
  1. 由于怀疑有贪腐现象,世界银行已经取消了为一座大桥出资的协议。

    The world bank has scrapped a deal to pay for a big bridge because of its suspicions of corruption .

  2. 有人贪爱钱财,就被引诱离开真道,用许多痛苦把自己刺透了。

    Some people , eager for money , have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs .

  3. 在人的自然性和社会阶级性的相互作用下,这种犯罪现象产生并日趋严重,夏、商、周都有惩贪思想的论述。

    Because the interaction of the human nature and social class , this kind of crime phenomenon is produces and becomes more serious , there is argumentation of punishing the greedy thought in Xia Dynasty , Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty .

  4. 合众社记者之中有位好酒贪怀的人,上星期已由德国秘密警察监护前往法兰克福动手术。

    One of the U.P correspondents , a heavy drinker , was taken to frankfurt last week under Gestapo guard for an operation .

  5. 因为你打妄语,有争、贪、求、自私自利这些行为,就会影响胎儿也有这种心理,所以就不会在社会上做一个良好的国民。

    Because if a mother engages in any of these behaviors , her baby will be influenced accordingly and develop similar mindset . Consequently , the child won 't become a good citizen .

  6. 我们要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肃,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实际成效取信于民。

    We must have the resolution to fight every corrupt phenomenon , punish every corrupt official and constantly eradicate the soil which breeds corruption , so as to earn people 's trust with actual results .