
duān zhuó sī lì rǎn sè tǐ
  • Acrocentric chromosome;telocentric chromosome
  1. 采用类似于MarkW.性染色体Z为中着丝粒染色体,W为近端着丝粒染色体。

    Similar to Mark W. The sex chromosome .

  2. 染色质的一小部分,含有核糖体RNA基因,位于近端着丝粒染色体的短臂染色质末端;

    Chromosomal satellite & A small mass of chromatin containing genes for ribosomal RNA , at the end of the short arm of each chromatid of an acrocentric chromosome ;

  3. 雄性性染色体ZZ是整个染色体组中最长的一对近端着丝粒染色体;

    The sex chromosomes ZZ in the male are subtelocentri chromosome , which are the largest chromosome pair in the whole genome .

  4. 核仁和核仁蛋白两对小的端着丝粒染色体的随体部位有银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)。

    The Nucleolus and Nucleolar Proteins Ag-NORs , with different activities in cells , were found to be located on chromosomes 18 and 19 respectively .

  5. XY染色体是一较小的中部着丝粒染色体,雄性个体中没有其它与之相对的染色体,Y染色体为小的端着丝粒染色体,为最小者。

    The chromosome in XY Group is smaller metacentric one to which no other chromosome is relative in male individuals , and the Y chromosome is small terminal centromere , being the smallest of all the chromosomes .

  6. 甲亢患者的近端着丝粒染色体随体联合

    The Satellite Association of Acrocentric Chromosomes from the Patients with Hyperthyroidism

  7. Y为中型近端着丝粒染色体。

    Y-chromosome is a middle - sized acrocentric .

  8. 目的:为探讨人近端着丝粒染色体随体联合与自然流产的相关性。

    Objective : To search the relationship between satellite associations in human acrocentric chromosomes and recurrent abortions .

  9. 山羊和北山羊的染色体均为60条,且均为端着丝粒染色体;

    The number of the chromosomes 2n = 60 in goat and Capra ibex , All of the chromosomes were acrocentric chromosomes .

  10. 其中也有两个居群的染色体类型不含有近端部着丝粒染色体(st)。

    However , there are two populations in which do not contain any acrocentric chromosome .

  11. 染色体均为端部着丝粒染色体;

    All the chromosomes are terminal centromere withcenteomereC-banding .