
jiào gōng
  • Teaching staff;teaching and administrative staff;teaching and administrative staff (of a school)
教工 [jiào gōng]
  • [teaching and administrative staff (of a school)] 泛指学校里的教员、职员和工人

教工[jiào gōng]
  1. 某高校教工健康体检及健康教育结果分析

    Analysis of Healthy Education and Healthy Examination in High School Teaching and Administrative Staff

  2. 加强高校离退休教工社区卫生保健服务

    On promoting community medicare service for the retired teaching and administrative staff in institutions of higher education

  3. 芭芭拉·福利特最出名的事就是她教工党议员如何在电视上拥有良好形象。

    Barbara Follett 's greatest claim to fame is that she taught Labour MPs how to look good on television .

  4. 根据普通高校学生和教工田径运动会的特点,用VISUALBASIC和SQLsever设计高校田径运动会网络管理系统。

    With regards to the requirements of college sports meet , we use Visual Basic and SQL Sever to design the network management system of a college sports meet .

  5. 原有的管理信息系统已经不适应新情况要求,为了提高管理效率,降低管理成本,方便广大学生和教工,开发一个基Internet的学生工作管理信息系统就显得十分重要。

    Existing management information systems are not suited to new situations and demands , in order to improve management efficiency , reduce management costs , convenience of students and faculty to develop an Internet-based student work management information system is very important .

  6. 本文对绍兴师专教工HBsAg阳性率进行统计、分析、比较,并就如何降低群体感染问题提出一些预防措施。

    This essay offers the statistics , analyses and comparison of the rate of carrying HBsAg Positive in the teaching staff of Shaoxing Teachers College . It also provides some precautionary measures on how to reduce this mass infection .

  7. 初中教工在AHD能力的专业发展领域得分最高,其次为社会心理自我及健康行为领域,性别发展领域得分最低。

    Teachers had the highest score in the Professional Development Domain , then Psychosocial Self and Health Behavior Domain , and the score of Gender Development Domain was the lowest .

  8. 研究步骤包括:1.前期准备根据中文版护理人员AHD能力测评工具准备专家咨询问卷,采用逐级、循环的方式进行专家咨询形成中学教工AHD能力培养需求测评工具。

    Steps include : 1 . Preparation . According to Chinese Version AHD competency evaluation tool for nurse staff , prepared expert consultation questionnaire and conducted consultation periodically to develop AHD competency training needs evaluation tool for junior middle school teachers .

  9. 因为有全体教工会议,今天的课取消了。

    Classes have been cancelled today because of a staff meeting .

  10. 他下楼来到教工休息室,敲了敲门。

    He made his way down to the staffroom and knocked .

  11. 某高校教工2004年健康状况分析

    Analysis about health status of staff in the University in 2004

  12. 大学男教工体检结果分析

    Analysis of Results of Medical Examinations for the Male Staff of University

  13. 东莞理工学院教工生活区

    Staff Residential District in Dongguan Institute of Science & Technology

  14. 目的探讨教工定期健康普查以及预防保健的重要性。

    On reform of rural prevention and health care in Zhejiang Province ;

  15. 他大步朝着教工休息室的方向走去。

    He strode off in the direction of the staffroom .

  16. 学校图书馆只对学生和教工开放。

    The university library only opens to students and staff .

  17. 某高校教工脂肪肝患病率及其相关因素分析

    Investigation on Prevalence and Associated Factors of Fatty Liver Among College Staffs

  18. 延续文脉构建和谐&武汉大学教工活动中心建筑设计

    Continue Cultural History and Construct Harmonious & Design of Wuhan University Staff Club

  19. 他被派去教工人们操作新机器。

    He was sent to instruct the workers in operating the new machine .

  20. 567名高校教工口腔情况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Oral Cavities of 567 Teaching Staff of Institutes

  21. 院长向大学的全体教工致词。

    The Dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university .

  22. 论高校单元式单身教工宿舍的设计

    On Design of the unit dormitory of colleges for single workmen and workwomen

  23. 高校教工思想政治工作要实现五个转变

    Five Changes in the Ideological and Political Work

  24. 高校教工住宅房屋资源管理信息系统开发与应用

    The development and application of management information system for higher education faculty housing resources

  25. 本次调查以安徽农业大学现在职的全体女性教工为研究对象。

    Analysis on results of gynecological diseases census for female staff in a university ;

  26. 高校中老年教工高血压病的防治

    The prevention of high blood pressure among the middle-and old-aged stuff at colleges and Universities

  27. 开办之前,教工走访了许多伦敦的博物馆以获得灵感。

    Before it opened , the teaching staff visited numerous museums in London to get ideas .

  28. 作为一个少见的女修教工,你很容易被认出来,被指点。

    You were easily spotted and pointed out on the street as a rare woman pedicurist .

  29. 河南大学2005年3000名在职教工体检血脂结果分析

    Analysis of the Tested Blood Fat Results of the 3000 Staff Members of Henan University in 2005

  30. 有效推进高校教工党支部建设的手段研究

    Study on Effective Ways of Improving the Construction of Teacher 's CPC Branches in Colleges and Universities