
  1. 带夜视镜的摄像机一有动静就会启动。

    Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement .

  2. 后门窗户后面有动静。

    There was movement behind the window in the back door

  3. 你们不饶舌的时候,我听到有动静。

    I can hear the ragheads when you 're not gabbing .

  4. 警卫说他的同伴听见有动静。

    The security guard said his partner heard a noise .

  5. 他发现监狱西边有动静。

    He found something outsideon the Westside of the prison .

  6. 埃琳娜我听见有动静是我俩抱歉

    Elena . I heard something.That was us . I 'm sorry .

  7. 一天晚上我听见防火梯上有动静

    one night I heard some noise on my fire escape

  8. 玛莎听见有动静,转过身来想看看是什么。

    Martha heard a noise and spun around to see what it was .

  9. 我发现幕布后面突然有动静。

    I noticed a sudden movement behind the curtain .

  10. 是,长官!等等,长官,这里有动静

    Yes , sir ! Hang on , sir , there 's movement here

  11. 西莉亚听到身后有动静,转过身去。

    Celia turned , aware of movement behind her .

  12. 下雨了,阳光暖和了,有动静了。

    The rain falls , and the sun warms , and something happens .

  13. 这时听到院子里有动静

    when I heard a noise in the yard .

  14. 哨兵奉命一发现有动静就立即开枪。

    The sentry had orders to shoot on sight .

  15. 楼房沉到下层土时,楼里就会有动静。

    Some movement in the building will occur as it settles into the subsoil .

  16. 他听到楼下有动静,就马上起了床。

    He heard a noise downstairs and was out of bed like a shot .

  17. 我听见灌木丛里有动静。

    I heard something moving in the undergrowth .

  18. 过了不久,他听到楼下有动静,

    Soon after , he heard voices downstairs ,

  19. 我听见前廊那有动静

    I heard something on the front porch .

  20. 一有动静就来报告。

    Report as soon as anything happens .

  21. 听到身后有动静,就转过身,他就动手打了我

    I heard something behind me , and I turned , and he hit me .

  22. 他听见小屋里有动静。

    He heard movement in the hut .

  23. 外面有动静

    There is movement in the courtyard

  24. 当时殡葬人员正在准备为沃尔特·威廉姆斯进行防腐处理,突然他们发现尸体袋中有动静。

    Morticians were preparing Walter Williams 's embalmment when they noticed movement coming from the bag .

  25. 田野罩上一层白霜,太阳出来前是不会有动静来打破这一片死寂的。

    The field was covered with white frost . Nothing moved out there in the deep quiet just before sunrise .

  26. 一有动静你们就行动。不等他们动手就先打倒他们、干掉他们。

    The slightest whiff of anything and you move in . Shake'em down , crush'em before they even start to grow .

  27. 我大可随波逐流,他想,管自睡去,预先把钓索在脚趾上绕上一圈,有动静时可以把我弄醒。

    I could just drift , he thought , and sleep and put a bight of line around my toe to wake me .

  28. 一有动静就电话,别瞒著我,约翰.一定要打,-好

    Call me if you hear anything . Don 't hold out on me , John.Call me , OK ? - Yeah . Yeah , right .

  29. 这时他们后面的林子里传来鹦鹉之类的鸟鸣声,他们听到树丛间有动静,最后,响起一阵凯斯宾的号角。

    Then some bird of the parrot kind screamed in the wood behind them , they heard movements among the trees , and finally a blast on Caspian 's horn .

  30. 有动静来历说,一些资金可以来自费米国家加速器尝试室的财政预算,可是尝试室可能需要增添货泉投入以资付账。

    Some of the funds could come from Fermilab budget , but the lab is likely to need an additional injection of money to foot the bill , sources say .