
  • 网络Adam And Eve;ADAM & EVE
  1. 有什麽是因著亚当与夏娃违背上帝之约,而受到咒诅?

    What was cursed because Adam and Eve broke God 's covenant ?

  2. 骄傲是恶在亚当与夏娃堕落之前的最初推动力。

    Pride is the initial evil impulse behind the fall of Adam and Eve .

  3. 这段话与亚当与夏娃的第一宗罪有什麽相似之处?

    What parallels does this passage have with Adam and Eve 's first sin ?

  4. 没有什么简单的办法去证实或证伪亚当与夏娃的故事。

    There is no simple way of trying to prove or disprove the Adam and Eve story .

  5. 那些红色的装饰物传统得代表亚当与夏娃之故事里的苹果。

    The red ornaments traditionally represent apples , which point to the story of Adam and Eve .

  6. 亚当与夏娃被驱逐出伊甸园,再不能经历直接的敬拜。

    Adam and Eve could experience direct fellowship with their Creator and constantly be in his immediate presence .

  7. 撒但对人类的影响,始于让亚当与夏娃的心背离上帝。

    Satan 's sway over mankind began when he turned the minds of Adam and Eve against God .

  8. 由于堕落,亚当与夏娃失去了神赐给他们的永生理想花园。

    Due to their fall , Adam and Eve lost the garden of eternal ideals that God had granted .

  9. 玛士撒拉是伊诺克之子,在〈创世记〉中他是亚当与夏娃在该隐之后所生的赛特的后裔。

    The son of Enoch , he is mentioned in Genesis as a descendant of Seth , the son of AdamEve begotten after Cain .

  10. 换句话说,亚当与夏娃失去了良善之园,那是他们可以与神分享生命中的喜悦与痛苦的地方。

    In other words , Adam and Eve lost the garden of goodness where they could share the pleasures and pains of life with god .

  11. 据传闻,智者来自遥远的中国,找到身为女人的弥赛亚,即后来被称为亚当与夏娃。

    The wise men reportedly came from as far as China to find Messiah born of a woman as was spoken of since Adam and Eve .

  12. 在其他情况下,他们被视为兄弟或姐妹两个天使,那么在后来的基督教传统,正如亚当与夏娃。

    In other instances they were seen as a sister and brother or two angels , then within later Christian traditions , as Adam and eve .

  13. 最终,撒旦及其同伙遭谴全变成了蛇,亚当与夏娃被逐出了伊甸园。

    The poem concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man : the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden .

  14. 然后就要醒了,所以农庄就像流浪人那样白白,沾满露水回来了,肩上停著一只公鸡贼亮无比,简直是亚当与夏娃,而天空再度露脸太阳长得圆滚滚不错那一天。

    And then to awake , and the farm , like a wanderer white With the dew , come back , the cock on his shoulder : it was all Shining , it was Adam and maiden , The sky gathered again And the sun grew round that very day .

  15. 这部现在仍是匈牙利文学基石的诗剧,描述了亚当如何与夏娃一起被逐出伊甸园,和上帝断绝关系并决心通过自己的努力再造伊甸园。

    The verse drama , still a cornerstone of Hungarian literature , describes how Adam is cast out of the Garden with Eve , renounces God and determines to recreate Eden through his own efforts .