
  1. 一个人怕挨骂,我看不好。

    I don 't consider it good for a person to be afraid of being abused .

  2. 护士:怎么看不好呢?你看,你边上的病人是不是一个个都恢复的很好。

    Nurse : Why ? You see the patients beside you are all recovering very well . Patient : It is different . I am different from them .

  3. 我一直看不到好东西。

    I never get to see the good bits .

  4. 我看是不好的,因为他们反对工农,就是反对革命,所以说,它是青年运动中的一股逆流。

    I think not , because in opposing the workers and peasants they are in fact opposing the revolution ; that is why we say it is a counter-current in the youth movement .

  5. 当谈论少量物质的时候,就像溶质,我给你看个不好的例子,如糖和水。

    If you 're talking about something which in a very small amount , just the solute , like , well I 'm going to give you an example which is a bad example , like sugar and water .

  6. 飞行员看当天生意不好,乘客也少,最终同意了他的请求。

    Since it was a slow day and there were not many customers , the pilot finally agreed .

  7. 我觉得小孩子看那种东西不好。

    I feel it 's bad for kids to watch .

  8. 有时候,回头看过去是不好的。

    Sometimes it 's not good to look back in the past .

  9. 吃肉又怎么啦?我看没什么不好的。

    What 's wrong with eating meat ? I think it 's natural .

  10. 就算有你也看不见,好吧

    You wouldn 't see it . Okay .

  11. 就算他确实这样说了,你看有什么不好的呢?

    Granted that he did say so , what harm can you see in it ?

  12. 李:看你气色不好,一起去洗个脚吧,我这儿有优惠券。

    Li : You look bad , let 's go to footbath together , I have value vouchers .

  13. 我知道,真离谱我也看不到你好吧

    I know , it 's ridiculous . I can 't see you , either . All right .

  14. 关键是看给不给好心态,机会去不好的现状。

    The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation .

  15. 这个特殊的向量,在你的屏幕上可能都看不全,好的,它一共包括40件物品。

    So this particular vector , you probably can 't even see the whole thing on your screen . Well , it 's got40 items in it .

  16. 他们也看不见你的好的品质和好的方面。

    They don 't see all the good and sweet stuff .

  17. 被别人看在眼里可不好,先生。

    Does not please the eyes of others , sir .

  18. 从这个窗子看出去景色很不好。

    There is a bad view from this window .

  19. 好主意!这比看一个不太好的电视节目要好得多!

    Good idea ! That is much better than watching a bad TV programme !

  20. 但是我们从现在看这个好和不好的论点。

    But we will be looking at good and bad arguments from now on .

  21. 我看不出你很好,我从工作的疲惫。

    I can 't see you well , and I 'm tired from work .

  22. 我看你脸色不怎么好。

    You do not look well .

  23. 长时间看电视对眼睛不好。

    It 's bad for your eyes if you sit in front of the TV for too long .

  24. 你看,那不太好,真的不太好。

    Well , now , you see , that 's bad . that 's really , really bad .

  25. 我看的第一个不好,第二个也不好。

    The first one that I looked at was not good , and neither was the second ( one ) .

  26. “你这样待候她,真够你累的。我看你脸色不怎么好。样样事都让你一个人操心烦神,要是我跟你在一起就好了!”

    Your attendance upon her has been too much for you . You do not look well . Oh ! that I had been with you , you have had every care and anxiety upon yourself alone .

  27. 他们看不见你的好处,他们看不见你好的一面,他们认为你有点……

    Phoebe : But they don 't see all the wonderfulness that I see . They don 't see all the good stuff and all the sweet stuff . They just think you 're a little ...