗

    Don 't you think that we can see through you ?

  26. 考官们很聪明,他们总是很快看穿你。

    Examiners are smart and they see right through us .

  27. 我感觉她能看穿我的心思。

    I feel that she can see into my soul .

  28. 你能把他看穿可真机灵呀。

    It was cute of you to see him through .

  29. 我明白这机器能看穿不同的地层。

    I get how the thing sees different layers underground .

  30. 哈利:我相信邓不利多早把你看穿了。

    Harry : I bet Dumbledor saw right through you .