
kàn xiàng
  • practise physiognomy;read fortune by face or palm;visit physiognomist
看相 [kàn xiàng]
  • [read fortune by face or palm;visit physiognomist] 一种迷信活动,观察人的相貌、骨骼或手掌的纹路来判断人的命运的好坏

看相[kàn xiàng]
  1. 跟你说过我可以看相吗?

    I never mentioned I can read palms ?

  2. 从以前的标准看相邻音之间的关系是一个全音或半音。

    The relationship of adjacent notes in all the previous scales is a whole-step or half-step .

  3. 甄夫人非常相信,请他逐一为自己儿女看相算命。

    He told her parents that the girl had a noble fate and a very promising future .

  4. 在一项研究中,研究人员通过听、看、听看相结合三种方式来测试哪种方式能让学生更好地记住单词。

    In one study , researchers tested whether students remembered lists of words better if they heard them , saw them or both .

  5. 方法:采用书面和实地察看相结合的方法,调查鄂、豫、渝、川、陕的67家三级和二级医院;

    Methods : Questionnaires were combined with on-the-spot examinations in investigating 67 first-class and second-class hospitals in Hubei , Henan , Sichuan and Shanxi .

  6. 目前的环境下,地区市场间区别不大,但欧洲和非亚洲的新兴市场从根本上看相较于其他地区更加脆弱;

    In the current environment there is little to differentiate between markets , but Europe and non Asian emerging markets look fundamentally more vulnerable than the rest .