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  • Saturnalia
  1. 古代的农神节中,罗马人过去常会烧毁古代农神节中国王的雕像。

    In the ancient festival of Saturnalia the Romans used to burn the statue of the king of ancient Saturnalia .

  2. 但随着基督教的传播,他们震惊的是异教习俗和他们之间的转换农神节庆祝活动持续。

    But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts .

  3. 农神节本来是罗马人狂欢的日子,但是基督教不喜欢人们祭拜一个异教神。

    Saturnalia was considered a festive time for Romans , but Christians believed it an abomination to honor such a pagan god .

  4. 圣诞的根源一直能够追溯到异教徒的农神节,节日中人们传统的庆祝方式是喝个酩酊大醉,赤身裸体地唱歌,并食用人形的饼干。

    Brennan : Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia , which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication , naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits .

  5. 最终,教堂成功地将农神节的欢乐、灯和礼物都转移到基督教节日圣诞节。

    Eventually , the church was successful in removing the merriment ( 5 ), lights and gifts from Saturnalia and transferring them to the celebration of a Christian Christmas .

  6. 著名的人类学家詹姆斯·弗雷泽爵士曾指出的那座烧坏了的雕像,就是古代农神节的国王,以后的直接统治者就没有这类的是发生了。

    This burnt out statue , as pointed out by the famous anthropologist Sir James Frazer , is no other than the direct ruler after the old king of Saturnalia .