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ɡǎn miàn
  • make noodles;roll dough
  1. 她用擀面棍来擀平做馅饼的面团。

    She used a rolling pin to flatten the pie dough .

  2. 妈妈,我可以学学擀面吗?

    Mom , may I learn to roll it ?

  3. 擀面,是中原女孩子成长中必须要掌握的生活技艺。

    Making dough is a skill that girls in the Central Plains must master .

  4. 取出面团,放在抹上少许油的案板上,用手将其稍微按长后,再用擀面棍擀成10厘米宽,1厘米厚的长条面坯。

    Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out tto a10-cm wide and1-cm thick strip .

  5. 我就用擀面棍打爆她膝盖,然后说“这样才是一件好事”。

    I'ma bust her kneecaps with a rolling pin and then say , " now that 's a good thing . "

  6. 譬如,制作改良版炸酱面时,它选用了意面,而非传统的北京手擀面。炸酱面上还会浇上猪肉末。

    For instance the reformed Zhajiangmian , topped with minced port , uses spaghetti instead of the traditionally made Beijing-style handmade noodles .

  7. 在香港,没有免费的午餐。因此为了享受一顿美食,我得整天擀面,学习做生意的技巧。

    In Hong Kong there 's no such thing as a free lunch , learning the tricks of the trade , making these noodles is my task of the day .

  8. 如果想了解经济的发展态势,去下馆子吧,特别是在香港,去面馆里体验面条经济学。刘昌旗的手工擀面已经大规模地发展了几十年了,但是即使是这些便宜的午间小吃也不意味着不受金融危机的影响。

    If you want to know what 's going on in the economy , go to lunch , and in Hong Kong that means noodles.Lau Cheong Kei 's handmade noodles have been a staple for decades , but even these cheap mid-day snacks are not recessionproof .

  9. 使用天然炊具的好就好在它不会有任何人工颜料或涂料溶解到你的食物里面您的擀面棍,烧烤用具,多功能碗和厨房炊具完全可以用天然的,环保的,和长久耐用的竹制品来替换。

    The beauty of natural bamboo cooking utensils is that there are no artificial colours or coatings which can leach into your foods . Your rolling pin , BBQ utensils , mixing bowls and kitchen cooking utensils can all be swapped over to the natural , eco-friendly , very durable bamboo versions .

  10. 用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。

    Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore .
