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  • 网络Agrometeorology;agricultural meteorology
  1. 三球仪在《农业气象》教学中的巧妙应用

    The Ingenious Application of the Three-globe Apparatus in Teaching of the Agrometeorology

  2. 安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统的设计

    Design of the Agrometeorology Disasters Mensuration and Evaluation System

  3. 谈基于Web的设施农业气象信息监测与预警系统

    Facility agriculture weather information Monitoring and alerting System Based on Web

  4. 面向Internet的农业气象产量动态预报

    An Internet-orientated Dynamic Prediction Method of Crop Yield

  5. 基于BP神经网络的农业气象产量预报系统

    Research on Weather Forecast System for Agricultural Yield Based on BP Neural Network

  6. Flash技术在天津设施农业气象信息网中的应用

    Research on Application of Flash in Tianjin Facilities Agro-meteorological Information Web

  7. 基于GIS技术的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统总体设计

    The Investigating System Design for Some Main Agrometeorological Hazards of Anhui Province Based on GIS

  8. 包含CO2因子的冬小麦叶片光合作用农业气象简化模型研究

    Studies on Simplified Agro-meteorological Models on Leaf Photosynthesis of Winter Wheat Including CO_2 Impacts

  9. 基于WEB和FTP的广西农业气象移动短信业务平台研发

    Research and Development of Guangxi Agrometeorological Mobile SMS Service Platform Based on Web and FTP

  10. 针对信息时代Internet网上用户对产量预报动态查询的需求,探讨了面向Internet的农业气象产量预报的解决方案。

    A crop yield prediction of Internet-oriented dynamical resolution was proposed the demand of Internet users on dynamic inquiring crop yield into consideration .

  11. 对《基于GIS技术的安徽省重大农业气象灾害测评系统》的总体设计方法作了概要介绍。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the investigating system design for some main agrometeorological hazards of Anhui province based on GIS .

  12. 稻田CH4排放的农业气象数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of ch_4 emission from rice paddy fields during recent 50 years

  13. 系统由GIS功能模块、农业气象信息查询模块和农业气象信息综合处理模块三部分组成。

    The system was composed of a basic GIS functional module , a querying module of fundamental agricultural meteorological information and analyzing and processing module . of comprehensive agricultural meteorological information .

  14. 针对辽宁省农业气象情报业务服务的内容和特点,基于WINDOWS操作系统平台建立了辽宁省农业气象情报业务系统。

    Aiming at the contents and character of the agro-meteorological information system and meeting to the need of the development of agriculture meteorological service , an agro-meteorological informational system has been built based on Windows system for Liaoning province .

  15. 以安徽省重大农业气象灾害的气候规律分析及遥感监测方法为基础,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,设计并建立了省级农业气象灾害测评系统。

    In this paper , based on analysis of climatic regular pattern , a monitoring and assessing system for agrometeorological disasters was established at province level with the aid of satellite remote sensing and geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  16. 本文通过表结构设计和数据录入,用SqlServer2000数据库软件组建了土壤资源数据库、农业气象数据库、农业基本情况数据库、水稻品种资源数据库等多个基础数据库。

    After designing structures of data tables of foundation data base and then inputting data , we build soil database , agro-meteorology database , agricultural primary information database and rice variety database etc with SQL Server 2000 .

  17. 而农业气象信息综合处理模块功能主要是气象信息的图形可视化,采用OLE(ObjectLinkingandEmbedding,对象链接与嵌入)自动化技术实现。

    The programming of the module was based on DLL . The functions of analyzing and processing module of comprehensive agricultural meteorological information could realize the visualizing of agricultural meteorological information what was completed by OLE ( Object Linking and Embedding ) .

  18. 利用常用的干旱指标对干旱统计频率、干旱空间分布和干旱过程进行分析,选择综合气象干旱指数(CI)作为江苏省重大农业气象灾害监测、预警系统中的干旱指标。

    After the statistic drought frequencies , the spatial distribution and drought occurrence processes were analyzed by some conventional drought indicators , a composite meteorological drought index ( CI ) was selected as an indicator of drought monitoring and forewarning in the system .

  19. 农业气象灾害预警研究主要包括:数理统计预报方法进一步发展,农业气象模式与气候模式结合的初步尝试,GIS和网络等高技术在农业气象灾害预警中的应用,省级农业气象灾害预测系统的研制。

    The study on agro-meteorological disasters prediction included the further development of mathematic statistical forecast method , the primary study on combining agro-meteorological models with climate models , the application of advanced technology , such as GIS and internet as well as the development of provincial agro-meteorological disasters prediction system .

  20. 农业气象数据管理及分析系统ADMAS

    Agrometeorological Data Management and Analysis System

  21. 基于3S技术和地面监测相结合,构建了农业气象灾害动态监测系统,从宏观和微观角度来全面监测农业气象灾害的发生发展;

    Based on 3s technology and surface observation , the dynamic monitoring system of agro-meteorological disasters was built to monitor the emergence and development of agro-meteorological disasters the year round . Satellite remote sensing monitoring system was built and improved .

  22. 介绍了基于VB6.0和Windows9X平台设计开发的河南省农业气象产量预报业务系统的设计思路和流程,系统各模块的主要功能及技术思路。

    The operational system on agrometeorological yield forecasting in Henan was developed in terms of VB 6.0 and Windows 9X platform . The designing ideas , operational flows as well as the main functions of the system were introduced in detail .

  23. 该文介绍了农业气象预测系统的总体设计,并重点阐述了系统采用的预测模型后验差(P.C)检验方法及模糊决策方法。

    Agrometeorological Forecast System plays an important role in making agricultural management decisions . This paper presents the general design of Agrometeorological Forecast System and mainly describes the methods of small error probability ( P. C ) test and fuzzy decision applied by the forecast system .

  24. 德州市农业气象预报系统是用VB5.0和FoxPro2.6两种语言开发的软件,并采用面向对象设计技术。通过简述该软件设计过程,阐明设计该软件的思路和方法。

    Based on OOP ( Object Oriented Programming ), the system of Agrometeorological forecast for Dezhou was developed by visual basic 5.0 and Foxpro 2.6 . The idea and method of designing this system is explained by the introduction on the process of designing it .

  25. 陇东黄土高原塬区农业气象要素的变化特征

    Variation characters of agrometeorological elements in Loess Plateau of East Gansu

  26. 农业气象灾害是造成农业生产不稳定的主要因素之一。

    Agricultural meteorological disasters are the major factor that affected agriculture .

  27. 基于改进投影寻踪法的农业气象灾情综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment of Agro-meteorological Disasters Based on Improved Projection Pursuit Method

  28. 用改进的多层递阶预报法作水稻产量的农业气象预报

    Improving the recursive estimate method for agrometeorological forecasting of rice yield

  29. 福建农业气象灾害的产量灾损风险评估

    Risk assessment of yield losses from agro-meteorological disasters in Fujian Province

  30. 玉米冠层光分布农业气象模式的研究

    An Agrometeorological model for simulation of radiation distribution in Maize Canopy