
  • 网络Acta Zoologica;acta zoologica sinica;CURRENT ZOOLOGY
  1. 被膜、卵柄与卵膜最外层的结构相同,均由E1层构成[动物学报51(5):852-8612005]。

    The investment coat wrapping the ovigerous hair consists morphologically of the same structure as were present in the egg stalk and the outmost layer of egg envelope .

  2. 两岛屿北草蜥主要采取行为调节对策来适应自然界的热环境变化,尚未发现热生理学特征的进化性漂移[动物学报51(5):797-8052005]。

    T. septentrionalis in these islands adopt behavioral thermoregulation rather than evolutionary shift in physiology to accumulate the seasonal and daily variations in thermal environments .

  3. 推测乳中高水平的游离精氨酸在大熊猫幼仔生长发育中可能发挥重要作用[动物学报52(2):309-3152006]。

    It is suggested that high level of free arginine in giant panda milk may play an important role in the growth and development of giant panda cubs .

  4. 具有多洞穴特点的喀斯特和火山熔岩地貌具有较多的翼手目种类,但红层地貌由于分布于南方和分散分布的特点而具有最高的翼手目种数密度[动物学报51(3):413-4222005]。

    Although more Chiroptera species distribute Karst and Volcano lava physiognomies reasonably due to caves for inhabiting , red beds have highest species density of Chiroptera , perhaps seasonably due to its southern distribution and patched dispersion .

  5. 基于这项研究,我认为只有通过对自然变异的长期、细致的观察,才能发现行为生态中细微变化,才能解释、或者预测人为影响对自然干扰的底限[动物学报51(5):821-8292005]。

    It is only by such intensive long-term study of natural variation that the subtleties of behavioural ecology can be interpreted , generating the natural baseline against which anthropogenic impacts can be interpreted , or from which they may be predicted .

  6. 旱季降雨的缺乏,加上沼泽边界区域采食竞争以及天敌捕食压力,是引发马羚在北部平原生境普遍退化之前其种群提前下降的因素[动物学报52(2):406-4092006]。

    Lack of dry season rainfall , coupled with competition for grazing at the ephemeral wetland boundary , and an increase in predation pressure could have provided a trigger for the decline of roan earlier than the general broad scale habitat deterioration of the northern plains landscape .