
jiào tú
  • Protestant;saint;believer of a religion;believer(follower) of a religion
教徒 [jiào tú]
  • [saint;believer(follower) of a religion] 宗教的信仰者

教徒[jiào tú]
  1. 关于黑龙江省天主教、基督教概况及其教徒信仰趋向的调查分析

    Investigation Analysis About the Survey of Catholicism , Christianity in HeiLongJiang Province and Their Belief Trend of the Believer of A Religion

  2. 现在仅有10%的人口是虔诚的基督教教徒。

    Only 10 % of the population are now practising Christians .

  3. 印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。

    Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges .

  4. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。

    The town has a sizeable Sikh population .

  5. 他决心要使异教徒皈依。

    He set out to convert the heathen .

  6. 伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。

    Muslims fast during Ramadan .

  7. 他是新教教徒。

    He 's a Protestant .

  8. 有人邀请他们去参加一个印度教徒的婚礼,但他们不清楚这样的庆典会是怎样一种场面。

    They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions .

  9. 那种新宗教急于使异教徒皈依本教。

    The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world .

  10. 印度教教徒在唱圣歌赞美罗摩神。

    Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama .

  11. 锡克教徒应当严格遵守该教对外表的规定。

    Sikhs were expected to adhere strictly to the religious rules concerning appearance

  12. 几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上。

    Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake .

  13. 他是南非仅有的几千名虔诚的拉斯塔法里教徒中的一员。

    He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa .

  14. 许多教徒都是凭记忆唱颂歌。

    Many members of the church sang from memory

  15. 种族主义的抬头让锡克教徒很担忧,因为他们是力量非常薄弱的少数群体。

    The rise of racism concerns Sikhs because they are such a visible minority .

  16. 这部电影的真正要旨是它审视了纽约的哈西德教徒。

    The real thrust of the film is its examination of New York 's Hasidic community

  17. 我的父母都是虔诚的圣公会教徒。

    Both my parents were devout Anglicans .

  18. 唱圣诞颂歌的风俗源自异教徒早期的舞蹈仪式。

    The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin

  19. 印度教徒对自己家园主张权利的时候到了。

    The time has come for Hindus to stake out their claim to their own homeland .

  20. 震颤派教徒认为家具应当朴素、简单、有用、实用,并且结构合理。

    The Shakers believed that furniture should be plain , simple , useful , practical and of sound construction

  21. “你们有自己的宗教信仰吗?”——“是的,我们都是印度教徒。”

    ' Do you follow any particular religion ? ' — ' Yes , we 're all Hindus . '

  22. 身为教徒,他们觉得自己对别人有一种责任感。

    As churchgoers , they felt a sense of responsibility to others .

  23. 牧师就许多人的烦恼问题向常去做礼拜的教徒提了忠告。

    Priests advise their churchgoers about many personal troubles .

  24. 他们是正统的犹太教徒。

    They are orthodox jews .

  25. 异教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂热分子拆除了。

    The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics .

  26. 在这个岛屿国家里有着令宗教极端分子、印度教徒、和穆斯林等害怕的东西

    There 's about this island-state that appalls religious extremists , Hindus and Muslims alike .

  27. 湿婆教在中爪哇恢复统治后,并没有导致佛教徒与印度教徒之间的对立

    The return of Saivite rule to central Java had brought no antagonism between Buddhists and Hindus .

  28. 现在是普遍恩典和共同土地(commongraceandcommonland)的纪元,基督徒要顺服掌权者&即使他们是异教徒,并生活在各样的宪法之下,而不是神通过摩西所颁布的律法所确立的。

    Now is the era of common grace and common land , obeying rulers even pagan ones and living under constitutions other than the one that God gave through Moses .

  29. 自从ISIS建立了哈里发政权来表明自己是全球穆斯林教徒的合法统治者,他们就已经给自己戴上了手铐。

    Once ISIS claimed to be the legitimate leaders of all Muslims worldwide by declaring the caliphate they tied their own hands .

  30. 罗马天主教(8.9%)、神召(AssembliesofGod)(4%)和七日基督安息日教徒(Seventh-dayAdventists)(2.9%)也很重要。

    Roman Catholics ( 8.9 % ), the Assemblies of God ( 4 % ), and Seventh-day Adventists ( 2.9 % ) are also significant .