
  1. 大型连锁超市建筑环境分析&以长沙平和堂超市为例

    Building in changsha environmental analysis of supermarket of the large-scale chain

  2. 然后你可以去平和堂和王府井看看,那的人非常的多。

    Then you can go take a look at Pinghu Tang and Wangfujing , one of the very many .

  3. 针对平和堂的实际情况,对其进行了正确的市场细分与市场定位,并在此基础上提出了平和堂营销策略的改进方案。

    Based on the actual situation of Ping He Tang , the paper proposes a marketing plan and ways of right market segmentation and positioning .

  4. 但是面对百货行业激烈的市场竞争环境,如何提高自身竞争力,实现企业的跨越式发展,提高市场份额,增加销售收入,是摆在湖南平和堂实业有限公司面前的重要课题。

    But within an environment with fierce market competition , how to improve market share and increase sales revenue is also a great task for it .