
  • 网络horizontal control network;plane control network;CPI;CPII
  1. GPS桥梁施工平面控制网的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of GPS Horizontal Control Network for Bridge Construction

  2. 建立广梧高速公路GPS平面控制网的实践

    Establishing the GPS Horizontal Control Network of Guang Wu Expressway

  3. 水利枢纽GPS施工平面控制网的精度设计

    Precision Design of GPS Construction Plane Control Network of Water Conservancy Hinge

  4. 基于MATLAB的变形观测平面控制网精度估算

    Accuracy valuation of horizontal control net of transformation observing based on MATLAB

  5. 农十二师221团E级GPS地籍平面控制网

    GPS cadastral plane control network of E grade No.221 of Agriculture Division No.12

  6. GPS桥梁平面控制网的坐标转换

    GPS Coordinate Conversion Technology for Bridge Horizontal Control Networks

  7. 深圳地铁三号线GPS平面控制网建立及精度分析

    Construction of GPS Control Net and Precision Analysis of the Shenzhen Metro Line 3

  8. 本文介绍了应用GPS技术对上海城市平面控制网的改造方案。

    The GPS technique is used to rebuild the first-order control network for Shanghai city .

  9. GPS精密定位技术在青岛海湾大桥首级平面控制网中的应用

    The Application of GPS Technology in Primary Level Control Network of Qingdao Bay Major Bridge

  10. 当前,GPS平面控制网已经得到了广泛的运用,但是GPS高程却运用得不够。

    Now GPS plane network is wide applied , but GPS height is used little .

  11. GPS技术建立铁路客运专线平面控制网若干问题探讨

    Exploration for Some Issues on Setting up the Flat Control Net For Passenger-Dedicated Railway Lines with GPS Technology

  12. 提出一种由GPS独立观测边组成闭合环的各坐标分量闭合差计算GPS平面控制网全中误差的公式。

    In this paper , a formula is proposed to calculate the total mean square error of GPS horizontal network by circuit closures of coordinate components .

  13. 在胶南市应用GPS建立三等平面控制网及高程拟合作业过程中,所采用的数据处理方法提高了平面精度和高程拟合精度。

    During the period of establishing third grade plane controlling net and elevation fitting work by using GPS , plane precision and elevation fitting precision are promoted .

  14. 用GPS布设大面积工程平面控制网时,测得的空间直角坐标通常按等角横切椭圆柱投影方式来转化至独立平面坐标;

    In order to establish GPS horizontal control of highway engineer , the observed GPS rectangular coordinates are usually transformed to plane rectangular coordinates by means of inverse cylindrical projection .

  15. 可以说GPS定位技术已完全取代了用常规测角、测距手段建立城市平面控制网。

    That is to say that GPS technology is displacing the common ways to survey angels and distances to develop the horizontal control nets in many middle and big cities .

  16. NSRL储存环平面控制网的实测与平差分析

    Measurement and adjustment of horizontal control network of the NSRL storage ring

  17. 有些大中城市C级GPS网,由于生产单位对规范要求理解不同,在建立GPS控制网时,有很大的随意性,致使很多城市平面控制网留有瑕疵。

    Because the ways to make GPS control nets are so random that different companies have different understandings to the specifications of surveys , many horizontal control nets in many big cities have some fault .

  18. 目前建立工程控制网常用的方法是:首先用GPS建立首级平面控制网,然后再用全站仪加密控制网。

    Now the common method of establishing project control network is : First , use the GPS to establish the Primary Control Network , and then use the total station to extend the Primary control network .

  19. 介绍了青岛海湾大桥GPS首级平面控制网的布设方案、观测方法及数据精细处理方法,从每个环节进行控制,以保证达到设计精度。

    Introduces the allocating plan , observation technology and the fine processing method of data for primary level control network of Qingdao Bay Major Bridge . GPS technology is used in this project . Each procedure is strictly controlled .

  20. 城市平面控制网坐标系统的选择应满足投影长度变形不大于25cmkm,从而便于城市大比例尺测图和市政工程的施工放样。

    The selection of a city coordinate system of the plane control network must be satisfied with the deformation of projective lenth to be not bigger zhan 2 5cm / km , thus it is easy for the large-scale mapping of a city and the construction lofting of municipal engineering .

  21. 平面控制网的平差基准与广义相对误差椭圆

    Adjustment Datum of Plane Control Network and General Relative Error Ellipse

  22. 其一是平面控制网优化设计。

    First , the optimization design of the plane control net .

  23. 用机助模拟法进行城市平面控制网优化设计

    The Optimal Design for Urban Plane Control-Network by Computer-Aided Simulation Method

  24. 南京市首级平面控制网的改造

    Reconstruction of the First Order Plant Control Network of Nanjing

  25. 关于建立区域施工平面控制网几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on several issues of establishing regional construction plane control

  26. 平面控制网的精度和可靠性规律

    Precision and law of reliability for the horizontal control network

  27. 高精度平面控制网的建立及一些问题的探讨

    Considerations on establishment of high precision horizontal control survey network

  28. 工程施工平面控制网稳定性分析探讨

    Study on the Stability Analysis of Civil Work Project Plane Control Net

  29. 现代桥梁施工平面控制网建网方法研究

    Research of Methods for Establishing Horizontal Control Network for Modern Bridge Construction

  30. 施工平面控制网机助优化设计探讨

    On computer-aided Optimum Design of Horizontal control Network of construction