
  • 网络bundle of planes
  1. 如果我有一个点,任意一点,我可以用2个平面把函数图像切开,一个是沿x方向,一个沿y方向。

    OK , so , if I have a point , at any point , I can slice the graph of my function by two planes , one that 's going along the x , one along the y direction .

  2. 说明了用矩阵变换的方法在Z平面内把已知低通数字滤波器直接变换成所需要的各种数字滤波器的原理和方法。

    This paper presents the principle and design method for digital filter with trans-form matrix in the Z-plane when transfer function of lowpass digital filter is given .

  3. 平面设计师把印刷、电影、录像和网络上传达的信息转换为可视化的表达。

    Graphic designers create visual expressions of messages that are to be communicated through print , film , video , and the Internet .

  4. 如果地球继续变暖,我们还可能发现诸如马尔代夫这样的旅游岛屿就会消失,因为海平面上升把它淹没了。

    If global warming continues , we may also find that many tourist destinations such as the Maldives disappear because of rising sea levels .

  5. 这位37岁的平面设计师把普通的香蕉变成了偶像人物,如玛丽莲.梦露、霍默·辛普森,还有一些做成了动物和著名的艺术品。

    The 37-year-old graphic designer turns humble bananas into iconic characters such as Marilyn Monroe and Homer Simpson as well as animals and famous artworks .

  6. 由于调整了焦点平面,把视点引到了照片中的变窄区域,接着当然是需要一个有趣的焦点了。

    Because you 're altering the planes of focus and drawing the eye to a narrow area of the photograph , a specific point of interest must be included .

  7. 该方法主要步骤:(1)通过系列平面切割,把NURBS曲面(实体)进行降维处理,变成平面曲线;

    The method consists of ( 1 ) slicing the NURBS surfaces or solids by a series of plane and forming the sliced curves ;

  8. 对源和汇共面的s-t平面网络,把最小截问题转化为平面图上两点间的最短路径问题,从而可以得到O(n)时间的算法;

    For an s-t network in which the source and the sink are on a same face , the minimum cut problem to the shortest path problem in a planar graph is reduced , thus an algorithm that runs in time O ( n ) is obtained .

  9. 后来由于冰川时代冰河的溶化,海平面上升,把澳大利亚与其他地方隔离开来了。

    As the ice flows of the Ice Age began to melt , the sea level rose , isolating Austalia .

  10. 从语用平面看,把前成分可看作惟一主题。

    From the view of the pragmatic plane , the compositions ahead of preposition Ba can be regarded as the sole theme .

  11. 由于选择通过主轴旋转轴线的水平面作为测量平面,同时把激光测量元件安装在刀具的位置,从而使得测量工作和公式推导大为简化。

    Since a horizontal plane through the spindle rotating axis of the CNC lathe is selected as the measuring plane and a laser optical measuring device is mounted in the place of the cutting tool , both the measurement and the derivation are simplified .

  12. 并定义由A·和E·正交形成的传感器平面坐标系,把目标在视频自跟踪系统传感器平面上的运动方向与目标运动弹道联系起来,且给出了解析算法;

    And a converter plane coordinate formed by the orthogonal A · and E · was defined ; it combines the moving direction in which the object moves on the video auto-tracking system 's converter plane .

  13. 一种白色的或是镀银的平面,我们可以把图片投射到上面来观看。

    A white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing .

  14. 海平面的上升会把海上原本支撑岸冰的冰棚举起,将它们从支撑点断开。

    Rising sea level itself tends to lift marine ice shelves that buttress land ice , unhinging them from anchor points .

  15. 冰川融化不仅引起了海平面上升,而且把地球质量从极点转移到了赤道。

    Melting water from glaciers not only causes sea-level rise , but also shifts mass from the pole to the equator .

  16. 在目前最小费用理论的基础上引入平面几何理论,把网络等效于几何图形,建立了数学模型。

    This paper regards networks as geometry graphics by introduced the theory of plane geometry based on the theory of minimum cost , and the mathematics model is established .

  17. 本文实现了多变量(指标)在二维平面上表示,把复杂问题的分析简化为图形识别。

    In this paper the representation of multivariable ( quota ) in two dimentional plane is realized , thus the analysis of complex problems are simplified into graph recognition .

  18. 即便有自动化程序,与单一的电视广告或平面广告相比,把针对多个不同用户群的广告的各个部分组合在一起将更为复杂。

    Even with automated processes , assembling the component pieces of a campaign aimed at multiple different demographics is going to be more complex than a single television commercial or print ad.

  19. 十分注重画面内容及情感的表达,达成一种新画风,结合平面广告的风格把油画风格创新化。

    Attaches great importance to the image content and the expression of emotion , is a kind of new style , combined with the plane advertisement style oil painting style innovation .

  20. 文章根据将一个空间立体模型展开成二维平面图形时,把立体的表面分解成两大类特征表面&凹面和凸面。

    In order to flatten a solid model into 2D surface , this paper puts forward the feature decomposition method , by which the surface of a solid model is decomposed into two feature surfaces , concave and convex faces .

  21. 本文研究了现有的海平面发射率模型,并通过研究油层与干净海平面的差异,把干净海平面的发射率模型推广到海平面被油层覆盖的情况。

    In this article , existing models of sea surface emissivity are studied .