
gǎn miàn zhàng
  • rolling pin
擀面杖 [gǎn miàn zhàng]
  • [rolling pin] 一种两端装有手柄或圆头(木制或塑料制)的圆柱体、用于擀、辗面团的木棒

擀面杖[gǎn miàn zhàng]
  1. 用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。

    Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore .

  2. 你最好用擀面杖把面团擀平。

    You 'd better use the rolling pin to flatten the dough .

  3. 在擀面杖上撒上薄薄的一层面粉。

    Lightly flour a rolling pin

  4. 用擀面杖将面团擀成薄饼,用刀切成方块。

    Roll out thin , and then cut into biscuits squares .

  5. 老师告诉我们,每个孩子领到一块面团和一个小擀面杖。

    We were told she was given some dough and a rolling pin .

  6. 先把糖浆倒在它上面,然后用擀面杖把糖浆摊开来。

    Pour syrup on it and spread it abroad with a rolling pin .

  7. 她用擀面杖向我打来。

    She came at me with a rolling-pin .

  8. 用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮。

    Ganmian Zhang rolling with a one-two inches in diameter for the round dumplings Paper .

  9. 包汤团的过程也像饺子,但不用擀面杖。

    The process is like a package gnocchi dumplings , but do not Rolling pin .

  10. 希望最好的擀面杖能够胜出吧。

    May the best rolling pin win .

  11. 孩子们将享受滚动达特的工作与垫擀面杖。

    Kids will enjoy rolling the fondant on the work mat with the rolling pin .

  12. 用擀面杖擀压面包,直到面包呈豌豆般大小。

    Coarsely crush with a rolling pin so that the largest pieces are the size of peas .

  13. 两个孩子急了,一个拿起煤铲,一个抄起擀面杖,和爸爸拚了命。

    The two boys frantically grabbed the rolling pin and the coal shovel and set upon their father .

  14. 同样是做面,广东人用毛竹,中原人则用的是擀面杖。

    When making noodles , the Cantonese use bamboo while those in the Central Plains apply a rolling pole .

  15. 饼干制作者用带钉子的巨大擀面杖在做苏打饼干用的干面薄片上滚动,这样其中的气泡在烘前便爆裂了。

    Makers roll giant spiked rolling pins over sheets of cracker dough to pop air bubbles prior to baking .

  16. 对新药业,老实讲,我是擀面杖吹火&一窍不通。

    To be quite honest with you , I don 't know the first thing about the modern drug business .

  17. 我把他们抱坐在厨房操作台上,给他们面团和擀面杖。

    I would sit them up on the kitchen counter and give them a ball of dough and a rolling pin .

  18. 第四步用擀面杖将面团擀平,用手将两个面团拉成直径12到14英寸的圆饼。

    Use a rolling pin to roll out and your hands to stretch each ball into a circle 12-14 inches in diameter .

  19. 代替擀杖:当擀面杖坏了的时候,我不得不四处寻找用什么来替代它。

    ROLLING-PIN SUBSTITUTE : When my rolling pin broke , I had to look around and see what I could find to use instead .

  20. 两趟火车和一趟巴士,因为她不想一辈子都在工厂里,或者在一根擀面杖后面度过。

    Two trains and a bus , because she doesn 't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin .

  21. 比如说,媒体报道了,发生在位于伦敦西部诺丁山的米其林星级餐厅。蒙面掠夺者和拿着擀面杖的工作人员之间白热化的冲突。

    For instance , the press reported hand-to-hand combat between masked looters and staff armed with rolling pins at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Notting Hill , in west London .

  22. 用手或用擀面杖,将每个面球擀成长的椭圆形,大概半公分或者四分之一英寸厚。

    With your hands , or a rolling pin , roll each into a long oval shape , about half a centimetre , or a quarter of an inch thick .

  23. 威尔士的一个酒吧里的客人们被迫疏散,因为有人发现老板的妻子长期使用的擀面杖,其实是二战时期留下的炮弹。

    Drinkers had to be evacuated from a Welsh pub when somebody realized that the rolling-pin that the landlord 's wife has long used was a World War II shell .

  24. 轧钢属于金属压力加工,说简单点,轧钢板就像压面条,经过擀面杖的多次挤压与推进,面就越擀越薄。

    Rolling pressure of metal processing , said simply , rolling plate as pressure noodles , after the repeated compression and Ganmian Zhang advance , the more of the rolling thin .

  25. 取出面团放到铺了烤纸的烤盘上,擀开,然后把果酱均匀的抹上。两个孩子急了,一个拿起煤铲,一个抄起擀面杖,和爸爸拚了命。

    Roll the dough out and place it on a baking pan with baking paper . Spread the apricot jam on top of it . The two boys frantically grabbed the rolling pin and the coal shovel and set upon their father .

  26. 阿莉西娅,继承妈妈的擀面杖和渴睡的她,年轻聪明,头一次去大学上学,两趟火车和一趟巴士,因为她不想在工厂里,在一根擀面杖后过她的一生。

    Alicia , who inherited her mama 's rolling pin and sleepiness , is young and smart and studies for the first time at the university . Two trains and a bus , because she doesn 't want to spend her whole life in factory or behind a rolling pin .
