
  • 网络AMIN;Amine;Idi Amin;Armin
  1. 其中包括伊迪•阿明(IdiAmin)、穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(MuammarGaddafi)和萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)。

    Among the roster : Idi Amin , Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein .

  2. 我听说过一个乌干达修女的故事。她为孤儿服务,并且从阿明(IdiAmin)上台以来就一直这样做。

    I heard about a Ugandan nun who was working with orphans and had been doing so since Idi Amin was in power .

  3. 大众销售及市场总监阿明•凯勒(ArminKeller)表示,到明年年底,这一数字将达到140万。难怪大型汽车制造商现在发现它们曾经无处不在的小型家庭轿车正在成为濒危物种。

    By next year , says Armin Keller , VW 's sales and marketing director , the figure will reach 1.4m . No wonder the big carmakers are finding their once-ubiquitous small family saloons are becoming an endangered species .

  4. 阿明:是喔,可是早起的虫儿被鸟吃啊!

    A-ming : yeah , but the early worm gets eaten !

  5. 那时发现他是伊迪阿明第二怎么办?

    What if he turns out to be another Idi Amin ?

  6. 阿明:你知道美如这个女孩吗?

    A-ming : do you know the girl named mei-zu ?

  7. 回到质检实验室,这次阿明明显是若有所思。

    Back in the QA lab , Amin was looking decidedly thoughtful .

  8. 阿明:你想美如喜欢我吗?

    A-ming : do you think mei-zu likes me ?

  9. 阿明:你把我的飞机模型弄坏,我还在生你的气!

    A-ming : I 'm still mad at you for damaging my airplane model !

  10. 在这种情况下,苏联决定武力干涉阿富汗内部事务,铲除阿明。

    So the Soviet Union decided to interfere Afghan internal affairs by force and get rid of Amin .

  11. 阿明:是啊,祸不单行。他的未婚妻也离开他了。

    A-ming : Yeah , when it rains , it pours . His fianc é e left him too !

  12. 西部达尔富尔州州长计划陪同尸体回到喀土穆,阿明补充说。

    The governor of the west Darfur state planned to accompany the body back to Khartoum , added al-Amin .

  13. 阿明:到目前为止还不错,可是我明天还有两门考试。它们才是难的。

    A-ming : so far so good , but I have two more exams tomorrow . they 're the hard ones .

  14. 依附论,尤其是伊曼纽尔、阿明和弗兰克等学者则对国际剥削做出了开创性的贡献。

    In the Theory of Dependency , some scholars as Emmanuel 、 Armin and Frank made pioneering contribution to international exploitation .

  15. 地面上结了一层盐。“现在不像从前了,河水不泛滥,盐分就冲不走了。”阿明对我解释说。

    The ground was encrusted with salt . " The flood does not carry away the slat as before ," Amin explained .

  16. 阿明:如果我去领会言外之意的话,我会说阿堂对她未婚妻不是很满意。

    A-ming : If I read between the lines , I 'd say A-ton is not too happy about his fianc é e.

  17. 我的祖父名为拉胡尔.阿明,意为“诚实的灵魂”,同时也是天使加百列的圣名。

    My grandfather 's name was Rohul Amin , which means ' honest spirit " and is the holy name of the Angel Gabriel .

  18. “这无疑是最安全的最可靠和成本最低的锂离子电池的混合电动汽车电池市场,”阿明说。

    " It is unquestionably the safest , among the most reliable and lowest cost Li-ion battery on the market for HEVs ," Amine said .

  19. 在接受电话采访时,阿明称该剧对中东的真实情况的误导性歪曲,让她感到特别愤愤不平。

    In a phone interview , Ms. Amin said she was particularly aggrieved by what she called the show 's misleading distortions of reality in the Middle East .

  20. 反对派领袖马克督姆。阿明。法希姆也于星期四递交了参选的提名文件。

    Opposition leader Makhdoom Amin Faheem , the vice chairman of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto 's Pakistan People 's Party , also filed his nomination papers Thursday .

  21. 沈默寡言的师兄阿明一向沉迷拳击,一心一意成为出色拳手,但当他在一次胸有成竹的比赛中惨遭技术性击倒后,痛定思痛,决心到泰国学艺。

    A silent classmate Ming , an ambitious boxing addict , decides to learn boxing in Thailand after a technical knockdown in a contest , which he was confident of winning .

  22. 满载乘客的客机当时正返回达尔富尔加入他们的家人庆祝宰牲节,庆祝斋月结束的穆斯林节日,阿明说。

    The full plane carried passengers were coming back to Darfur to join their families in celebrating Eid al-Adha , the Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan , according to al-Amin .

  23. 阿明说,节目组很好骗,因为似乎没有严格的事实查证措施,而且她过去就注意到了很多不通顺的阿拉伯语。

    Ms. Amin said that the series was easy to dupe , as there did not seem to be stringent fact-checking , and that she had noticed many linguistic Arabic inaccuracies in the past .

  24. 法院并未解释“鲁兹”案不同于其他许多法定福利受益者的案件的原因,后一类法定受益者可能认为机关没有充分阿明它将借以分配福利的标准。

    The court did not explain why ruiz 's case differed from that of many other statutory beneficiaries who might feel that an agency has not sufficiently spelled out the criteria by which it will dispense benefits .

  25. 1978&1979年,阿富汗政权更迭频繁,阿明的亲西方政策导致苏联的入侵,通过二十多年的积累,苏联已经具备影响阿政局的能力。

    From 1978 to 1979 , the regime in Afghanistan changed frequently ; Amin 's pro-western policy caused the invasion of Soviet . With the accumulation of more than two decades , Soviet had had ability to affect the political situation of Afghanistan .

  26. 阿明承认,油价下跌为可再生能源产业带来了不确定性。他还承认,油价下跌后天然气价格可能也会有所下跌,这会为风力发电和太阳能发电带来更多问题。

    Mr Amin conceded the rapid decline in oil prices was creating uncertainty for the renewables industry and may be followed by some falls in the cost of gas , which could pose more of a problem for wind and solar power generators .

  27. 阿明说,她和同事受雇于该节目的制作方,为第5季第2集中虚构的难民营增添真实感。该集拍摄于柏林的郊区,上周日在美国播出。

    Ms. Amin said she and her colleagues had been hired by the show 's producers to add authenticity to the camp depicted in the episode - Season 5 , Episode 2 - aired in the United States on Sunday and filmed on the outskirts of Berlin .

  28. 阿明说:“我们在雨林中创设的景观完全模拟了热带环境,同时配有探险步道、无沙海滩、嬉水池、瀑布、溪流和雨林咖啡屋。”

    A rainforest was the answer . " Inside the rainforest , we 've created a landscape akin to a full-scale tropical environment -- complete with adventure trails , a sandless beach , a splash pool , waterfalls , streams and a rainforest cafe , " says Armin .

  29. 阿明表示,不过风力发电场、太阳能发电厂和其他可再生发电厂应该不会受到油价暴跌的影响,因为它们面临的竞争与上述两者不可同日而语。

    But wind farms , solar plants and other renewable electricity generators should not be affected by the price plunge because they do not face anything like the same level of competition , said Adnan Amin , director-general of the International Renewable Energy Agency , Irena , an intergovernmental body based in Abu Dhabi .