
  • 网络subpopulation;subgroup;sub-group;sub-population
  1. 3利用DISPAN程序计算了各位点总群体基因多样度、亚群体基因多样度和遗传分化系数的平均值分别是0.6348、0.5603、0.1174。

    Coming out the total population gene diversity , subpopulation gene diversity and genetic differentiation coefficient , the average number of the three index is 0.6348,0.5603, 0.1174 respectively .

  2. 不论在何种家庭类型的学生亚群体中,均呈现出负面情感随家庭关系融洽程度的提高而减少,其他维度的生活质量随家庭关系融洽度的提高而提高的总体趋势。

    Negative emotions are less as the improvement of familial relations , while life quality of other dimensions is improved as the improvement of familial relations among subgroup students in any type of family .

  3. 随机漂移亚群体等位基因频率分布的假定及在DNA指纹数据中的应用

    A Supposed Distribution for Random Drift Substructure of Population and Its Application in DNA Fingerprinting Date

  4. Co群体的可育、不育亚群体间单株种子重和品质性状存在差异。

    The differences of seed weight and quality traits were observed between sterile and fertile sub-populations in Co population .

  5. 基于分离亚群体QTL定位的模拟研究

    A Simulated Study on Mapping QTL in a Segregating Sub - population

  6. 氨茶碱对哮喘患儿Th亚群体外影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects in Vitro of Aminophylline on Th Subsets from Children with Allergic Bronchial Asthma During Remission Period

  7. 高油(gy)亚群体平均脂肪含量高于基础群体0.24%,≥20%的个体比基础群体增加11.05%。

    For the gy ( high oil content ) sub-population , oil content was 0.24 % higher than that of the base population , and the individuals with more than 20 % oil content were 11.05 % higher than that of the base population .

  8. 对火炬松Pinustaeda主群体新丰亚群体测定林按材积作配合选择研究,结果表明材积增益高于家系选择。

    Test of Xinfeng sub-population of the main breeding population of Pinus taeda was assessed for growth traits . Selection was carried out using tree volume . The results showed that genetic gains of combining selection were higher than that of family selection .

  9. 随机漂移亚群体的两种模拟结果的比较

    Comparison Between Two Simulating Results for Random Drift Substructure of Population

  10. 该国必须及时控制艾滋病病毒在这些高风险亚群体中的传播。

    The country must act urgently to limit HIV infection in this high-risk sub-population .

  11. 高职生社会适应能力的亚群体差异不显著。

    The difference on ability of social adaptation of HVE students is not significant in subgroups . 4 .

  12. 结果显示,在被调查的白粉菌群体中,尽管某些毒性基因的频率在不同地区有所不同,但大部分亚群体中毒性基因的频率在不同地区极为接近;

    Most of virulent genes investigated in this study showed very similar virulence frequencies in the four different areas .

  13. 亚群体在这场文化运动中,以积极主动的方式向主流文化发起进攻,对强势文化提出抗争,向精英文化发起挑战。

    During the cultural movement , sub-groups attack the mainstream culture and challenge the elite culture in a proactive manner .

  14. 证明了不同亚群体之间确实在顾客价值方面存在差异,为汽车厂商提供了认识顾客需求的新视角。

    Indeed between different sub-groups differences in customer value and provide a new perspective for understanding customer needs for automotive manufacturers .

  15. 育种群是组成整个育种群体的多个亚群体,其意义相当于农作物育种的近交系。

    Breeding groups , subdivisions of a breeding population composed of superior individuals , are equivalent to inbred lines in crop breeding .

  16. 以该量表为研究工具,科学地探讨不同类型企业的创造性组织情境特征,并系统地揭示企业员工的不同亚群体对组织的创造性支持的知觉差异;

    Exploring the characteristics of creative situation in different enterprises , and flying to reflect the different feelings of different employees about the creative support ;

  17. 他们是迁移人口中的亚群体,身体状况以及经济状况的劣势使得他们成为了某种意义上的弱势群体。

    They are migratory population in sub groups , health and economic status of inferior position enabled them to become the sense of vulnerable groups .

  18. 学校中的教师与学生携带着“看不见的行李”,导致教师与学生之间、学生各种亚群体之间的文化差异与碰撞。

    At school , the " hidden luggage " carried by teachers and students cause cultural differences and crashes between them and among students ' sub-groups .

  19. 结果:两组逃逸系数、稳定水平、重力系数、2项指标的P值均<0.05,有显著差异,亚健康群体的脑功能活动不同于健康群体。

    Results : There were significant differences between the two groups in escape modulus ? steady level and gravitational modulus ( P < 0 05 ) .

  20. 论网络亚文化群体破坏行为的青春期性质

    The adolescence character of Internet sub-culture group 's destruction behavior

  21. 杰克·伦敦小说中的文化霸权-暴力及其导致的亚文化群体心理格式

    Cultural hegemony - violence and its resulting subaltern subjectivity in Jack London 's novels

  22. 黑客亚文化群体简论

    On the Subculture Group of Hacker

  23. 每一文化都包含着能为其他成员提供更为具体的认同感和社会化的较小的亚文化群体。

    Every culture contains certain groups of subculture which can provide its members more specific sense of recognition and socialization .

  24. 根据年龄,性别,和背景等,中国学生可以分为不同的亚文化群体。

    Chinese students can be divided into different co-cultures according to their background , age , gender and so on .

  25. 每一个亚文化群体都有它自己的特点,这也决定他们同其它人的交际有所不同。

    Each co-culture has its own characteristics , which determines that their communication with others will be different to some degree .

  26. 本文从正反两方面探讨了互联网对普通受众和特殊亚文化群体的影响。

    This paper discusses the impact of the Internet on ordinary audience and the special sub-cultural groups from the positive and negative .

  27. 同性恋人群一直以来就是不为社会大多数人所接受的亚文化群体,长期游离于社会的边缘。

    Homosexuals , as a sub-cultural group has not been accepted by the majority of society rather than alienation from mainstream culture .

  28. 在研究中可以看到,对调查对象产生最关键影响的来自于他们的亚文化群体交往中。

    In the study , we can see that most of the interviewees have a critical impact from the suBculture groups in their dealings .

  29. 同性恋人群作为一个亚文化群体,一直以来不为社会上大多数人所接受而游离于主流文化之外。

    As to be a minor-cultural community , Homosexuals always have been not accepted by the majority and divorced from the mainstream of the culture .

  30. 民族是历史上形成的具有共同地域、共同语言、共同经济生活和共同心理素质的人群共同体。也是一个亚文化群体。

    Nation is a historically established human and sub-culture community , occupying the same territory , speaking one language , living an economic life and sharing common psychology .